What Do You Think Of This Picture Girls Especially

What do you think of girls who post pictures of themselves In bra and underwear?

I'm 15 and I know a girl my age who does this.. I think it's really slutty honestly. She posts pic of her laying down in underwear and sometimes she posts mirror selfies of her in a bra and really short shorts. Why do girls do this? It makes me ashamed to be 15. And she also posts full body bikini pictures as well..

Why do girls always take pictures of themselves and post them online?

Not all girls are like that. For every 20 attention seeking girls online there is one girl with actual insecurities that doesn't post pictures of their bodies half naked so dudes can tell them they are hot. They just have nothing better to do and love fishing for compliments.
It's all the same as chicks who say they are ugly so everyone calls them pretty. But i have to agree with the lack of modesty. It's gross how women and girls dress now-a-days. I remember a time when low cut v neck shirts and booty shorts were considered slutty. Now they seem to be the norm and it baffles me how parents allow their daughters to walk out the house in such little clothing.

But luckily not all women are like that.

GIRLS: Why do you always make that kissy face in pictures?

You know, how you do that thing where you pucker your lips and raise your eyesbrows, trying really hard to look all cute.

Yeh, that. It makes me think of how my cat looks when he uses the litter box.

But, why do you do that...?

Why do girls take pictures of half their face on Facebook?

Did you ever see a picture like this?  They hold the camera too close and only get half of their face in the picture.  Why do they do this???

1. Why do people (especially girls) take a picture of themselves in the mirror with their phone?  It's like you can't even see them because they're looking at their phone.  Then people comment "Ohh, you're sooo pretty!!". You can't even see them!!

2. I hate those 'Truth is..'.  It really bugs me when people post that status constantly.  It's not like the truth is going to change.  Most of the time the 'Truth is..' is 'Truth is... You're pretty!  You seem nice.  We should hang out sometime.  We don't talk :( That should change!'

What do you think about this picture? Am I looking smart in this photo?

Wow mate this photo is amazing. I don't even know where to start…your sparkling eyes or that sneaky smile. Your charisma is literally overflowing out of my phone screen! You ask whether you're smart. Well you aren't. You're just something else. Something that words can't describe, especially not with the puny vocabulary that I possess.I swear if I were a girl I'd fall for the moment I saw this photo. Exactly the kind of knight the girls would want to have for themselves.

My girlfriend gets mad when I like other girls' Instagram pictures. What should I tell her?

The truth. It isn't a difficult situation, in my opinion. Reprimanding or making her emotions seem invalid by stating its a matter of trust or her own insecurity is manipulative. Especially if you are liking posts by other women, that isn't a picture of food or their dog, but their scantily dressed beach bods, or a pic of a provocative outfit before a night out. If you aren't liking pictures that are unreasonable, then reiterating that fact, and having a collected conversation about you being willing to build trust, but unwilling to be irrationally controlled is valid. There are too many unknown circumstances though, to say she isn't justified. Whether it be exes in contact with you or “friends” that honestly dont exist in your life apart from social media, you need to decide which you value more. Its really simple to understand why someone wouldnt appreciate that though.

Girls dont think im cute. what should i do (pics included)?

im 14. i mean ik im gonna be cute when i get older cuz everyone of my relatives was attractive. my mom said my grandpa was so handome he looked like a movie star when he was like 20. and i look excactly like him. but i just hate it. i mean im a little overweight like 20 pounds. again im 14 and i weigh 180 pounds, and im 5'11. so average for 5'11 is like 150- 160 right? but im thinking that if i lost weight maybe id be cuter. do u think i would? (and ur gonna have to read this part if u just wanna see my picture)
me like 2 months ago with long hair
so what do u think? i mean im not bad but i just hate it that girls dont think im cute right now. do u think if i lost weight id be cuter?