What Do You Think Of Feminist Men

What do you think of feminism?

I think feminism is necessary, but often misused. Many people are unaware of how unequal the men/women situation still is, and it is important that we work towards fixing this. There are so many injustices involving women it's ridiculous, and I consider myself a feminist.

HOWEVER, many people use feminism as an excuse to 'man-hate'. The whole point of feminism should not be about putting women ahead of men, and just reversing the inequality. It should be about making sure we have equal rights, and are equally respected. Because of people who take feminism too far and exhibit the wrong attitude, a lot of people get the wrong idea about feminism.

What do feminists think of men going their own way (MGTOW)?

I used to be a feminist, and I now consider myself to be MGTOW, so I’ll take a stab at this. The hostility is created by the fact women tend to be valued more than men. Men not only are forced to compete for women, but are still encouraged to do so in the year 2016 (under the guise of being confident and ‘manly’). Men also are always ridiculed, and in two specific ways. One way is to belittle men on how they’re morally inferior to women, despite the fact men are ridiculed for having those same characteristics that get women praise. The other way men are ridiculed is by comparing them to other men (whom are usually female-approved).Men calling themselves MGTOW are called losers by the deluded masses, but the female equivalant to MGTOW is known as women’s empowerment. Women are allowed to bash men and everything they do wrong, but it can never be the other way around. With these horrible double standards lurking against men, it’s no wonder why some men who don’t allow their sex drive to control them may be a bit irritated. Again, all of these double standards are justified by both feminists and tradcons. Feminists do so with their male privilege concept, while tradcons use their survival of the tribe argument.Are traditionalist women really any different from feminists? The answer is no, because even ‘traditional’ women cherry pick which tenets of traditionalism to keep in place, and which ones they’ll discard. In a sense I have far more respect for the feminist, because at least they’re willing to get their hands dirty and take a great amount of heat for their views. Traditional women on the other hand not only escape having the stigma of the feminist label attached to them, but still get to reap in the benefits of a post-modern feminist movement and their still retained cultural privileges. Traditionalist women (and men) also want to keep the same tradiations in place that have harmed men to begin with. It’s nice to see that MGTOW has finally started to call out all BS, and not just concentrate on feminists.

What do you think of male feminists?

Well, I’m one, and all my male friends are feminists, though perhaps not so outspoken as I am. :)It just seems like an obvious position to take. If you love your mother, your wife, your sister, your daughter, your female friends… how can you not want the same rights, privileges, freedoms, and opportunities for them that you have for yourself? Feminism is just common decency, it seems to me. Who wants their daughter to be catcalled on the street, or sexually harassed in her job?I’m going to take a second to address some of the negative things people say about us, even though they’re beneath contempt.No, we’re not espousing feminism in an effort to win the approval of women and get them to sleep with us. Well, maybe a few young men are, but I’m in my fifties, and if my feminism had that effect on women, I’d be beating them off with a broom. In 30+ years of public feminism, I haven’t had a come-on yet. Besides, it’s an idiotic claim. Are Christians who support Jews just trying to get in bed with them? Are white who support blacks just trying to seduce them? Give me a break.Are we “inferior” or “beta” males? The men who assert this clearly have a high opinion of themselves, and a low opinion of us. All I can say is that I’d rather be inferior and stand for the rights of women than consider myself an “alpha” and be a bigot and chauvinist.

Do men like feminists?

I don’t like most feminists.“You sexist, bigoted asshole go fuck yourself and die in a hole!!!”Thank you!Can I explain now?Here is the definition for feminism:The advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.Sounds perfect, right?Not really.The advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of equality of the sexes does not always lead to equality of the sexes.When you have idiots who put absolutely no justification in their claim and manipulate data while lying, then feminism becomes a bad thing indeed.There are wonderful feminists, mostly those in the 1st wave of feminism because they have fought for, and were rewarded women suffrage.Women suffrage is a very good thing.However, modern day “feminism” aka. “third wave” feminism is full of bullshit.You have people who think that they are helping women, but they really aren’t.All what those people are doing is attacking men.These people never quote real statistics, and when they do; they always leave out vital data.This is especially prominent in the “gender wage gap”.Especially this disgusting red ball over here:These people manufacture myths like the gender wage gap, believing that they are doing good for women.But they are just doing bad for men.And I made myself clear…The gender wage gap does not exist!Confused?Brainwashed by propaganda?There’s a gender EARNING gap all right.It’s true that women earn less than men.It’s absolutely irrefutable.However, have these what people call “feminists” looked into how much hours women work?Which is lower than men?Women’s retirement age? Which is lower than men?It’s exactly what I’ve said.These “feminists” can very easily find statistics about the hours worked, and retirement date.But they leave out these info.Why?Because they know they are wrong.They know they are spreading fake information.But it doesn’t matter to those people, they just want to whine for women superiority.If I was alive during first and some of second wave feminism, I would have supported it.But modern times is third wave feminism.I will never support third wave feminism.People have destroyed feminism through false claims and overprotestion.

What do you think about feminists treating men as less?

Feminists don’t treat men as less, they treat them as equals.Sometimes when you are used to being the *only* voice, being without critique, etc..having another voice, and one that also critiques can feel like *less.*But feminism, by definition of Merriam Webster, stands for, “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.”Definition of FEMINISM

Do some feminists think they can shame men into finding older women attractive?

I don't think anyone is trying to shame men into liking older women...but I think there are many who acknowledge that men who consistently try to date women considerably younger than themselves ought to be ashamed of themselves. I hate to be close-minded, but that's just gross.

Some old guy is just being pathetic if he continually ignores women in his own age group in favor of younger women. If he doesn't find women his own age attractive, he needs to remember that HE'S OLD TOO!! Old men aren't exactly all that appealing either.

Also, young women who date old men should be recognized for what they (all too often) hungry. They're looking for some old dude to spend his money on them.

Basically, everyone should stick to approximately their own age group.



A cougar is an older woman who often dates younger men.


To be honest, the main people that I have a problem with are the older men who immediately write off women of their own age group as being "ghastly"...if those women are ghastly, so are you, buddy!

If two people from very different age groups connect with one another on a level besides the physical, and it's safe to assume those two individuals would still date even if they were close together in age, then I suppose I have no problem with that.

It just really bothers me that old women are shoved off to the side in the realm of dating and sexuality. Old women are sexual beings just as much as old men are, and they ought to find satisfaction in one another, instead of the old men going after the young pretties and leaving the older women out in the cold.



I'm 21, so I have absolutely no problem with men of my own age group dating younger than me. That would be statutory rape.

All the same, I can recognize that there is a hypocrisy in old men flatly refusing to date women their own age. If you will read all of what I have wrote (more specifically, my "@Gnu" section) you will see that *to some extent* I agree with you.

What do you think of the feminist argument that misogyny should be a hate crime but misandry should not?

A classic example of how feminists claim to support equality but in reality do just the opposite.