What Do You Think Of This Funny Idea For A Better World

Is World of Tanks better than Warthunder?

It depends on how you measure goodness.World of Tanks is played by more people and makes more money.Warthunder has better visuals, allows players to do more than just drive tanks. It’s a better simulation of fighting with ww2 weapons systems than World of Tanks.The very gamey constraints that limit its ability to compete at the simulation level World of Tanks is a deeper, more complex skill game and cultivates higher levels of competitive play.Even tho Warthunder has its arcade mode as a nod to mimicking World of Tanks, they are very different games.Warthunder comes from a legacy of action sim games.World of Tanks is really just an extension of Counter Strike with tanks and lots of “characters.”If you find one game better than the other I would guess it says more about you as a player than it does about either of the two games.

Did you find 'Team America: World Police' homophobic?

I think that Matt Parker and Trey Stone rip on everything. They don't offend me because I understand the motivation behind what they do, and I think its hilarious.

Even though I'm gay, I don't think that there are words and ideas that belong to us and us alone.

I enjoy their productions and I have a hard time finding fault with them.

Why do celebrities think the world revolves around them?