What Do You Think About The Spanish Accent

Do u Guys Like spanish accents?????

I love spanish accents! They are such a turn ON, very sexy!

What do you think about the Philippine Spanish accent?

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo isn’t speaking with a Philippine Spanish accent though. She’s speaking Spanish with an L2 accent so she has this unnatural rhythm when she speaks the language. Her intonation is a lot more similar to Tagalog and other Philippine languages when she speaks it and you can see a lot of phonological interference from Philippine languages when she speaks like the palatalization of C-j and the insertion of glottal stops.Actual Philippine Spanish still has interference from the native Austronesian languages of the Philippines like the lack of lenition and glottal stops, but not to the extent of Gloria’s idiolect.Here is a better example of Philippine Spanish from actual native speakers of the dialect:

Do you think spanish accent is sexy?? BE HONEST?

hello, well i was wondering what you guys think about a latin girl speaking english with accent" spanish accent"? do you guys like it? or its a bad thing, cause i know english very well but i have an accent, spanish accent and i dont know what you guys think about it... my boyfriend he's from the US and he only speak english and he always is trying to make me feel better telling me that my accent is sexy blah blah blah and im not sure about that.. so what you guys think? is it sexy when a girl speak with spanish accent? BE HONEST... ****THANK YOU VERY MUCH****

What do you think about spanish accent?

I can say that Hispanics have a nice, cool accent.

I have never met a Spaniard from Spain and never heard their accent.

As a Spanish speaker, what do you think of American-accented Spanish? Do you like the way it sounds?

It always depends on the person. If they show a certain sensitivity for foreign sounds, they can sound really great and even sexy. On the other hand, every time an American pop star who clearly doesn't speak a word of Spanish does a song in Spanish it really hurts! I remember watching the Spanish version of Pocahontas on VHS when I was younger: After the movie the videotape included Spanish cover versions of the soundtrack sung by a North American singer - that's the worst I’ve ever heard.We can also sound really bad when we speak or sing in English, sometimes spoiling the song no matter how musically talented.

What do Mexicans think of Spaniards' accents?

There’s no general consensus in Mexico regarding the Spaniards’ accent. There are close to 130 million Mexicans in the world and some of them like it, others don’t, and many haven’t even heard it.There are also many different accents in Spain, and they also speak several other languages (Basque, Catalan, Galician, Asturian, etc.).I, a Mexican, have never liked their Spanish (or Castilian) accent, even though it varies depending on the region; although it might have something to do with the fact that the people from Mexico City think that our accent is the best in all of the Spanish-speaking parts of the planet.But I have several of my closest friends fall in love with Spanish men and women mainly due to/including their accent.

What in your opinion is the best spanish accent?

Interesting answers...

Antonio Banderas is from the region of Spain which is the MOST difficult to understand...Andalucía, so when he really gets going in his natural accent...well, as George Lopez would say "Whatcha!" (or watch out).

And Penelope Cruz, I believe, is from Madrid, which is the easiest to understand in Spain...

That lithp isn't from Barthelona, but all of Spain, and I find it most interesting that the person who says that "Mexicans have ruined the language" goes on to say they like Argentinian best of the Latin accents...Argentinian being most like that Andaluz accent!

Personally, being surrounded by Mexicans, with a smattering of people from the rest of Latin America, and having studied in said region of Andalucía, when I hear that lithp, my heart does a little flip!

Yeah, Andaluz for me...all the way!

Got teased about it a bit last time I was in Spain!

When speaking spanish... accent...?

The accent in Spain is quite different from the latin american ones... (except the people from the Canary Islands who speak almost identical to the cubans, with the same musical intonation and the "S") (this is called "sesear" in spanish).
In Spain the Z and C are pronounced as a soft "th" sound, (like th in path or cloth) whereas in American spanish they use the S sound...
For example:
Vamos a cazar (lets go hunting) would be:
"Vamos a cah-thar" (in Spain)
"Vamos a ca-sar" in latin America...

In south America each country has a different accent...People in Argentina, and in somewhat the same manner, Urugauy and Paraguay, speak with a very sing-song intonation, due to the italian and spanish immigrants of the late 19th century. If you don't understand spanish, you might think that they ARE speaking italian!.
Central America, Colombia and Venezuela have an accent similar to the people of southern Mexico. Also very sing song, but different to the argentinian as it lacks the italian tone. The smaller countries nearby are influenced by these larger countries.

The people of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador have an accent more influenced by the native people, who depending on their area, speak also their native language, (such as Quechua) besides spanish..
Even in different areas of Spain there are different accents...The peoples of Galicia have their own language (gallego) and their accent is similar to portuguese... Then there are the Catalonians, who speak catalá and the Basques who speak euskera. The north center of Spain has the pure castillian, and the andalusians have the spanish equivalent to a southern drawl..sometimes swallowing the last letters or syllables of their words.

What does a Spanish accent sound like?

A native Spanish speaker speaking in English sounds bored and unenthusiastic. In Spanish there’s not much difference between stressed and unstressed syllables and the intonation is very flat. In contrast, stressed syllables are much more prominent in English and English utterances seem full of ups and downs. When native Spanish speakers use their mother tongue intonation patterns in English, the whole thing sounds flat and dull.Apart from this, native Spanish speakers have a tendency to shorten vowels; they don't reduce unstressed vowels to schwas (they produce the vowels in the written form of words); they have a tendency to add an “e" in front of words that start with “sp" or “st" (“espain", “estart"); they can't produce the vibrant “s" (they say “soo" instead of “zoo" and they pronounce “eyes" and “ice" the same); they pronounce a very strong “h" (like “ch" in “loch"); they don't pronounce “v" correctly.On the plus side they do pronounce correctly the two “th" sounds (the ones in “the" and “think") as Spanish is one of the few European languages that also have these sounds.This is just a summary of characteristics of a Spanish accent in English.

Colombian or spanish accent?

I'm partial to the Colombian accent too, but the accent varies a great deal depending on what part of Colombia the person is. I've been all over the country and live in Bogota where its rather neutral but there is a big difference between how costenos (coast) and paisas (around medellin) and calenos (cali) talk.

To me the coastal accent is the strongest and and very sharp sounding though I do enjoy the accent of Paisas more.