What Do You Think Of Value Judgments

Are all judgements value judgements?

Not exactly sure what you mean by “value judgment”. If you mean, based upon the “values” of the judge and what the judge brings to the issues, sometimes yes and sometimes no. Usually the answer is “partly”. A judge has to weigh the credibility of the parties and witnesses. That requires a value judgment (and common sense). Even with a seemingly straightforward issue, like breach of contract, the court still has to determine 1) was there a breach and 2) was the breach excused for some reason. The second part might include a value judgment.

What are some moral judgment examples?

Inspired by Hazel Choi’s statement of the train dilemma, I’d like to offer the same dilemma with more details, and see whether every reader of both comes to the same conclusion in each case.You are driving a train. And you approach a Y in the tracks. Your train’s destination requires that you take the right fork and that is the way the tracks are set as you approach. But you have the power to switch the tracks so that the train takes the left fork.Suddenly five men tied to the tracks. One is a fellow you owe $10,000 to in poker debts. You suspect him of cheating. The other is a known child predator. The third is a prison guard with a reputation for being a little crooked. The fourth is a neighbor who is reclusive, keeps odd hours and reeks of smoked fish. The fifth you really don’t know at all. You try to stop the train but you realize that you can’t even get it slowed down to 50 mph by the time you get there. So you think about switching the train to the other track.But the moment you glance down the left branch of the Y you see someone you recognize tied to the track. It is your daughter, your owly child, born to the love of your life who died in childbirth giving her life. In a week she will graduate with a law degree from Stanford, the first person in your family even to get a college education. She has job offers and a very loyal, kind, and bright boyfriend.So, what do you do? Switch the train and kill one person, your daughter? Or pretend you did not see the five scoundrels and the Y in the track? What is the utilitatian calculus here?

What is an example of a non moral value judgement?

Choosing a meal at a restaurant, or which clothes to buy for your own personal use. This decision affects you, and is influenced by and based on your own personal values. Decisions take on a moral dimension when they affect someone else, and when that other person's welfare must then be taken into account.

Could you provide an example of a moral value judgement? ?

You've been laid off from your job; you've applied everywhere you can think to apply; you have gone on some interview, but no one has hired you; your family is starving; your neighbors are gone for a week and you steal their food. You know stealing is wrong, but you're in a moral dilemma- steal and feel guilty, or let your family starve and feel shame? Which do you choose?

How often do you make a value judgement on someone during your average day?

How often do you make a value judgement on someone during your average day?Pretty much all day every day.Don’t you?When people ask questions like this, I wonder if they envision “value judgments” as walking up to people and giving them a piece of your mind. Or glaring at people who transgress. Or some other kind of hateful reaction to none-of-your-business actions of others.Sometimes judgments can be as simple as thinking to yourself “I wouldn’t treat cashiers with contempt like that person in front of the line ” or “god I hate plaid—why on earth would anyone wear it?” (True stories, both of them!)I had a friend who wouldn’t let her children watch any Disney movies except “Mary Poppins” because they all had some kind of violence in them. I thought that was pretty silly—I let my kids watch all of them (just not when her kids were over). But she was still pretty fun to be around and our familes hung out a lot. We just didn’t have the same values where Disney movies were concerned.I make value judgments because I have values. What about you?

What is/are the differences between critical judgements and value judgements?

(a) critical judgment is based solely on logic, mostly traditional Aristotelian logic, excluding subjective emotional statements. "Truth" value can be assigned to this type of judgment.

(b) value judgment ("good", "bad", "evil", etc.) is based solely on subjective sentiment.

Are moral value judgments merely an expression of personal preference, or are they a cultural artifact?

A little of both but they are not objective realities.