What Do You Observe Kool-aid Powder

Can u use powdered sugar in kool aid?

icing sugar? no it will be lumpy and gross....i tried once

Can you substitute kool-aid with jello powder?

I was wondering if anyone knows if you can use the jello powder instead of kool-aid to make a drink like kool-aid? I am all out of kool-aid and have jello packets in the cupboard so I thought it might wok but thought I would see if anyone has tried it and if it worksor doesn't. If it works how much sugar and jello powder should I use?

Can i use powdered sugar to make kool-aid?

don't listen to those others.
It is true that powdered sugar does contain corn starch so yes it will be cloudy but if thats all you got and you don't mind cloudy kool aid, go ahead.
Sugar is sugar.
You can also use brown sugar if thats all you got.
Again, it will effect the color and flavor somewhat but it will work.l

Is eating kool-aid powder bad for you?

No, there is nothing in kool-aid powder that is anywhere close to as harmful as cocaine! It's not even as harmful as baby powder.

There are some questions about the safety of artificial colorants when ingested in vast quantities (probably equivalent to a pound or more of koolaid powder per day, or 100 packets per day), but you'd have problems with the sugar causing diabetes long before that. And your teeth would get stained... but that's not deadly, just ugly to look at.

Kids make stuff up all the time to make things more scary than the are. They're either trying to make the world feel more dangerous and "cool", or they're the kind of kid who is worried by every lie they hear.

Can you substitute Powdered Sugar in Kool Aid?

I think you mean, can you substitute powdered sugar for granulated sugar, which is what Kool Aid is usually made with.

You can substitute powdered sugar, and it will be easier to mix since the smaller pieces of sugar will dissolve more easily. However, the smaller pieces also pack together tighter, so you might end up with more sugar by weight if you use the same volume. What I mean is, powdered sugar might make the drink sweeter than granulated, because there are more molecules of sugar packed into the same space.

I would start with about 3/4 sugar as much as the package calls for, then taste it to see if you need more.

Will powdered sugar work for making Kool-Aid?

I'm thirsty for some Kool-Aid, but noticed that I only have powdered sugar available. Will that still produce the same result, and would it be the same measurement (1 cup) ?

Can you be allergic to Koolaid?

There are chemicals in koolaid.Chemicals react in the human body in various ways depending on our genetic code and susceptibility. If you note a strange reaction every time you drink it, your observation should indicate your sensitivity to something in the koolaid. It may just be a strange individual reaction or an allergy. Either way, you should avoid the drink.

Is the powder from kool-aid packets safe to eat straigth from the packet?!

The Kool-Aid powder is abrasive and also quite acidic. In fact, the Navy used it to clean brass (at least they did when my Dad was active-duty) and many civilians use it as a cleansing agent as well. (The acid in Kool-Aid solubilizes the oxides that tarnish brass.)

The "danger" of eating Kool-Aid powder straight is that too much citric acid (an ingredient in the Kool-Aid) will eventually take off the enamel on your teeth.

Is it bad to eat kool-aid mix?

Bad not really.. nasty YES... Why would you do that?