What Do You Feed Salamanders

What do salamanders eat?

I feed a salamander worms, potato bugs, centipedes, slugs, ect, but i really want to know if they will eat blood worms. I feed blood worms to my fish and they love it so i was wondering would it be safe to feed them to my long toed salamander.

What can i feed my salamander?

Iron_Man forgot to site where he got his info:

Can you buy from a breeder?
We buy meal worms and crickets for our lizards from a breeder. We can buy big bunches for cheaper than at pet stores.

If you are lacking $$$ to buy them can you capture spiders?
Before we moved to a colder place we noticed they started crawling around our house more due to the warm weather.

Even worms would work!
As long as they are smaller than the Salamander, it should be fine. It's cheap too!
Dig a hole where you can and keep a container close by for when you do find them.
If they are a bit bigger than your Sallie, just cut them down to size, so that it can eat them.

Hope I helped!
Good Luck!(:

What do Salamanders feed on or eat?

Ok u clearly dont know what your doing put it back before U KILL IT you've already had a damn good go at killing it since bred will bung them up and cause impaction killing them. do u even know what species u have. wild salamanders need live insects such as small crickets earthworms, slugs or deshelled snails and these must be alive as they wont eat anything not moving under its own power. also different species need different humidity temps amounts of water depths of water. seroiusly put them back keeping wild caught amphibians is cruel immoral and environmentally reprehensible when a wild animal i removed from its natural environment and put in a confined space it causes massive amounts of stress. this affects herps (reptiles and amphibians) very badly worse than most other orders many die simply from the stress of being in captivity it also weakens there immune system meaning more die from disease. those that survive suffer from stress related behavior disorders, stress related illness and have a shortened life span. there quality of life is also called into question since u dont really know how to keep this animal. also u because your keeping alot together disease can run writhe if one has it they will all catch it and coupled with the stress will probably kill the poor things

if you want a salamander there a plenty of captive bred ones available from reputable pet store i would do the research into keeping salamander then decide if u want one then get a captive bred but do the research first

What should i feed my red-backed salamanders?

You should really do your research before getting a new pet. And if you got them from outside, I would release them. There are lots of better pets you can get (fire-bellied toads, leopard geckos, etc) that are used to being in a tank and won't mind the sudden change.

In captivity they should eat crickets, make sure you gut-load and dust them. If you're unsure about their diet, I'm assuming that you haven't really looked into salamanders, so here as some caresheets -

Here's one on newts -

There is very little information about the specific type of salamander you have. I don't think that they are commonly kept as pets, my guess is that they don't do too amazingly in captivitity for many people to have them.

What do salamanders eat?

“Salamander diet changes with age. Young salamanders will often eat small daphnia or cyclopsen. After a few weeks they will eat larger daphnia. A few weeks later they’ll eat tubiflex worms or mosquito larvae. When they are almost two months old they’ll eat the same food as an adult salamander.”When they get older they go ahead and eat bugs. To be more specific “maggots, mysis, spring-tails,buffalo worms, fruit-flies, crickets”Check out the site where i found this stuff there’s more about their diets on there if you want to look farther into it.What do Salamanders Eat? - Untamed ScienceSo there ya have it, they eat bugs!

Can you eat salamanders?

It depends on the species. Many salamanders are toxic - some dangerously so. Newts in the genus Taricha can be deadly poisonous - there are stories of people eating them on dares and dying within hours. Native Americans in the region were said to occasionally use them for assassinations. Studies have shown that some newts have enough toxins to kill 20,000 mice.Part of the reason behind the high toxin levels is that they’re in an arms race with a garter snake species that’s evolved a tolerance of the tetrodotoxin they produce, so the newts have to become more toxic in response. Here’s a really neat video showing the toxin at work in an invasive species that hasn’t learned not to eat them, an American bullfrog which was introduced to their range due to farming for frog legs.All newts are poisonous, though some are more so than others. In the Eastern US, instead of Taricha we have Notophthalmus newts, which are far less toxic, but still pack a punch. Adults have enough poison to kill around 250 mice, while juveniles have a bright red coloration and a payload ten times as powerful.There’s a reported story where a boy scout ate a sandwich with several newts in it without issue, but toxin levels can vary depending on individuals and location.Some species are regularly eaten in parts of the world. Axolotls and their close relatives were historically on the menu for the indigenous people of Mexico, though now most species are endangered. Many salamander species have been used as medicine, though I’m not aware of any that have been shown to have medicinal value by Western medicine.

What do salamanders eat as a pet?

Here are a few things that pet salamanders eat.A salamanders main diet includes:meal wormsmaggotsearthwormsbuffalo wormscricketsblack wormsminnowslarger shrimpghost shrimpcrayfishLearn more about what do salamanders eat here.

What do baby salamanders eat?

Most likely they eat some plants that grow in water. Or if that doesn't work most pet stores sell food for them. Even if that doesn't work I suggest giving them tadpole food. Th only places that sells tadpole food where I like is Petco and they only have one kind. But what I found out with my little tadpoles (not salamanders) is the alge that floats at the bottom of ponds.(From what I hear baby salamanders eat what tadpoles will eat)

I hope I helped good luck.

Can i feed a tiger salamander lettuce?

Nah, you shouldn't. You should feed it this:


Tiger salamanders have a healthy appetite, and should not be overfed as they will become obese.

Larva will take aquatic invertebrates such as Daphnia and brine shrimp, insects, small fish, and worms.

The adults can be fed a selection of feeder insects such as crickets, earthworms, and wax worms, a selection of wild caught insects (be sure the area collected from is not sprayed with pesticides) and can be offered the occasional pinkie mouse. Due to their size and strength, they shouldn't be housed with smaller salamanders.

Feeding Larvae:
Larval salamanders can be fed on redworms, earthworms, appropriately sized crickets, waxworms, guppies and minnows (not goldfish) and other available properly sized feeder invertebrates. Pieces of meat are acceptable as an occasional meal, but should not be used for the majority of the diet, as these items are deficient in essential vitamins and minerals. Do not use thawed frozen fish as a major portion of the diet as thiamin deficiency can result; additionally if the fish partially spoils prior to feeding, other vitamin deficiencies can result (Wright, 2001). As a supplement, some commercial pelleted foods are acceptable. As long as the temperatures do not fall below 65°F (18.3°C), most larva thrive on a diet offered two to three times a week. Lower temperatures are acceptable, but will result in reduced feeding. Food items should be offered until there is a decrease in active hunting behavior. As always, all uneaten food should be removed before it has a chance to spoil and pollute the water.

Care must be taken with newly purchased larvae. If the larva was starved for significant periods of time, then heavy feedings can kill the animal. After prolonged fasting, the larva will not be able to assimilate the food and may progress into shock and die. Frequent daily feedings of small, easily digested meals would be the best way to stabilize the animal. Pieces of earthworms are an excellent food that tends to be easily digested. Ideally, continue the small daily meals for several weeks to allow the animal to adjust to the feedings, then the schedule may be decreased while the amount of food offered at each feeding may be increased until food is only offered two to three times a week.