What Do You Think Of My Essay

What do you think of my essay?

Pretty good.

What do u think of my essay?

this is a perfect example on how you should use yahoo answers.
this 12 year old student instead of let people on yahoo do the work, did her own work and than asks if its good on yahoo.
great job young lady. they should give you an A for work only. and extra credit for the essay itself.
keep this up and you will do great in life.

What do you think of my college essay?

Very Nice~~~
One more thing I want to point out is that in the introduction paragraph there is too much description of Elle. You should make a brief and specific description by using common known words. Also, u should fix the last sentence of the paragraph because it just didn't make any sense to me after I read the whole essay. Other than that>> Great Job! I hope u get accepted to ur dream college! Good Luck and may God always be with u!

What do you think of my essay about Gandhi?

Excellent and very interesting. It may be an idea to add a couple of examples ie how did the problems he faced in South Africa materialise

good luck & well done

What do you think of my essay on my view on war???????????????????????????...

Its a pretty good essay, with some good arguments, but here are some suggestions for improvements:

- i dont think you should keep saying "i think" or at least thats how i was taught over and over again in high school. this is YOUR essay, obviously this is what YOU think (this is what my english and social teachers always told us hahaha).

- and don't have two or more sentences close to one another that start with the same word/words (a lot of your sentences start with the word "I").

- and try to stay objective when expressing your points and arguments as opposed to subjective (don't use the word "I", make/support your points through specific examples from an objective point of view --> this is much more proffessional).

Hope this helps!
good luck and great job :)

What do you think of my personal essay?
