What Do You Think Is Following Me

What do you think about the following quotes of Einstein and Schopenhauer about free will?

That's deep.

What do you do if you think someone is following you home when you are driving?

One military bud told me this story: his young wife and child were driving home one day when she noticed that there was a car right behind them, literally feet away from her rear bumper. As she got closer to home she noticed in her rear-view mirror he was staring intently at her and matched every turn and speed change. Obviously frightened she drove to a Police Station with a giant POLICE on a neon sign. He was still right there. She drove right up on the sidewalk outside the front door and laid on the horn. This guy then jumped out of his car and proceeded to yell at her and punch her car.. as a number of police appeared with guns drawn. He had no idea they were at the Police Station, and she honestly did not know why he targeted her.Do not go home. Go to a public place, do NOT leave your vehicle, stop ANYWHERE conspicuous, lay on the horn and/or then call the Police. You’re safer in your vehicle . Video if you wish, fuel for the court case, but DO not respond or step out of your vehicle. People have been murdered for that.P.S. Found out in the Edmonton Journal that my dentist’s son was driving along and was followed by a road rager. Instead of thinking of his own safety, he stopped in rush hour traffic and stepped out to face this guy behind him. The road rager jumped out with a tire iron and bashed his head in.He died instantly. Closed coffin.A few dozen people witnessed this. Mr. Crowbar, (married with kids) is now a Prison Bitch for life.

Do you think the following request too forward?

I was at Colo. Peter Randolph's about a Fortnight ago, & my Schooling falling into Discourse, he said he thought it would be to my Advantage to go to the College, & was desirous I should go, as indeed I am myself for several Reasons. In the first place as long as I stay at the Mountains the Loss of one fourth of my Time is inevitable, by Company's coming here & detaining me from School. And likewise my Absence will in a great Measure put a Stop to so much Company, & by that Means lessen the Expences of the Estate in House-Keeping. And on the other Hand by going to the College I shall get a more universal Acquaintance, which may hereafter be serviceable to me; & I suppose I can pursue my Studies in the Greek & Latin as well there as here, & likewise learn something of the Mathematics. I shall be glad of your opinion.

Do you think the following is generally true ?

Its all in the matter of Perception. Personally i think healthy foods taste amazingly great. I also think fast foods taste amazingly great. im going to give my opinion real quick first. its in the same format of your "Id rather live a short life eating food that tastes good (i.e food with fat, and salt) than live long eating bland crap like tofu and rabbit food"

I'd rather live a long life eating health food that taste good (i.e. Grapes, Salad, Chicken, Steak, Rice, tomatoes, cocunuts, banannas, ORANGES, and the list goes on) Than Living short eating fast food that when i finish i will always regret eating after im hungry an hour later.. (knowing i just ate a 600 calorie burger..)


Its all in finding that healthy food that you like. I just bought this thing that looks like Romanian lettuce.. and oh my god it like burned my mouth.. but then again to someone else they may like it. (haha that would be funny if I was allergic to it but didnt know..)

Hopefully that list i gave you in the example is good to use as a reference.

Fruits are healthy... they also have natural sugars so your body SHOULD like it considering your ancestors ate it for daaayyyzzzz.

Vegetables are good if you combine them with Carbs and protien (Rice and Steak ha or Pasta and Chicken, seriously the combinations are a dime a dozen.)

Hey well i hope this guide helps email me at if you need anymore help. Also I really would love to hear how your quests in eating healthy foods and lowering your Cholesterol goes. :)

What do you think the following quote by Lord Alfred Tennyson means?

Be content with what you have.

If someone is following you, what should you do?

I had an experience of this so I'll share what happened and then I'll tell you what I did.So 2 years ago, I was walking out of my school and heading home because I walk home. I was crossing this street and was noticed this guy with sunglasses on the same sidewalk. I walked around a van and onto the other side. He did the same. And then I had to walk a whole block and take a left to reach my apartment complex. I realized he was walking behind me and sort of saying something. I had no clue who he was talking to. There were also no other kids on the sidewalk so I didn’t have any witnesses besides the cars on the road next to me.I didn’t know what to do so I just kept walking occasionally glancing behind me. I didn't understand why a man with dark shades all alone was in a school zone walking away from the school with no kid with him. It was just weird.I started to panic a little and walked a little faster being only half way across the block. I feel like he as catching up.As I was nearing the the edge of the block I realized if I walked around the block until he couldn’t see me, I could take a mad dash to my house.If the gate was open.So I took my chances. I walked until I finally reached the edge which took forever. As soon as he was out of sight around the edge of the wall I ran so fast. The gate was open luckily and I ran through sprinklers shooting water, and rocks and got all wet and muddy by my pants–I hated it. But I was glad that I was safe.So if you don’t have a cellphone and friends around, then I suggest that you run away as fast as you can but make sure that the stalker is out of sight before you do. Make sure you head to a store or fast food place so that way you have as many witnesses as possible. I would carry pepper spray or something if I were you.Edit: I realize that I'm getting sometimes hundreds of views on some of my posts and sometimes 50–90 range. But almost all of them have only ONE upvote! ARGH! Tell your friends! I need more upvotes! VALIDATE ME!!!!

This annoying kid keeps following me - What to do ?

Yes it certainly is intense. Try to take some time while no one is around and talk frankly to him. Tell him you don't like what he is doing, and actually he is only pushing you away because of this embarrassment.

Also just be polite and say please leave you alone. The only other way is to tell him outright that you are going to ignore him as if he is not there.
He need to stop all the chanting and yelling also as this is harassment and can be reported.