What Do You Think Of My First Chapter Is It Catching Enough

What do you think of my first chapter?

I'll give it a go. Just keep in mind, while I am honest, at the end of the day, all I'm giving is my opinion. It's up to you to decide if I've given you reason enough to actually change anything ;)

I would probably be more interested if you just skipped the whole first part and started the story out with the line "Is she dead?" It just seems more of a catching start in my opinion and it keeps an air of mystery. Considering your prologue doesn't seem to have a whole lot of information regarding your main character.

Then you kind of lose the sense of wonder halfway through. YOu give away too much information too quickly right at the beginning in my opinion. It almost feels as though I'm reading the middle of the book rather than the beginning. There's a kind of baiting you can do with stories where you give enough information that you interest them, and continue to give little drabbles of information throughout the story to keep their interest, then you finally make the big reveal where the reader finally sees where their suspicions were correct or not.

The real problem is that you have a lot of bits of information like the main character's mother and stuff, and I personally don't see where it's even relevant to bring up.

The biggest weakness I personally found, is the characters. There's nothing about them that makes them interesting to me. They feel generic doing generic vampire things. A lot of stories give you a glimpse into the character's normal life before they start spinning it out of control. This, I don't get any glimpse of your protagonist's personal life, so the conflict feels bland. I don't find myself connecting with the characters.

The pacing is the second problem which has to do with the lack of rising action. It moves too fast from one thing to the next. Good scenes are typically built up to. The scary moment in the movie is normally built up to by doing smaller things to raise the tension. Emotional moments are built up to by letting the reader connect to characters on a personal level.

What should the first chapter of my fantasy novel contain?

It should contain what the first chapter of what every novel should contain: the seeds of the conclusion.It’s sometimes called the ‘author’s promise’ to the reader that they are about to read a book that will conclude with the solution to the problem that the beginning posited. That brings the beginning of the story to the end of the story. That brings the seed of that story to fruition.Those seeds don’t have to give away what that conclusion is about. Whether it’s a good ending or bad. Just that’s the conclusion justifies the beginning.

If i rub my hands together hard enough will they catch fire?

well as they said you could try, but i think the friction involved would tear your hand first. Remember, your hand is tissue, not solid steel. Even if it was humanly possible for them to accelerate to the speed to catch fire, your hands would tear first

What were your first thoughts when you read the Hunger Games?

My friend is totally mad about The Hunger Games. Always she discussed about that. When I was looking for a new book, i thought of of reading it. I completed the first book in 2 days and currently reading Cathing Fire.Mind= BlownAmazing book, worth a read. The first few chapters were boring, but when the game started, everything was in place. The imagination, creativity and each character is perfect. Feels like you yourself are in the arena. After Sherlock Holmes, The Hunger Games is the closest to my heart. I do think that the love triangle was unnecessary.Edit- read catching fire and mockingjay. Catching fire is the most intresting. I thought Mockingjay was bit boring and slow. In all the trilogy is amazing!


I have a story in mind. It's thoroughly plotted but the first chapter gives me the freedom to start anywhere I like. Here's the problem, I have no idea how to grab the readers attention.

What grabs your attention? Action, war, romance, death, beauty, nature?

Why does it capture your attention and drive you to continue reading?

Is 30 minutes enough time to catch a connecting flight?

The terminal at Memphis is really tiny, but even so that's pretty tight. Are the two flights on the same carrier? Bought as one itinerary? The reason I ask is that they won't sell you a ticket for a connection they don't think you can (normally) make. It would be bad business to do so. Also the 20 minute cutoff does not apply to that situation.