What Do You Think About Berlusconi

Do you think Silvio Berlusconi is a pervert?

Yes. I doubt if he is reading the Bible to all those women he consorts with.

Who is Silvio Berlusconi?

Google is your friend!

What do men in Italy generally think of Silvio Berlusconi?

Those against him (me included): he's part of Mafia and responsible of many deaths, he is corrupted and has been corrupting for years, he's led Italy to disaster in the last 20 years and  doesn't even give a damn. He's fascist and he admires Mussolini (that says a lot...). He's done so many criminal offences to advantage his business that the lawsuits against him seem to be uncountable. Nonetheless, he's been convicted just twice, and never seen a prison cell. Not even dreamt of it, nor feared.Those with him (approx 30% of men): He's a great leader, he's a gentleman, he cares about Italians. He is fascist (note, they see it as a good value!) and wants to save Italy from the hellish immigrants from overseas (...).These people agree on two things though. He's been a great businessman and has good tastes in term of women. Just to play down :)

Silvio berlusconi is a stronzo?

he's a stronzo di merda

Do Italians like Silvio Berlusconi?

Your question is important and I see that others have given wrong and generic aswer.
I'm italian and i live in italy so i can speak for italians people.
Italians DON'T like Silvio Berlusconi, we don't like and we are happy that is gone (now there is mario monti).
There is a small group of people that love Berlusconi, This group is composed of rich people or other political.
Berlusconi has deceived Italy, Italians have made ​​a mistake and we are paying...
Now...talking about mario monti, He has been proposed as a a hero but the reality is that He has only put more taxes on taxes, nowadays italy is in deep **** and certainly we don't like silvio berlusconi, this is sure ;)


Sorry for my bad english, i hope to go to canada, l really like canada and canadian.

What do you think of Italy's former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in terms of his public persona and personal life?

He obviously suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder, and he may be a pedophile. But I think Berlusconi brought into modern world politics (without knowing it of course) the next step which eventually brought us Trump. Berlusconi proved to Italy, Europe and the world that a billionaire can campaign with his own money (and his own free publicity from using his TV/media power) and that he could win.Berlusconi’s public persona/political persona is conservative gravitating heavily towards fascism.

Chi sono i fedelissimi di Berlusconi?

Vorrei avere una lista dei fedelissimi di Berlusconi, soprattutto quei nomi che non si sentono in televisione. Per esempio, quelle persone che se tu dici alla sua segretaria "mi raccomanda Tizio" lei ti fa prendere un appuntamento con lui