What Do You Think Of My Profile Picture Good Photo

What do you think about my profile picture?

What do I think of your profile picture?Thanks for the A2A Seungjin Oh!I think your profile picture is cool!I can’t exactly tell which tank and ship those are, but I know they’re from Korea. I also like the self promotion. America and American name on the top, South Korea and Korean name on the bottom!Question is, what do you think of mine?ㅁㅁ

How do I choose a good profile picture?

Mine is a little piece from one of the digital art pieces I did earlier this year.I’ve been thinking about changing it, recently. I like to change things up.I chose it because it was something that I created and it was something colorful. Those are pretty much my only two requirements: I want something that’s so very me, and I want something bright enough to stand out from the crowd.Now, I’m going in with the assumption that you don’t want to draw something, and you don’t want to use your face. And also that you want it to mean something.Photography is usually a good choice. Pretty much everyone has taken at least a few pictures that they’re proud of. If you have a picture of, say, a pet, or maybe a scenic view from your city, those could make interesting profile photos.Or, you can go your Google route. I’ll be honest: I tend to be averse to using anything created by other people in connection with my name. I don’t want to use someone else’s original artwork, or photography, as my profile or desktop background.However, I do really like the idea of using things that mean something to you in whatever way as your profile, even if the image isn’t your creation. Jake Williams, obviously, uses a Zootopia character, and User-12463841276110134944 uses Timon from The Lion King.Find something that appeals to you and is visually interesting.Try looking at movies or video games you like, a particular city you love, pets (if you have any), clear and colorful images, something easily recognizable, and/or nostalgia for any ideas. Make sure it’s something that you didn’t choose “just because.”

I look good in Profile pictures, but look awful in tagged photos.. Am I ugly in real life or not?

Hi .. I know I sound pathetic, and I really do love myself and the way I look. However, something has been bugging me since quite some time now.

The thing is, my profile pictures consist of pictures that I take by myself, at home .. and I normally have to go through some dozen pictures just to find one where I look good. Then I kinda edit it, and upload it to FB..

Now the other thing is, when I go to a party, or wherever with friends, and pictures are taken of me, I look AWFUL and ugly in them. I even set privacy on my tagged pictures because I look so ugly in them.

Now what's me bothering are these:
1 - Do you think people notice how good I look in my profile pictures and how awful I look in tagged photos?
2 - Do you think I look as awful in real life as well? Or do I look as good as in pictures I take by myself?
3 - If I really look awful in real life, then does it mean people see another version on me in my profile pictures? Meaning, someone really different ?

I don't know .. This bugs me .. Sometimes I think of uploading ugly pics of me just to let people know I am not 'cheating' just to look good etc ..
And sometimes I am afraid when someone who saw me in real life adds me on FB .. I'm afraid if they see me different in my pictures from how I look in real life..
But when I look at myself in the mirror, I do look good as in my pictures.. Many people compliment me on my looks, saying I'm attractive etc .. but tagged photos always make me feel ugly .. Please tell me if you have faced similar situations and how to overcome it .. Thank you ..

P.S - I know how some people can be mean here .. If I wrote this much, it means this is really bugging me .. so give me something that will help me instead of pissing me off. Thank you.

What photo should I make my profile picture?

Hi, i need some help on what photo i should make my profile picture on facebook..
They are both similar, just one i have my toung out :P

I look good in Profile pictures, but look awful in tagged photos.. Am I ugly in real life or not?

Hi .. I know I sound pathetic, and I really do love myself and the way I look. However, something has been bugging me since quite some time now.

The thing is, my profile pictures consist of pictures that I take by myself, at home .. and I normally have to go through some dozen pictures just to find one where I look good. Then I kinda edit it, and upload it to FB..

Now the other thing is, when I go to a party, or wherever with friends, and pictures are taken of me, I look AWFUL and ugly in them. I even set privacy on my tagged pictures because I look so ugly in them.

Now what's me bothering are these:
1 - Do you think people notice how good I look in my profile pictures and how awful I look in tagged photos?
2 - Do you think I look as awful in real life as well? Or do I look as good as in pictures I take by myself?
3 - If I really look awful in real life, then does it mean people see another version on me in my profile pictures? Meaning, someone really different ?

I don't know .. This bugs me .. Sometimes I think of uploading ugly pics of me just to let people know I am not 'cheating' just to look good etc ..
And sometimes I am afraid when someone who saw me in real life adds me on FB .. I'm afraid if they see me different in my pictures from how I look in real life..
But when I look at myself in the mirror, I do look good as in my pictures.. Many people compliment me on my looks, saying I'm attractive etc .. but tagged photos always make me feel ugly .. Please tell me if you have faced similar situations and how to overcome it .. Thank you ..

P.S - I know how some people can be mean here .. If I wrote this much, it means this is really bugging me .. so give me something that will help me instead of pissing me off. Thank you.

How do I make a tagged photo my profile picture on Facebook?

To be completely honest, Facebook's new layout confuses me. I want to make a picture my profile picture, but I have no idea how to. My friend has a photo that I'm tagged in, and there is a "Make Profile Picture" option, but I don't know where to go from there. If someone could give me an easy-to-follow, step-by-step series of instructions - preferably one that my mind could handle - that would be fantastic. Thanks! :)

What do you think of Fred Shirley's new profile photo?

Why James, was this a mistake? Before receiving this request, I had no idea who Fred Shirley is, let alone making any judgements!But nonetheless!I think it’s great!That piercing gaze at the camera, just, uh, so [insert something lovely and cryptic]!And, um. Your facial expressions? They’re… um. Stunning?

Why don't you upload your own photo as your profile picture?

I did. Me, at my age with big black glasses and lots of grey hair.Then I started getting private messages from men in other countries who wanted to be my friend. Then they wanted to come over and spend time with me. I looked at their profiles and the profiles were empty. They hadn’t answered or asked questions.Then the Nigerian Princes showed up to tell me god wanted us to be together. At first it was funny. Then not so funny. I told them that I’m an atheist — and it didn’t matter.It got annoying, so I said what I needed to say, blocked them all, and changed my profile pic to the stunning portrait that now accompanies my writing here.My large, high, rounded and protruding forehead dominates, as it should. The absence of hair permits viewers to see the even slope of the parietal bones. The occipital bone, beautifully curved and high above the brain stem is exquisite. You can’t see it in the profile picture, but it’s there, and always elegant.I’ve enlarged it so you can see more detail (thank you, Yosey Huff).The mandible is missing, but this is on purpose so that the delicate cheekbones could be observed in relation to the frontal bone and the eyeball sockets at a larger size. The brow ridges, as any fool can see, are slightly masculine. But the high forehead and the delicate cheekbones above and below the brows provide a seductive symmetry.On the forehead is the flag of Canada to let you know where I belong in the world and that I am holistic in my views. My favourite is the flag of Wales. Perhaps for the back.I am still alluring, but in a different way, and the requests for snippets of my time have stopped.Sigh.

If a girl likes your profile pictures does that mean she likes the photo or does she think your atrractive?

Here are the options:
•She thought it was a good picture of you (but does not necessarily find you attractive)
•You're friends and she liked the picture because she liked it.
•She finds you attractive and would've liked anything you post.
•She finds you attractive and thinks it's a good picture.
Honestly, it's usually if she finds you attractive. (:

How often should you change your profile picture?

I can understand when people say to change it as little as possible, especially if they use their accounts for business/networking purposes. I also understand where people are coming from when they say it's good to keep it fresh, especially those who are in a creative line of work.Personally, I'm somewhere in between and I usually rely on context more than anything. For example, if it's my anniversary, I'll have a photo of my boyfriend and I that I really like. If I get a new haircut/color, I'll update it. That being said, I'm not someone who updates it every week. I find that to be pretty annoying, especially when all of the pictures look the same anyway.Basically, I think that when you look through someone's profile photo album, you should see a wide range of photos, not the same pose/smile, that actually give you a true idea of who they are. If there are more than 100 photos, consider deleting some that you feel aren't really "you".