What Do You Do To Give To Parents

What do you do when your parents give up on you?

Spend some time with your folks. Try helping around the house. Do some subtle things to help your mom, like taking out the garbage, helping with the dishes, vacuuming your room, do the laundry.
This will make them sit up and take notice of you. Make an effort to cook breakfast for them on Sunday morning and serve it to them in bed.

Start doing these things on a regular basis.

Make an effort to improve your grades at school.
If they have something for you to do or somewhere to go that clashes with your sport or time with your boyfriend, try to do it or go with them for a change. If they give you back your phone be responsible when using it and not run up a large account.

These things will show your parents that you love them, more than a book full of words can. If they see that you are making this effort their attitude towards you will change. It won't happen over night but it will happen.

If you could give some advice to all parents, what would you say?

Please don't beat your child no matter what.During childhood most of the kids seem to be out of control.They don't know what is wrong or right.If they commit a mistake ,don't get angry .Sit down with him and explain the consequences that might happen due to his behavior.No matter how much angry you are from inside,dont show it.Teach him everything with patience.A child learns from his surroundings .If parents don't maintain a healthy and non violent environment in the house then they can't expect their child to behave in a nice way.If parents beat their child,it lowers his self esteem. It make his soul weak. It makes him less confident. It will not help him to become a matured kid . It makes him a more stubborn child. Please don't do it.Encouragement works as magic on a child.Appreciate him for his small achievements and always encourage him to do better .Don't exert any kind of pressure on him.Don't compare him with other kids.Everyone is special in his own way.Never say him “you can't do it”.You have no idea it leaves a huge negative impact on his mind.No matter how much busy you are ,don't forget to spend some quality time with your child.Listen to his dreams,his problems,insecurities .Usually a child don't feel comfortable to share his problems with his parents. So parents have to initiate the process to understand their child.Parents should make their child realize that they trust him ,it will make him responsible.Before doing anything he will think about his parents.Your child needs your love and attention !!!

What is the best thing we can give to our parents?

The best things we can give to our parents areIf you are a student study well , good marks for their kids are the most expected thing by every parents.Obey:Never say back answers to them , obey them.Love them ,they raised you up with so-many difficulties and guided you to what you are now.Talk: If you are away from your parents call them at least thrice in a week ,share your experiences of the day . If you are with them have good talks.Care: Take them out for shopping,movie,cafe,ride,religious place. they will definitely love it.

What is a good way to give advice to your parents?

they are your parents and you should give advice or suggest etc being in the boundary of actually depends on the communication between you and your parents. if you and your parents have more communication gap in between then you should give your advice the shape of a question or have to say indirectly.if you have minimum communication gap then you could directly say that dear parents i have a suggestion and im sorry in advance because my suggestion might be wrong because you have lived more than me and have more experience about life and every thing and then start what you really want to say.hope they will never mind.

How can I make my parents proud of me?

just be proud of yourself and live up to your own expectations. that is all you can do. you seem pitiful to them if you dont believe in yourself. thats why everytime my kids come to me with something and say 'are you proud of me mommy?' i assure them that i am, but i also make sure that they are proud of themselves for achieving whatever it was. i dont want them to constantly think its all about pleasing me and living up to my standards. i want them to do the best they can and be proud!

plus i am sure your parents love you and are proud, some people just have a hard time showing it or are really bad at it. i know is sucks on your end of the stick, but if it bothers you that much, sit down and talk to them. keeping it inside is not going to do any good.

How can we make our parents happy?

Not only for my parents but to make every Indian parent happy:Be the topper always.Get up early in the morning.Minimum use of phone.No TV/movies/video games.Respect all the relatives.Obey without questioning them ever.Eat what your mother cooks and praise her even if you are eating bitter gourd.Earn well. At least more than their friends’ children.Arrange marriage.Give them grand children.What you must do to make them happy:Take care of their health.Ensure their timely nutritious meals.Visit religious places with them.Visit them once in a while if you live away from them.Call them everyday. At least once.Surprise them by buying things for them which they want but never ask you to buy.Cook meal for them once in a while.Lie to them that you have eaten properly.Obey them. Love them. Respect them.Give them grand children.:-)

What do you want to do the most for your parents?

Personally, I want to give back.I feel that my parents have given up and sacrificed so much for me. I know that they’re my parents and it might just be second nature to them, but I want them to know that I appreciate everything they have done. I may not be the most communicative or expressive of my gratitude, which is why I want to show them that their sacrificed were not in vain.I want to work hard in school and succeed so that they can be proud of me, so that I can be proud of myself. I want to find a good job and treat my parents to whatever they want, like they did for me when I was younger. I want them to fly first class and have that king size luxury mattress. I want them to have everything they need and everything they could ever want.I’m still a kid so I can’t do all this yet, so for now I’ll settle with cleaning the dishes and emptying the dishwasher before my mom comes home. I want to relieve the burden off their shoulders and put it on my own. I know this isn’t what children are supposed to do - it’s the parents’ job but I can’t help it. I see how hard my mom works, waking up at 5:30 in the morning to go to work and coming home exhausted, but still cooking dinner for the family. I see her stay up until 3 AM sometimes to finish some work. I see my dad bend over backwards to please me, to drive me wherever I want, to buy my favorite foods and only eat when I’m done.My parents are some of the best people I know so what I want to do the most for them, is lighten their stress/workload and relax. I want my parents to be happy like they have made me happy.

Did your parents pay for college?

I think at least for the first year when your just out of highschool and you don't really have a lot of money your parents should pay and then maybe after you've had a chance to work you can pay for it or they could at least help. What do you think and what was your experience?