What Do You Do When Your Little Brother Or Sister Is Annoying You

Do you HATE your brother or sister? do they annoy the hell out of you?!?

Youngest sister. Just thinking about her makes me want to kill something. Her role model has been the TV for her whole life, this means a very idiot, arrogant attitude where she believes she knows everything, she is a 'playa' and she gets 'chicks' (she's a little girl, this creeps me out. D*** that Zack and Cody show to the deepest pits of Hades).

Spitting, biting, sticking her tongue out and promptly saying "bleeeaaaaahhh!" in the most obnoxious voice a 6-year-old could ever muster. I'm not ashamed to say that if she were to die anytime soon, I'd be the happiest being on this earth since Michael Jackson discovered his fondness for little boys.

My little sister is so annoying?!?

Hi don't worry about it, this happens to me alot to. Just sit down with your mum when she's in a good kinda mood and tell her straight what's happening and how it's upsetting you. Your sister is still really young so wait and she might grow out of it.

Why is my little sister so annoying?

Well Im 15 and I have an older brother who is 19 and a little sister who is 6. She is always making weird noises and running around, in my personal space and follows me all day. I asked her one day why she is so clingy and annoying and out of the blue she said "Because I want your attention." Which I totally believe is true. Your younger sibling will give anything to be with even if they deny it. That want you to notice them and give them some of your time. Once I started paying attention to her like twice a day she would leave me alone. Once she thought I liked her she'd try to hang out more and I told her I needed time alone and she listened because she knew I'd play with her later.

Now me and my brother have been feuding forever and a day. I dont know whats the deal with that. But once I just told my older brother to leave me be and he did. I think he bothers me so he can watch me at all times of the day. They can be very over protective and want to see how they can push your buttons. Just give him his space and lock your doors. =D

Why are little sisters soo annoying?

I wouldn't know a thing about that one. I was never lucky enough to have a little sister. I do have a little brother, however, and he was certainly annoying! Now that we're grown up, he's always there for me and I don't know what I'd do without him.

Appreciate you little sister and be good to her. One day, she'll be there for you, too.

Why do brothers have to be annoying?

All siblings can be annoying, brother and sister alike. It's the little differences between you and your sibling that drives each other crazy. You are alike in so many ways, yet different in others. You both have certain quirks and temperaments about you that sets you apart.  Consider this, your brother probably sees you as annoying as you see him, if not now, then he will at some point. Due to your question, I have to assume that you are a minor. With that said, know this: when we are young, we will always find annoying traits about our siblings. However, love them regardless and show them how much you love them.  My point is, when you are older, you will not find your brother so annoying, but rather will appreciate him more. As we get older and move on about our own lives. Sometimes we are blessed enough to live close to each other and other times we live far away. While you may find your brother annoying now, it is highly unlikely that you will always feel that way.

My brother is so annoying. What should I do?

I get it. I have two siblings, a brother and a sister. My sister is sixteen months younger than me, and my brother is five years younger.When I was younger, my sister and I always fought, and my parents would tell us, “Stop arguing with your sister. She’s your best friend. Your other friends will come and go, but your sister will always be there.”Since then, we’ve moved three times, I’ve gone through three sets of friends, and we’ve both matured. My parents were right. We still fight all the time, but she’s still my best friend.Not exaggerating at all. You know those “Best Friend” charms that connect together? Yeah, we have heart shaped “Big Sister/Lil Sister” necklaces, and we both wear them a lot.Now, little brother is annoying. He’s the youngest, and it shows. That little twerp can get away with anything, even stuff that would get my sister and me grounded at that age. He’s always singing, tapping, clicking, and generally making a nuisance of himself. That boy makes me angrier than almost anyone else. Right now, he’s watching a loud TV show maybe ten feet from where I’ve been struggling through a mess of homework. But he’s also a cute little kid half-asleep, in a fluffy robe, on the couch. If I was in a bad mood, I know he’d give me hugs. He’s my brother, and I love him. Doesn’t mean I don’t hope that he’ll grow the flip up, and soon.He’s your brother. Remember that.

Do little sisters annoy you?

Yes - it's the law of nature! They want to kill you some days and hug you other days..... it quite often gets easier once your grown up (ie - both out of mom & dad's house)

Hang in there honey - friends come and go, but family is forever.

My boyfriend's little sister is ANNOYING!!! How do I get her to shut up?!?

My 3 siblings && I [all under 28 including myself] have a house but my boyfriend insists that I stay with him. His parents divorced a little before I met him so I know it has to do with leaving his mom && 10 year old sister alone in the house. I don't know how other couples do it but we can't sleep without the other- so me just "moving out" wouldn't be an option. I love this guy && want to marry him in the future. I'm not looking for a solution where we end up breaking up or anyone moving out. We'll move out eventually but I WANT TO KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT NOW WHILE WE'RE LIVING TOGETHER.

-&& ignoring her doesn't work. I've tried it but she keeps talking anyways. Or will tell me, "Hey, look!"
-Another thing I have to mention is HER OWN FAMILY [cousins her age && older, aunts, in-laws] even think she's annoying!!! Trust me- if you saw her you wouldn't think she was 10. You'd think she was 14 going on 30.

My sister is annoying:(?

Ignoring her wouldn't help, she would just get louder. Change your mood and just play along with her. Say "hi" back. Don't let her see you get upset, just act just as giddy and hyper as she is. As long as she sees it doesn't bother you, she'll lose interest. Young kids don't concentrate much on things that are not entertaining. Plus there will be no arguing or tattling to bother mom. It will work, I promise. It's a step towards getting along one day. Not to say she'll quit being annoying permenantly, just not as often. Also, earning her respect by being mature about it will help how she looks at you. If you still run to mom to be rescued from her, she still sees you on the same level she is.

Why is my sister so annoying?

Ah yes, the annoying younger sister. I have two, they are twins and they are six years younger than me ( I am 18). That part about her only doing things to get you mad may be true. Sometimes younger siblings just enjoy making their older sister mad. The best way to deal with it is to just ignore her when she is being dumb. Than again, she may just be trying to get your attention because she wants to hang out with you. I know that my sisters love to hang out with me when I let them. You could always try inviting her to go somewhere with you, or try talking with her. Though it may seem like she is just being a brat to annoy you, your sister may not know how to communicate with you. So, plan something fun, have a movie night or give eachother makeovers. Spending time with your younger sister may be your best solution.