What Do You Do If No One Believes You Are Being Abused

What would you do if you were being abused and nobody believed you?

I developed a crushing lack of self-esteem, crippling depression and an inability to truly trust others. Childhood abuse breaks you in ways I’m not sure can be fully repaired. Being called a liar throughout that time completely broke me of any hope to function as a healthily-trusting, well-adjusted person.This experience made me what others call gullible. It’s kind of like an over-compensation for not being believed myself. So the whole thing just messed up my perspective of how we communicate.I’ve resigned myself to understanding that disbelief and dishonesty are common denominators in our society. I realized it wasn’t a personal attack, just the cold reality of our culture.A child with tales of rape and violence?Immediately dismissed.Yet it is children who are beaten and raped by the millions everyday. All of these people broken because someone saw them as an easy target. Because they knew no one would believe them.I’d rather be made a fool of by a liar than ignore one child saying they’ve been hurt.

My dad abuses me and no one believes me.. help me?

Omy. Well, that is quite a serious situation you have. First of all, I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I'm sorry this happened to you. Secondly, I know you don't want to go to the authorities, but that might be what you have to do. I know it is a bad situation that you're being put in, not wanting to go to anyone. But maybe a school counselor? Tell her/him everything you wrote here. Like how, yes you do have a self abuse history but no, that is not what this is. You should mention that no one else is willing to listen, because they think you are making excuses. Tell them what you wrote here about how you wouldn't lie, because you wouldn't want to leave all of the things you have and love here. I honestly, have no better advice than to tell someone with the power to make this stop. You said it keeps getting worse, and it might continue that way if you don't make something about it happen. Don't let yourself be afraid to stand out, and don't be afraid to use your voice. You have a right to be safe in your own house, and you have a right to be happy. Don't let that get taken away from you. Thirdly, I am sure you are an amazing person. You are not an "ugly, gothic freak", that is ridiculous. You are an individual person with different interests and likes. You are interesting, you are unique. There is no one else like you, and that is an amazing thing that people should not look down on you for. You are not "fat". That is something that people tell others to tear them down, to make them look at themselves in the mirror and find flaws. It is not true. And you are not "stupid". Obviously, because you have very very good grades. But also because each person is smart in many different ways. You said you play music, there are many people in the world who just cannot figure out how to play music. See, not only are you smart in school, you know how to do that. And you can ride horses, that takes a lot of talent too! You are an amazing person, so please, for the sake of yourself, do something.You should not be smothered by such action from people who are supposed to raise you up and teach you right from wrong. It is good that you are willing to fight back, and it is good that you are willing to speak out. Good luck letting your voice be heard. I hope someone believes you. Remember, you are amazing.

Bullied and no one believes me?

Let it be their problem which it really is...

For all who hurt-Hurting people hurt others. Its not you, they are the ones who have a problem. They are sick and being mean makes them feel better. People/kids/parents do mean things or lie to manipulate. They just want the reaction so they can get high feel good from it. The words are not true. This info is needed to undestand the rest.

Rejection/father gone it lets other things start. Cutting, OCD, anxiety, panic attacks, hearing voices, psychic dreams can all come from a tramautic past. Its opens doors to the negative and they start to dwell closeby. They have problems not you.

Demons are related to fallen angels, angels who rebelled against God. Demons are evil, deceptive, and destructive. According to 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, demons masquerade as “angels of light” and as “servants of righteousness.” Appearing as a “ghost” and impersonating a deceased human being definitely is a disguise that demons use. They also cause plain harassment and emotional torment. They can also look like shadows or most anything even angels..dogs...

Demons are attracted to the very sad, or just a house where death or sin was, and make you seem to have many mental problems as well as have you see things. They are on the increase and may come even if theres no abuse.

Getting into witchcraft, drugs or new age religions such as hindu will also make you see things. Sometimes for no reason they just hate humans.

God helps anyone even if they dont know him.

1. Play Christian music.
2. Say get out in Jesus name in each room.
3. Throw away Ouija boards.
4. Dont consult mediums or talk to spirits it will make it worse.
5. You can talk to me or Google "Emotional Abuse" They are the sick ones not you.
6. Google "Sinners prayers"
7. Google "Deliverance prayers"

Contact me on Y mesgr to talk/I have time. Read my profile.

I saw an alien, but no one believes me.?

When I was sleeping last night, an alien woke me up. I could not believe the alien was standing right in front of me. It said something in its language, but I could not understand any. I greeted, but it did not understand English either. The alien took cash from my wallet and took my i-pad. I had no reservations nor regret about the money an i-pad I gave the alien. The problem is no one believes it.