What Do You Do If Someone Is Trying To Steal Your Job

What would you do if you saw someone stealing from the store you are working at?

the CORRECT reply would be that you would make a mental note of what this person was wearing and all that stuff and IMMEDIATELY report to your boss / and or assets protection............under NO circumstances would you try to apprehend them alone but you would follow all given procedures.

I do not mean to be rude but what is so hard about that reply................. the same goes IF it was a member of staff or a friend that you saw stealing, if another member of staff then you need to take it to some one higher up the food chain than the person you saw stealing.

edit : then the store employer that accused you was totally in the wrong and was probably in a lot of trouble for doing what he could also have made a case out of it if you had known the law and that you was totally in the right, ie paid for it and had the recipt..........most shops have a very CLEAR policy of what to do if you see a member of the public stealing, the very LAST thing you do is go up to the person and say you think you saw them steal.

What do you do if someone is stealing your work? Someone is stealing work from my Github and I want them to stop.

I approached the person doing it, in private and spelled out my evidence. Unfortunately, this person was way above me in the hierarchy and his position was that yes, he was doing it. So what … “I’m the Director and all work belongs to me. I will dispense credit as I see fit.”He made it clear that he wasn’t going to stop and that if I pursued the matter further, things would get very rough for me. I quit, giving my two weeks notice and that was that.Now if the person is more of a peer or in a company that won’t tolerate theft of others’ work, I’d still start with the same approach. That is, talk to the person privately, lay out your evidence and ask them to stop. If they refuse, you have to decide how much you like your current job and perhaps how much relative power the other person has at the company.If you were looking to leave anyway or the other person has a lot of pull above you, it might be time to move on. On the other hand, if you like the job and you believe your boss will listen, approach him or her. Stick to facts, not hearsay. As a manager, I have no time for what you say someone said in the lunchroom while talking to the backup receptionist. Have factual evidence that your work is being stolen and I’ll definitely listen.

What would you say to someone that kept trying to steal your foods?

I think this depends on who the person is and why they are taking my food.If I know the person and I know they are taking my food because they are hungry and have no food of their own (and no means to buy any), I will do my best to share with them (to the limit of my budget).If the person is a fellow student or coworker who is taking my food specifically to cause me trouble or annoyance, I would need to first ask them nicely to leave my food for me. If the behavior continues, I would need to bring it to the attention of an authority (a teacher, administrator, work supervisor or manager).And finally, if needed I would keep my food separate and secured. This could mean a locked box or drawer, a separate small refrigerator in a locked room, or whatever is needed to remove the food from where it is a temptation to be stolen.One last note, if you are a teen or young adult living in your parents’ home, and you are buying snacks with your allowance or money from a part time job, and the person stealing your food is a younger sibling… after a family meeting with your parents, it’s probably best to just not bring home enough to be stolen. Get only what you will eat that day. Fighting with younger brothers and sisters over some junk food just isn’t worth it. Better yet, eat healthy and you will not only feel healthier but also set a good example for the rest of your family.

Is it legal to use pepper spray on someone if they try to steal from your garage sale?

I was planning on having a garage sale with a friend of mine next week. We're both only teenagers and I was thinking it'd be easy for someone to try and take advantage of that. I was thinking we could keep some pepper spray on us just in case (that's all I have in the form of defense) but would it be legal to use it on someone for something as simple as theft?

btw we're in Las Vegas, Clark County, NV

How do u stop someone from trying to steal your girlfriend?

**** this one's easy, monkey see monkey do, do things to make her like u , be super romantic show her tht u have stuff tht he doesnt have, show her tht she needs u to survive, take her out to lunch, or a picnice, do fun stuff together, kiss her wen he is around, play fun games, get into her mind n get her stuff she likes like roses or chocolate, this may cost alot but if u like her thn this shouldnt matter, get a job to help pay

Have you ever met anyone who tried to steal your job?

Yes. Once in twenty years working for any employer or contractor. Once. So Ingrid if you are reading this, you were that one. I was working on contract for Deloitte & Touché. She was hired as an employee and I was supposed to train her on some parallel work I had been doing, since it would be long term. She was in her early twenties and I was late thirties. I was not a threat to her in any way. But it seemed Ingrid decided in life to get ahead she had to step on and try to crush as many backs as possible. She was just aggressively fake smile weird.I kept my contract. She got a promotion which didn’t affect me. Eventually I moved from that city so the peculiar relationship ended.It made me wonder how well that office vetted their hires long ago.I recruited for about eight years …. Business owners and managers: strongly encourage you to use 90–120 day temp to perm. Permanent recruiters will groan over me saying this. But it’s way easier to dump a weird contractor than an employee.Actually, perm recruiters might agree because we often had to give guarantees on placements and it sucked if a company changed their mind and wanted someone else and we had to redo the process without getting paid.

My "friend" is trying to steal my job! Please Help! (Kind of long)?

Honey, Don't quit your job just because someone you don't like might work there.
There are many who wished they could have just one job and you obviously know its not always easy these days.
I don't think its possible for him to
"steal your job" why would your manager push you to the side for your friends sake?
You said that your manager and coworkers think your a good worker so why worry?

Continuing doing what your doing.
Stay away from him block his number.
Wouldn't it be better to tell him you don't want to be friends? Why do you keep someone like that in your life anyway?

Like I said its not easy getting jobs these days so don't jeopardize what you have.
So what if your loser friend wants to work there, you'll find out If he does and if he becomes an employee then let him!
Let your manager find out what type of person he really is.
You can't go about sabotaging people like that especially with a job like yours.
It doesn't look professional.

Have you ever caught another customer trying to steal the tip you left and what did you do?

This has never happened to me because I never leave the tip on the table. On my way out, I usually look for my server and make sure I hand her the tip personally if I pay with cash. And if it is a very large bill, then I pay with my credit card and mark the % of the tip on the invoice I sign.