What Do You Think Happened To The Lost Colony Of Roanoke

What do you think happened to the Lost Colony of Roanoke?

Governor White, the grandfather of the first child of English descent born into the new world (Virginia Dare) left his colony. He wished to plead with the crown because due to war (with Spain) Britain was not sending enough food (colonists hadn't yet been able to successfully plant crops) medicine and weapons. Pirates and privateers loyal to Spain were a great threat to the under protected colony.

When Gov White left the situation was critical. Due to the war he was delayed for a long period but did return with the needed supplies, finding the colony deserted but with the word Croaoan carved on a tree.

Gov White knew of a friendly tribe on a nearby island called Croatoan but due to weather the ship's captain would not sail to the island.

It would be some time before Britain planted a new colony and by that time most of the Croatoan had moved on and there was no evidence in their involvement in the colony.

Decades later Croatoan were found in what is now Kentucky, many of these native Americans had English names, blue eyes and fair complexions.

The tribes lack of written records means that there will never be an exact by the book answer, but it is reasonable to assume that colonists joined the tribe and assimilated.

What happened to the lost colony of Roanoke?

We know what happened to them. The idea that it's a mystery is itself a lie. They moved to Croatan Island to be with the Native Americans there who saved their lives and accepted them into the tribe.

What Happened to the lost colony of Roanoke?

I think that the colonists went to live with the Croatoan Indians. There is a tree at the sight that has the word Croatoan on and they were said to write on a tree where they where going and to mark a cross on the treeif you were in danger. There wasn't any signg of crosses on any of the trees.

What happened to the lost colonists of Roanoke?

Enslaved by raiding Spanish?
Lured away to feast and killed by Indians?
Mass food poisoning with dementia?
Built flimsy boats and drowned.
Never were "lost" the long awaited relief expedition got "lost" and couldn't figure out where the heck Roanoke was.
Abducted by aliens.
Joined the Indians as there weren't enough women in the colony.

Use a picture of forest and swamp as your visual cause that's all there was of them folk.

What happened to the roanoke colonists?

Eaten by yetis.

What do you think happened to the colonists at Roanoke?

Based on what I’ve read, the theory that the colonists abandoned Roanoke and at least initially went to live with the nearby Croatans makes the most sense. Many later travelers to the area who had contact with the local Native American tribes met people who claimed to be descended from the members of the Roanoke colony.The colony consisted of 90 men and only 17 women and 11 children. It’s a given that some of them died in the period between 1587, when Governor John White returned to England with the intention of reporting on the colony’s “desperate situation,” and the colony’s abandonment sometime before White returned three years later. If most of the surviving colonists were male, any descendants they had would have been mixed with the local population. There are also records of sightings of people of English appearance living with local groups, and artifacts found in native areas linked to the colonists. So the theory that the survivors left to go live with one of the local Native American groups makes the most sense.Roanoke Colony - Wikipedia

What Happened to the Lost Colony at Roanoke Island?

Theory is that the the friendly Indians took pity on them and invited them to join their tribe. The Lumbee Indian tribe of Central and Eastern NC is said to be the descendants of the combined Friendly Indians/Lost Colony group. All unproven theory, but seems to be plausible.