What Do You Think About This Situation

What do you think about the situation?

First,  there is nobody who is ever busy, it just depends on what number you are on their priority list. Create time for each other. If I were you, I would call her and ask her out.  The only way you can ever know something is by asking.  The problem with silence is,  it is highly misunderstood and many people coin their own answers from silence - Why is he not replying back? Is he thinking have added weight? Does he not find me attractive anymore? What did I do? Has he found someone else? When you go out for the lunch or dinner,  ask everything that you need answers to. There is nothing as worse as waiting on someone who has no interest in you. Square things in black and white to know what is in store for the future. All the best.

What do you think about this situation!?

Let's say the "end" in this case is eternal salvation. Then any "means justified" could be torture and murder (of the person you are going to send to "paradise" - note: this has been done repeatedly throughout history). If someone says, "yes, but torture and murder are wrong", you could say but torture is only temporary and murder leads to heaven therefore "the end justifies the means."

This form of argument is called a "circular argument" definition: any discussion in which one argues the conclusion as a premise; i. e., the ends justifies the means - a discussion that makes a conclusion based on material that has already been assumed in the argument.

If you use this argument in your paper you have to not only define what a circular argument is but know what a premise is and understand how it is used. I am not sure what you know or what grade level you are at.

Let's say that you are in China and someone converts to Christianity because "you shared your faith." Then both you and the "convert" are persecuted for being Christians. Was it God's will or yours? Do you really "know" God's will or just your own? A question of ethics is, "Do you repent" (your faith) or "Should you have spread the faith or not?" You could say yes, it's not my fault we are being persecuted, it's the Communist, or God's will, or "the law of unintended consequence" (I didn't know this would happen). Also, our suffering is temporary our reward is great. Or you could say, no, "my mistake."

A political/ethical "ends justifies the means" argument today? How about using Guantanamo Bay and the current debate going on in our country "torture one, save hundreds, right or wrong?

You are always presented with a variety of ethical dilemmas in life and whatever your particular belief system is, the answers are never easy. The movie "Sophie's Choice" presents such a dilemma.

Another caveat to remember that in the name of God, in the name of good, in the name of Country, in the name . . .(fill in the blank) are often "oaths" used by Christians, Muslims, Jews and Gentiles, alike. Any argument that postulates "the ends justifies the means" has to be suspect to say the very least. Many terrorists are willing to die because they believe in their heart, mind, and soul that God will send them directly to "paradise" upon their death. Ethically, right or wrong?

Good luck.

What do you think of this situation?

Over the Christmas Holiday we spent a lot of time with family and learned something kind of interesting or strange about our 4 and half year old nephew.

Our nephew who is going on five wears Pull-Ups 24/7. But that's not the strange part. He's fully potty trained! It turns out that he is fully potty trained during the day and wets the bed at night, which is normal for a boy his age. The reason why he wears the Pull-Ups is because he finds them more comfortable than regular underwear and refuses to wear regular underwear. He never uses them except for maybe the occasional accident. His parents have bought him underwear but he throws a temper tantrum when they try putting them on him. He just likes the Pull-Ups. The parent's view on this is they know it's unusual but it's not hurting anyone and he'll outgrow it. They say what difference does it make underwear is underwear as long as he is not using them during the day. Also they point out there is no way that he will wear them to school. They figure the first day at Kindergarten he'll change his mind.

Here's our view, we had a lot of time to talk about this on our drive home. They make a good point that if the kid thinks they are more comfortable and they have to buy them anyways for the bedwetting what difference does it make, he'll outgrow it (it's just a phase). But the other part of us says there is something not right about seeing an almost 5 year old wearing Pull-Ups during the day (don't get me wrong I understand it's normal for night-time use at that age and our 8 year old boys wear Goodnites but never during the day).

We believe that the companies that make these diapers are making them to comfortable and fun for kids to wear giving them no reason to want to wear real underwear.

So I'm curious what other parents think of this.


What do you think of my situation ?

That is a wonderful thing to happen! God is comforting you and blessing you too. God is a wonderful Father and He doesn’t want us to hurt. Don’t let Satan get you down with his answers, just listen to the small, steel voice of God that tells you to do right.

What do you think would happen in this situation?

What do you think would happen in this situation: The President insists on making an appointment, despite the fact that a key senator has invoked the rule of senatorial courtesy against that appointment?

What do you think of this situation in Chicago?

This tragic situation makes me think of the following advice from the ACLU.“If You Are Stopped for QuestioningStay calm. Don't run. Don't argue, resist or obstruct the police, even if you are innocent or police are violating your rights. Keep your hands where police can see them.Ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says yes, calmly and silently walk away. If you are under arrest, you have a right to know why.You have the right to remain silent and cannot be punished for refusing to answer questions. If you wish to remain silent, tell the officer out loud. In some states, you must give your name if asked to identify yourself.You do not have to consent to a search of yourself or your belongings, but police may "pat down" your clothing if they suspect a weapon. You should not physically resist, but you have the right to refuse consent for any further search. If you do consent, it can affect you later in court.”Source: What To Do If You're Stopped By Police, Immigration Agents or the FBI

What do you think about the situation in Thailand now?

Absolute nightmare. It’s like living in a prison now. I am sure many expats are leaving Thailand with PTSD now from long term dealings with Thai immigration and them hanging over their backs every second of the day.Severe pollution.Every changing strict visa rules. Even if you know the rules and law you can still get rejected on the whim of an overbearing immigration officer for any reason.No land or home ownership allowed for foreigners.Crazy 24 hour address reporting of your address. Set to get stricter with even more penalties.Increasing costs but decreasing quality and service.People becoming less friendly overall and scams becoming more prevalent.Roads still the most deadly in the world.I actually used to do business there and it got so bad I chose to close and leave because I got so fed up with dealing with the corruption and especially immigration. I am glad I did because it has gotten even worse these past couple years.

What do you think about the Israel and Gaza situation?

I think if Hamas decides to make peace with Israel, or even stop launching rockets all the time, Israel will leave them alone. The fact that Israel totally pulled out of Gaza and yet they're still launching rockets means it's more than just about Israeli treatment of Palestinians. It's about an ideology that believes that nonMuslims cannot govern the land. And no we can't blame the blockade, or the missile launches, because the blockade and airstrikes started BECAUSE of the terror attacks, not before them. Even the wall was built because people were so eager to use open borders as an opportunity to commit terror, until the Israelis couldn't take it anymore and built a wall.Interesting how some focus so much on small details while ignoring the big picture. It's really sad that Gazan’s suffer, that they had to learn the hard way that a life under Israel is much better politically, economically, safety-wise, medically, and in most other ways.In short, I think if the Palestinians put down their weapons and stopped incitement to terror and funding of terrorists in both The West Bank and Gaza, there would be peace tomorrow