What Do You Think Of Their Looks

Do you think monkeys worry about their looks?

Interesting question. The vain ones probably do, you know the ones...they swing over a pond and give long sideways glances at their reflections and slow down so they can see themselves longer.
The ones who are trying to impress members of the opposite sex also probably do..their the ones who constantly touch their heads and smooth their hair nervously, they tend to suck their little monkey butts in when they see someone looking at them.
Then there's the old comfortable monkeys...lying around, letting their bananas and coconuts fall where they will. Farting and scratching with bored expressions.
I hope this helped.

Do you think greeks look like hispanics?

All I know is I'm Colombian (hispanic) and we love arepas in our culture but instead of using cheese from Colombia, I buy naturally crumpled Fetta cheese guessed it Greece. So I think you might be on to something there. Or you guys just have amazing cheese. Oh and greek salads- thank you.

What do you think about the way you look?

I used to think I was hideous. Looking in the mirror wasn’t just unpleasant; it was traumatising. Each time I would go away feeling more unhappy than the previous.Even now, I still have some of these demons. And the person who looks back at me is capricious; he changes, or at least, my interpretation of him changes daily. This can be a great cause of anxiety, for the simply reason that I don’t always know who’s going to leer back at me when I look in the mirror.It’s partly why I take so many selfies — not because I’m vain (I promise I’m not), but to keep track of things. To reflect on how my interpretation of myself changes.The other day, however, I was having a typical childish Fred-style crisis of confidence about my appearance.“I am ugly. You’re just saying I’m not to make me feel better!” I blurted out angrily. I get defensive when I feel vulnerable.“That is so not true. Why do you think you’re my muse?” he replied.“What do you mean?”“Why do you think I take so many photos of you?”“I don’t know. To make me feel better about myself?” I shrugged.“Well, yeah, I won’t lie: there is that. I’m your friend. I like to play my part in making you feel good about yourself.But more importantly than that, it’s because you’re flippin’ handsome and make for a good portrait subject!”To be called someone’s ‘muse’ was very special for me. I am so grateful for him and his dogged determination to see me happy.Those moments of horror still appear, but much less frequently. There are moments that I even like the way I look; a very strange feeling indeed.Anyway, here’s me lying in the spring sun, just because.I think I look quite nice.

What do you think about Chelsea Clinton? (about her looks)?

EDIT: to "Thanks for the 2 points": When you say that Scarlett, wouldn't choose me, you're olny repeating what other women say to me and other men, when we talk about FANTASTIC women...
Hummm.... i wonder...

Do you think a person's looks affects his or her success in the job market?discuss why or why not.?

Yes, why? Lots of psychological research studies....

What do you think about the look of Captain Marvel?

OH SHE LOOKS BADASS! AND THEY DID COMIC ACCURATE VERSIONS TOO!!!So Marvel just dropped the first Captain Marvel trailer.And I’ve got to tell you that there are a lot of easter eggs in this one for the upcoming Avengers 4 Movie. We’re gonna talk about all of them and break down the trailer as well!So, let’s get started with the top 10 things you can take away from this trailer.Well, actually…Why strain your brain reading when I’ve made this really quick 3 min video that tells you the Top 10 things & all the Avengers 4 easter eggs. Go watch it, it’ll definitely answer all your questions!Check it out here:If you liked the video, don’t forget to comment on the video that you came from Quora, it really motivates me to make more videos and answer more questions!You can also consider subscribing to my channel and following me on Quora.Hope I was able to help!Cheers!

Do you think rating people on their looks is immature and mean?

The only people I know of who do this seriously, besides teenagers who are quite inexperienced, are pick-up artists or PUA wannabes. These are people who deliberately depersonalise women as it makes it easier for them to focus on getting what they want, so yes it’s unkind, but that’s pretty much irrelevant considering what they are trying to do.I have heard some dating advice that suggests you post your photo on something like ratemypicture to get an idea of where you stand with respect to everyone else in the dating pool. This is because in dating people often start with the photo and read any interesting things you write on your profile after they’ve chosen your profile based on your image in the lineup. Bear in mind that there seems to be a strong preference for slightly more than average attractiveness, with most people thinking that people they have rated 9s and 10s are unattainable so never approaching them.For a PUA there’s usually the assumption that if a woman is averagely attractive (or thinks she is) she’ll get less attention from men so will be more grateful for and receptive to theirs.All I can say is, it’s helpful in life to have a way to spot people who think like this so you can avoid them!

What do you think of the new Star Trek: Discovery look?

I actually rather like it, and I really don't see why so many people are up in arms about it.It looks to me like a very sensible melding of the design of the Kelvin with early 23rd century minimalism, just about what I'd expect for the era. The secondary hull seems designed for a large hangar bay, which one would assume they'd still be relying on as transporters didn't seem to be truly ubiquitous until the TNG era (the original Enterprise only had one transporter room!) and the saucer looks about right in proportion to the design.Overall it just feels practical and very, very solid - like they haven't quite gotten their metallurgy to the point where they can build spindly nacelle pylons and the like yet.I also find it particularly ironic that so many people who were complaining that the NX class looked too advanced and pretty are now complaining about the Discovery looking too primitive and ugly. Poor guys just can't win.