What Do You Do With Three Children

What are the chances that a family with three children will have three daugters?

The probability of three events occurring independently is equal to the product of their individual probabilities. So, if the probability of having one daughter is 50% (or 1/2), then the probability of having three daughters is:

P = (1/2)(1/2)(1/2) = (1/2)³ = 1/8 = 12.5%

If the family already has two daughters, they don't enter into the probability shuffle anymore (their gender is already confirmed, in other words). So the probability of having another daughter is 50%, or 1/2. Same-same.

Why would you date or marry a woman with three children from three different fathers?

If you date or marry a woman with 3 kids with 3 different fathers, things won’t be boring!Hopefully all the kids are gone on the first, third and fifth Fridays of the month so that she has some time to date. If not, there won’t be any free week-ends where she is without kids.And even though they are no longer together, she will interact with the 3 fathers from time to time as they co-parent and exchange the children during visits.If you are the jealous type, this might not work for you.Marriages with children from other relationships have a large divorce rate so before you marry her you need to think about it and make sure that everyone gets along and is compatable. You don’t include the children’s ages but pre-teens and teenagers can be difficult and frustrating.

Mary has three children. what is the probability that none of the three children is a boy?

probability from natural births is not 50/50 boy/girl

but anyway, cases are bbb, bbg, bgb, gbb, bgg, gbg, ggb, ggg
which is 8 'equally likely' cases, one meets desired criteria, probability of desired criteria is 1/8

What would you do, if your grown child had three children, yet refused to take care of them?

Does this parent “refuse” to take care of them or is there a reason they appear unable to take care of them? Has the parent stated,  “I hereby refuse to take care of my children and abdicate my responsibility.”?Does this mean not taking care of them the way the grandparent thinks they should be taken care of or not taken care of in a way that society would deem as non-support, endangerment, or abandonment?If the children are neglected as described in the latter case then what I would do is first see what kind of practical help I could offer in the form of material and emotional assistance.  If that wouldn’t work I’d ask  the grown child to have them live with me and make me legal guardian.  I’d ask for financial support from the parent, although they m ight not be able to provide it.You framed the question as what I’d do personally.  Other options are to involve Child Protective Services.  If alcohol or drugs are an issue, another option is intervention and rehab.Each situation is different so what I would do doesn’t prescribe what someone else should do.

Bob and Carol are planning on having three children. What is the probability that the three children will all be boys?

1/2x1/2x1/2=1/8 or .125

My wife thinks our three children are enough, and wants me to get a vasectomy. I want more children. Should I submit to her wishes on this matter?

You should respect that she doesn't want more children. That doesn't mean you need to have a vasectomy, or stop having children, but it does mean that you need to make sure you don't have those children with her.I'm troubled by this question because you've had three children, and yet you seem to be oblivious to how difficult that is on a woman. It's literally life threatening, and even though modern medicine has drastically reduced the likelihood of that (assuming you have access to affordable medical care) it doesn't change the fact that it's so difficult that it will often end a woman's life.We decided on the vasectomy during our second pregnancy, because my wife had been through a lot and didn't feel like she could handle more. As it turned out she needed a C section so while they were in there she had them tie her tubes, and I got off scott free.I really don't like the idea of a vasectomy, and it's purely based on selfish fear. The reality is a vasectomy is trivial compared to having your fallopian tubes tied. I lucked out because they had to go in there anyway, but I was ready to go under the knife and take a couple days off work because I empathized with her.What do you desire more?More children, or to continue living with your current wife and the children you already have?Because nobody has the right to coerce someone to have children they don't want. It's profoundly unhealthy to your wife and the kid you want. And I say that as an unwanted child.You don't have to submit to a vasectomy, but part of being married is conceding to what your partner wants. And even if you aren't willing to, that doesn't give you the right to force her to have more kids.If you feel that strongly about it you should just have a divorce.I can understand wanting to have a large family with a lot of kids. What I can't understand is being oblivious to the effect that has on the person that you apparently love, especially when she says she doesn't want to do it again.

How do you keep your house clean with three children, especially since one is a toddler?

Organization, being not compulsive, and overlooking a lot is key to success. If you have 2 adults in the house, both adults need to take responsibility for taking care of the house and kids. It doesn’t matter if one person works outside the home and one person is lucky enough to be able to stay home with the kids, every chore and aspect of their time should be discussed and divided. My husband and I worked different hours so that the kids were only at childcare for 4 hours. He did laundry and I did grocery shopping. We both cooked. He did the bathroom and kitchen cleaning. And so on. The kids had chores. I have started my grandchildren on chores when they visit. The littlest one is very happy with her job of closing the door of the dishwasher. A little clutter hurts no one.

A couple has three children. Find the probability that all are boys?

Yes that's right. Or you could say the odds of the first child being a boy are 1/2, odds of 2nd child being a boy are 1/2, odds of 3rd child being a boy are 1/2. The odds of all 3 being boys is the product of the separate odds or 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/8

Yes you could say the 4 possibilities are :
3 boys
3 girls
2 boys, 1 girl
2 girls, 1 boy
But you would be wrong because there are 3 ways to get 2 boys and 1 girl and 3 ways to get 2 girls and 1 boy.
The 8 possibilities are
boy boy boy
boy boy girl
boy girl boy
boy girl girl
girl boy boy
girl boy girl
girl girl boy
girl girl girl

Amit’s mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May. What was the third child’s name?

Thanks for A2A!See, this type of questions are not for the fragile harted people. To Solve them you need to have a deep knowledge in integral calculus, 3 dimensional geometry and algebra.I think you got the skills..So let's get startedFirst of all you have to read the question properly. If you can't do that no matter what, you can't find the solutionIt says that Amit's mother had three children. The first was April, the second was may.Given this information it's extremely difficult to find the name of third childTherotically third child is the third derivative of Amit's mother and the first two derivative are April and may.To find the third derivative you need to integrate first two derivative and subtract it with Amit's mother!Phew! That's a hell lot of work … sorry buddy I couldn't solve it!..Wait..Let me concentrate on the very first word of the question instead....Oh my goodness!**Enlightenment**