What Do You Think Of The Phrase

What do ya think about this Phrase?

Essential to man’s happiness. The resurrection of the dead, an undeserved kindness on God’s part, is essential to mankind’s happiness and to the undoing of all the harm, suffering, and oppression that have come upon the human race. These things have befallen man as a result of his imperfection and sickness, the wars he has waged, the murders committed, and the inhumanities practiced by wicked people at the instance of Satan the Devil. We cannot be completely happy if we do not believe in a resurrection. The apostle Paul expressed the feeling in these words: “If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all men most to be pitied.”—1Co 15:19.
How Early Was Resurrection Hope Given? After Adam had sinned and had brought death upon himself and thereby introduced death for those who would be his posterity, God, in addressing the serpent, said: “And I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel.”—Ge 3:15.

What does the phrase "You think!" mean?

It should be written. "YOU THINK?" It's rhetorical. It means an sarcastic way of agreeing with what the first person stated as if to say that tall (as an example) is not apporirate enough adjective to define how tall this guy really is.

Person 1 - he's tall
Person 2 - You Think?

What do you think of the phrase "It's just a phase"?

Heh! That phrase was how I survived my children’s toddler years. When they threw a tantrum, I told myself, “it’s just a phase, and it’ll pass.” When they got too involved with an activity that was annoying to me but enjoyable to them, I told myself, “it’s just a phase, and it’ll pass.” When my older son wanted more space and more privacy, I told myself, “it’s just a phase, and it’ll pass.” When my younger son complains that he’s always too young for this or that, I tell myself “it’s just a phase, and it’ll pass.”Heh heh! To you, it may be an annoying phrase or even a dismissive phrase, but as a parent, it’s been a blessing because it reminds me that everything my children go through is temporary and they’re growing up and I only have to hang on and do my best.

What do you think of TNA James Storm's catch phrase, " Sorry About Your Damn Luck "?

i love it i use it all the time like when i win a game or something i always use it

What do you think of the phrase: "Sofa King We Todd Did"?

How about " We Todd did diddley? It is all in how you couch the question.

What do you think about tatooing the GMC catch phrase: "Not more than you need, just more than you're used to"

Go for it!!!!
Don't forget the 22's!

What do you think of the phrase "it's not illegal if you aren't caught"?

It's very Asian. People in face-saving honor-shame cultures seem to live by it.That being said, in the Western and especially the Anglo-Saxon tradition, there are certain acts where the statement is almost true. Basic principles of Common Law include, “Where there is no victim-plaintiff there is no crime,” and, “Where a law cannot be legally enforced it does not apply.” One can't be charged with disturbing the peace if no one’s peace was disturbed … at least enough to file a complaint. And there are also the rules of evidence and the writ of Habeas Corpus. Where all essential evidence of an alleged crime necessary for proving that a crime was even committed lies beyond the legal or physical reach of the prosecution, legally no “crime" was committed.