What Do You Think Guys Should I Race

What do you guys think I could run an 800m race in?

…based on what information? Are you male, female, fit, fat, old, young? A young male who is reasonably athletic can do it in 2:20–2:40. Faster if they train for it specifically.A young athletic female can do 2:40 - 3:00. Also faster if they train for it specifically.

What do you think of girls that only date guys outside their race?

You see it alot with Asian girls. Some only date white guys. I'm an Asian guy and the asian girl I like only dates white dudes. Makes me kind of sad. Do you think girls like that are selling out or is it ok? I don't even care that I'll probably never date a white girl. But I think it's so wrong and sad how girls in my own race won't date me cuz I'm brown like them. It's not even about being proud of who you are. It's like they're hating themselves when they just totally dismiss guys in their own race like that. How wrong or right am I ?

What do white women think about black guys?

(Going anonymous, just in case…) As a white woman, I have a different experience than those already mentioned. Charlie Toure’s answer makes a lot of sense! And for many people, that might be the underlying reason for the attitudes toward black men.For myself, it’s different. I’m white (like, Irish white, so nearly transparent) and living in Atlanta, Georgia. When I was in the military, I met people from all different countries, from all over the US, and had a mix of experiences with those people. Get down here to Atlanta and it’s almost completely negative. A few black guys I’ve met were just genuinely nice, smart, honest people. The majority, however, were proving the stereotypes true. I couldn’t even walk to the apartment complex mailbox without being approached, being asked to cheat on my husband (even while I was pregnant), or being stalked. I had to carry pepper spray just to pick my kids up from the bus stop because the harassment got so bad. (We were one of only a few — 3 or 4 — white families in the 800 unit complex.) Sometimes I’d get asked how much I charge per hour. Sometimes they’d nearly crawl into the car with me if I was sitting in the car waiting for my kids after school.My husband’s mom has always dated black guys (after her two white marriages were over), and his experiences also prove stereotypes true: cheating, violent, abusive, and selfish.Are those qualities present in other races/colors? Absolutely! Are the stereotypes there because it’s more prevalent in American black culture? Yep. It’s not universally true. So to answer the original question — what do I (as a white woman) think of black guys? I’ve had enough very negative experiences that I shy farther away when I see a black guy, and I never walk anywhere alone in Atlanta.Edit: Clarified that my perspective applies predominantly to American black guys/culture. I have met black people from other parts of the world and the experience and people were vastly different (and more decent) than the American attitudes.

How do you feel about guys barrel racing?

Men are capable barrel racers and are allowed to compete in many barrel events like the NBHA etc. It's the WRPA (an all women's association) and the NFR that they don't compete in. They are welcome, and lead, in many others as trainers and riders.

Most of the problem is an unconcious sexist viewpoint on the part of the riders, both men and women. Most people view a man riding barrels like a man wearing a dress, it's just demeaning, taboo, and "not done" in America. Women wear pants, women bull ride, it's okay but there is something that people portray as being unmasculine about men doing "girls activities". Other examples are... Girls playing with trucks: Ok, Boys playing with dolls: Gay. Girls wearing blue: Ok, Boys wearing pink: Gay.

The problem isn't the rodeo it's the overwhelming and deeply rooted gender separation issues our country has, especially aimed at the long term views of "acceptable male behavior". We've started to come around about the roles of women, because we've beat it into their heads that that is what we want but what can we expect when most women haven't changed their views on what's exceptable behavior from men.

Which race do you prefer the most? (guys and girls)?

This is not meant to be racist at all. I'm just curious which race our society finds the most attractive...

My personal preference is white and then comes latinas.

Who do you think will win in a race Superman or the flash?

Ah the age old question which never needs to be asked anymore… hahah but in all seriousness yeah the flash would win. A LOT of people think superman would or would at least tie and this greatly saddens me. Well fear not because hopefully 100% of those people will read this and become enlightened. The flash would win.. easily. Every time the flash and Superman have raced and it was close the flash wasn’t trying. Proof you ask? Just look it up! In a race between the two Superman was racing the flash (i believe it was Barry but it doesn’t really matter) and he said something like “I’ve raced you before Barry and I’ve ever won some of those” in an attempt to get Barry to stop running so they can talk. Barry says in a very badass way “those were for charity Clark” and ZOOMS far past Superman. Keep in mind Superman was trying to catch Barry because he NEEDED to talk to him. This wasn’t him going maybe 50% speed he was giving it all he had… and he got destroyed. So to everyone who says they are equal or even that Superman would win… nah. It’s been proven time and time again but there is just some proof. Also please follow me i want followers.

What do you think about interracial dating?

Hi,In any successful RS, there are a few factors that is crucial in a long lasting RS. Let me generalise, there could be some +- but should not move out of these following aspects not in any order:1. Religion (Highly sensitive issue)2. Mutual Family Communications (Marriage is 3 families affairs)3. Lifestyle (outgoing/social vice-versa /degree of freedom etc)4. Habits (e.g Toilet bowl cap should be up or down)5. Character (lazy, diligent etc)6. Capability (good at accounting / good at logistics etc)7. Financial and Parenting Views/Planning (Family Operations)8. LOVE/Chemistry9. HealthSo if the race difference does not affect the above then it should be alright.

Should guys let girls win?

I think it depends on the skill gap, and the goal of the activity.I used to often play tetherball with little kids at camp. Obviously, I have a huge advantage over any kid at tetherball. With the really little kids. I'd let them have a fair go at it, since they were too young to understand ‘letting someone win’. Often, I wouldn't beat them on purpose but wouldn't lose either. Hitting the ball as hard as possible would have just been bullying, so to a degree I should let the kids have a chance/win.The difference is that girls aren't little kids. We understand when you're letting us win and if we haven't agreed on it, it devalues our accomplishments. This is mainly true in competitive settings. As a runner, I would feel terrible if one of my training partners lost to me and then it turned out he wasn't really trying. However, with some of my slower friends, we say beforehand that we're not really racing, just going for a run. I'm not going to run my fastest just to be a jerk about it. We agree before that someone is going easy.The other thing that's important is that gender doesn't determine who will win as an absolute. I've beaten more guys at running than I can count, and I'm not that good. That's why I say skill gap matters. It's more likely a guy will be faster than me, but there's no guarantee. In my mind, there's no valid reason a guy would assume I am slower than he is simply based on gender without considering his own speed/skill. He doesn't have enough information to decide whether to let me win.

Why do White women like dating Black guys?

I never see a White guy with a girl from another race. Us White guys stay true to our race and don't betray our own race. The problem is we have some White girls who decide that Black guys are attractive and now we have White girls dating Black guys. And the result is screwed up children and people looking at the Black guy and White girl funny. People always look at interracial couples funny because people should stay with their own race. I believe White women who date Black guys should be excommunicated from the White race and be isolated from any other race. THe KKK at one point was going to hang White women who dated or married Black guys. I luckily have a beautiful White girl who doesn't want to betray her race.

I think everyone is the same, no matter what race, but my parents don't like it when I like a colored guy. Should I stop liking guys like that because of my parents?

I have several answers for you to choose between.First: Everyone is the same. It is scientifically proven that white people, black people, brown people, and every other color have the same blood, immune system and disease, genetic variation, variation in body shape and size, human skin color, cranial variation. Biological anthropologists have worked for decades to bust the myth of biological race and have proven that there is no way to divide humanity into biological units that correspond to racial categories. If you can, read Race, Monogamy, and Other Lies They Told You: Busting Myths About Human Nature by Agustin Fuentes.Second, when I was 18, I met and fell in love with a black man. My dad was pretty prejudiced. So when I moved to Houston to live with this man, my dad stopped speaking to me. It was difficult, but it was short-lived. I got pregnant and gave birth to a little boy. My dad took one look at that baby and fell in love. Every one of my children (four altogether) made his heart expand and his mind grow. My marriage didn’t last, but the impact my kids had on my dad and him on them is something that will last forever.Third, there are going to be a lot of people in your life who will tell you what to do. The thing is… they are just humans, capable of making mistakes just like you, and certainly not experts in what YOU need. Who know who is an expert? You are. You know yourself better than anyone else does, and this includes who you choose to date. It also means you know how much anger you can tolerate from your parents over this decision. The unfortunate truth is that you are the only one who can make this decision, the only one who should make this decision, because you are the only one who will be living with the results of your decision.Whatever you decide, good luck.