What Do You Think About This Cover Rate 1-10

What do you think about this cover?

I just heard your singing. I am not into Arctic Monkeys so I have not heard this song at all, but peesonally I think the singing and performance can be a lot better; personally I was not too fond of the phrasing and the intonation/pitch (you sounded evidently flat at some parts). Probably the guitar is a little distracting, and you might have to record the guitar separately or ask someone to play for you if you want to keep these two aspects quite consistent. Another reason for the pitch issues might also be your breath control, and you would want to improve in this aspect since according to my vocal coach this is crucial for all good singing.Your tone also sounded quite breathy at several parts, and while this might be biased to personal choice, I am not a fan of extremely breathy singing. An extremely breathy tone makes your voice sound weak, so you might want to reduce that breathiness a little while keeping your voice character intact. Overall, I think you can be way better than this. However, it is just my opinion though, and do not take my word for it. Rather, keep experimenting and learning, and I am sure one day you will be able to unleash the best potential in your voice. All the best!

What do you think of my song cover on the keyboard?

Sorry to say but it sounded like a beginner and you went off the note many times. Bonus - you were out of the tempo. Better luck next time just keep learning progressions anyway there is no place for covers nowadays.

Do you think I'm hot? Rate me 1-10. 10 being hottest?

you are hot but how tall are you?
If you're taller than 5'7 and in the ages 17-23 I'd give you a 9.

What do you think of these two jokes. Rate them on a 1-10 scale.?

1. What did the elephant say to the naked man?
That's cute, but can it pick up peanuts?

2. The Democratic Party has a crisis of monumental proportions;

They don't know whether to vote for;

The "Nut" with two boobs
The "Boob" with two Nluts.

Do you think shes cute??? 1-10?

Awh she is very cute! 8!!

POLL: Do you think MOTORCYCLES are SEXY? Rate from 1-10 on the SEXY SCALE...?

LOL I have every intention on buying a motocycle. More specifically, the V-STAR CLASSIC! I give motorcycles a 10 on the sexy scale. LOL ^_^
Check out the moto I want. ^_^
Want to go for a ride? *wink*