What Do You Think Of My High School Plan

How should I plan for my high school?

I would agree with Ronaldo here. If you can read up a little on your subjects beforehand, great. If not don't worry about it.Do try and keep reading over your summer holiday, and do try and do little bits of mathematics (it's very easy for you to get very rusty of maths). Otherwise, don't worry to much. The hard work will happen when you get there.

What are your plans after high school?

This answer is different for me than most of you guys. You see, High School finishes in tenth grade here.I’m in tenth grade. School finishes in December.It’s July now, right? That’s like five months. I’ve already been admitted to a chill college. But it’s the most liberal, feminist, vegan place ever. I give myself a month fore I alienate everyone there.Anyways, my plans are to enjoy the six weeks of summer break. Go to a lot of parties. Drink so much alcohol it takes five years off my lifespan. Do some drugs. Maybe contract an STD or two. Oh, and whenever I’m not doing those things I’m gonna drink Kale Smoothies and eat lean chicken and work out and read wholesome books. Balance out extreme bad with extreme good.Oh and then I’ll start college. Write on Quora a lot. Expand the internet media I can produce. Do business classes because they can get you most places. Fuck around and be social in the meantime.Then graduate, work a manual labour job and make my resume better until I can get a job that doesn’t suck.Then I work that job till I die. Spend most of my early 20s telling myself I’ll move out of my parents’ place and never do because it’ll mean having to sacrifice either Netflix or Spotify Premium. Then, if my internet rambling hasn’t brought me some success, I’ll wallow in sadness until my mother or Last Good Friend (tm) makes me join a social activity. Then I’ll meet some girl who’s mildly interesting and get tricked into marriage somehow. Then I’ll live in misery and debt and die at like 63 of heart-related problems.That’s assuming I don’t blow my brains out along the way. Hurray

TEENS: What do you plan to do after High School?

I'd like to go to uni to do medicine, I want to eventually be a paediatric oncologist, I've had leukaemia twice and lost a friend to brain cancer, so I'm passionate about the subject, I want to help kids going through what I went through. I reckon it'll help to have a doctor that can relate

I'm doing a gap year before that though (if I get into uni) because with everything thats happened, I need a break. I'm going to try and get a part time job and save up some money, go on holiday with my mates, and generally have fun for a year, before the real work starts!

In terms of relationships, I've been with my girlfriend almost a year, so who knows what the future holds for us. Eventually I'd like to get married and have kids too


What are your high school plans?

So. Kind of feel like I need to start from my freshman year for the full effect.Last year, my main goal was to take creative writing 1 & 2. The teacher was retiring that year, so it was my last chance to have him as a teacher. Luckily—with a few weird schedule twists—I got both classes. I also started taking my art classes, with photography and 2D Art 1.I was taking a few classes technically for sophomores. I was in algebra 2, bio honors, English 2 honors, and AP Human Geography. Fun fact! APHG was completely and utterly useless, and I need to make up economics and US Government at some point during the next two years because those were required. APHG was not.Onward, to sophomore year!I’m taking 2 art classes again: 2D Art 2 and digital art. My other elective was the famous Holocaust class that I’ve written a lot about on here, but it’s a semester only, so I’m doing HOPE after break. Other than that, I’ve got 2 AP classes—AP World History, and Language & Composition. Chemistry and pre-calc are my last necessary credits for science and math, so hopefully I don’t need to do anything there the next two years.Next year, I plan to take AP Studio Art.That’s pretty much my only solid right now.I don’t want to do math and science; my credit requirements will be filled, so—just, please, no.I’ve been thinking about doing dual enrollment, and doing Comp 1 for college credit. (It would still be on school campus, though, which is nice.) Depending on whether I do Comp 1 or AP Lit, I’m doing either AP US History or Honors. I just don’t want more than 2 AP classes, even though art probably won’t be as stressful as the others.I’ll have a good number of free periods, though, so I’d like to get at least one period where I don’t need to be at school. The others, I’ll fill up with electives—I have a lot I want to do. And, of course, I need to make up econ and government.Senior year, I have halfhearted plans to graduate a semester early. I don’t want to graduate a year early, because even though I’ll be able to, I don’t want to. It’s senior year; it feels important. But at the same time, I don’t want to ramble through school for an unnecessary year.So, senior year is a hazy, distant field of “what on earth is going on.” The only thing I’m somewhat sure about is taking photography 2 or, if they have it, digital art 2.Art. Yeah, that’s pretty much the only thing I’m sure about.Life is indecisive, kids.

Teens what are your plans after high school?

I'm curious since I've been in your shoes since I'm a 19 year old college student. What are your plans/dreams after high school and why? Word of advice: If you don't know yet, it's ok. Don't panic and do what's best FOR YOU! :)

What does post high school plans mean?

what do you want to do after high school
ex: college, internship, work, military etc

Is there anyone at your high school that you legitimately think is planning a school shooting or might carry out one?

I have him now, in my algebra 1. He has red hair. He sits alone at lunch with his earphones in and never says a word. The only time he really talks is during algebra, which is a pretty rowdy class anyway. He sits in front of me and another girl and he often turns around and chats with us, mostly friendly banter. He has a great sense of humor, albeit a bit edgy, depression jokes and stuff. I feel like there is something off about him, though. He seems angry. I once saw him walking by himself, and I was about to call out to him to say hey when he made a gun with his hand and held it to his forehead, then ‘shot’ it into his skull expressionlessly. A real chill went down my spine. Like, if he is suicidal I don’t judge him because, well, same. But still, creepySerious anonymous threats have been made against my school lately. We now have policemen on campus at all times. This would be spooky enough, but also, yesterday during my art class a junior girl (i’m a freshman, yuck) said to me that he (the weird redhead) had brought weapons to school before, and bragged about it, and she heard him. Big yikes

Should i drop out of high school and get my GED?

as long as you get your GED...and you really think you can excell in the world of food...then why not...a LOT of people think that dropping out of school is SUCH a bad thing but i have know WAY WAY too many people that have done absolutly amazing things with just a GED...its drilled into peoples heads to "be cool stay in school" what your heart tells you too and you will be just fine