What Do You Think Of Mothers Who Refuse To Pay Child Support

Should I thank my child's father for paying child support?

Interesting question. On one hand, you’re thanking him for doing what he should do even without being ordered to by a court. They’re his kids too - he enjoyed making them.On the other hand, with so many non custodial parents skipping out on their obligations, it’s a good thing to have one that steps up to the plate and pays what they are supposed to. Saying thanks for not being one of “those” and helping out might be a nice thing to do. Depends a lot on your relationship with him.My children’s dad swore he’d never, ever pay child support. I took him back to court, where his high powered lawyer kept me on the stand grilling me for 3 hours as to why I thought I needed child support. They’re HIS kids too!! But you drive a brand new car. Yeah, I do. But it wasn’t a Cadillac, it was a Honda. I was a single mom with two kids, one of whom was special needs. I lived and worked in a huge city where I had no family. I also knew zip about fixing a car. I needed reliable transportation, not someone else’s castoff problem beater. “You’re wearing a suit” Yeah, I have a professional job, and he’s a GM Engineer - your point is? Anyway, there was 3 hours of that back and forth.In the end, I got a judgment for a small amount of child support, with no award of arrearage. Once I got the judgment, he paid faithfully. However, he had no further contact with his children. They are now adults, and he hasn’t seen one of them in years or talked to them. He’s always too busy to spend time with the other one, and all calls are initiated by the child.Have I thanked him? Nope. He doesn’t deserve it. Too many non custodial parents think of child support as extra income for the custodial parent. News flash - it’s not “mad money”. It helps with school books, child care costs, school clothes, lunch money, after school activities, etc, etc. That stuff adds up and is difficult to do on one income when you’re a single parent.

Why do fathers think it’s okay to not pay child support?

My ex and I split up 3 years ago. I never fought him on paying half the childcare costs even though I was within my legal right to do so. He is ordered to pay $544 per month for two kids based on his $45k per year salary. He says he can’t afford it because he had to save money to get his license back (lost due to DUI’s). He refuses to take the kids more than 2 nights per month and refused to get a second job to cover things he has still managed to work throughout the years with no license. His parents think it’s okay for him not to pay and he says it’s no big deal. Meanwhile my fiancé just gave up his health insurance so he’d have more money to help support my kids while I’m in PA school (and also working two jobs). Child support is for the basics like food and shelter, and he is contributing zero. I also have provided all transportation the last couple years. So many people I know think this is fine. We decided together to have the kids. Why is this okay?

What do you think of mother's who collect child support out of spite?

When my son was born another man was on the birth certificate and at the time i couldn't afford to do anything about it and the mother refused to. So i seen my child at his mothers delegation. This whole time obviously she wasn't worried about child support or she would of been willing to put me on the birth certificate to get it.

After I got tired of her taking my son from me when ever she felt like and and not letting me have my son for a single holiday for 3 years, i had finally saved up enough money to put a stop to it. I hired a lawyer to get my parental rights.

Immediately she filed for child support.

If I would not have wanted to be his legal father and wanted rights still to this day she would not be getting child support. I told her for the whole 3 years that if she just put me on his birth certificate that she could get child support, but i was not going to give her money when i had no say so in when i got my child and when she could just take him from me whenever she pleased, and also until the dna test that i did on my own (mouth swabs) i didn't know 100% that he was mine due to her telling another man this whole time that he was his son too. So obviously she was having sexual relations with him at the same time as me.

I am fine with paying child support now that i have rights to my child and she can't take him from me when she feels like it but it urks my nerves that she only did it out of spite.

If it was something she needed then she wouldn't have waited for me to take action, she would of. it wouldn't of cost her anything to do it. it cost me 2 grand.

Also what do you think about women who sit around on government assistance with no job collecting child support? this is her. she has a free place to live, free food and free medical. but yet i am paying her for all this stuff, she gets 500 a month to buy clothes, shoes, she doesn't need it for food due to her food stamps, her housing is free, there insurance is 100% paid for, where is all my money going, to her wants not my child's.

My childs' mother refuses to let me see my son.?

I am a 28 yr. old man w/ a steady job, I have a stable lifestyle, I'm clean, I don't drink or do drugs. 5 yrs ago my ex-girlfriend and I got pregnant accidently. I am only allowed to see my son when she feels like letting me. I pay child support and never missed a payment. My son has been told that another one of my exes' boyfriends was his father. They broke up though and my son and I grew closer. He started to finally realize that I am his dad. I've trid calling my child's mother, my childs' mothers' parents and nobody is returning my telephone calls. I've sent letters, cards and gifts. How do I reconnect with my son who is 5? I'm scared he's getting the idea that I don't want to be a part of his life. The relationiship I had with his mother was short-lived. When she got pregnant she wanted me to marry her. Things were not going well so I said no and we broke up shortly after she got pregnant. I feel we should be able to communicate on an adult level, she's 25. What should I do?

Dead Beat Dad Refuses to Pay Child Support?

My sister and her ex-husband have been divorced for a while now and she has always had trouble getting him to pay child support. It was always late or he'd make up excuses as to why he couldn't pay. he is about 3 months behind right now and when she calls his & his parent's house they refuse to answer the phone.

They still get visitation. Although they do not want to "babysit" on their scheduled Wednesdays anymore even though it is their court-ordered day along with every other weekend. You can not stop visitation because child support is un paid.

His mother just called my sister today and left a voicemail on her phone saying basically they are done with her asking them for money. they refuse to help pay for her dental & doctor bills and are done paying child support and his mother says if she wants another $1, she better go to court and get it deducted from his paycheck.

He is constantly changing jobs as an excuse not to pay. Once they were divorced and he was ordered to pay child support, he quit his lucrative job for a fast food job and moved back in with his mom & dad. She thinks when she does get it auto-deducted, he'll keep quitting his job, so it'll delay the checks.

He has another baby with a woman left right after they got divorced and must be paying child support for him too.

What can she do? What documents does she need when she goes into court? What is the process? (She lives in Florida, if that makes a difference)

Can the divorced mother of a dead adult child, refuse to pay any of the funeral costs incurred by the boys dad

My oldest son, Camron, died of a drug overdose almost six years ago. I found his body and at the time I was addicted to cocaine. I am a bisexual man, as a result of being raped as a child. I am 24 years into my second marriage. My ex-wife, the mother of our dead son, divorced me when Camron was 5 because I was addicted to cocaine and was having sex with men. She knew I was bisexual and chose to marry me because she was in love with me. But during and after the divoece she vowed take revenge by telling the boys that I was a ****** up queer, liar and drug addict, and she told Camron that he was just like me and that she didn't like him but loved his brother more. And Camron was like me...he loved me... As part of her revenge, she refused to help pay any of Camrons funeral costs. Today she still hates me, my family, and my freinds, who helped by giving me $14,000.00 to bury him. I am thinking about suing her to pay back half the money to the people who gave it...