What Do You Think Of Young Earth Creationists Being Chased By Dinosaurs

Young Earth Creationists, why did all the dinosaurs that lived in the oceans die in Noah's flood?

One told me it was the force of the water, "It was equal to a million A-bombs going off at once." My only response was to ask what the flock the boat Noah crafted was made of to survive that kind of force! It's a fairy tale so they can make up whatever explanation suits them.

What do Young Earth Creationists believe about dinosaurs?

I am a YEC, and I believe the dinosaurs were created just as all other creatures were, and they were presented to Adam to name just like all the rest, and they were present on Noah's Ark, just like all the rest. Because, not only is Noah's Ark a lot bigger than people realize it to be, but the animals that were on Noah's Ark were all, more likely than not YOUNGER animals, most likely just reaching puberty (or all likelihood, one year from reaching puberty) - because God is not only All Powerful but also All Knowing enough to plan ahead, as well as to command just the right pair of animals to arrive at just the right time. One other fact that is not well known but is shared with everybody in the Biblical account is that all animals before the flood we're non- meat eaters, so there would not have been any worries about predetor-prey relationships, and no animals would have been afraid of humans either, because they were never hunted before the flood occurred. But, post-flood, God changed the rules about not eating the flesh of animals, and that was likely due to the fact that the pre-flood earth environment was a global greenhouse which provided enough nourishing plants for all creatures to sustain themselves off of.

How do young earth creationists explain dinosaurs?

First, I don't know of a single Christian who would deny that a) dinosaurs existed and b) they eventually became extinct (although according to Elbert's answer, such Christians do exist). Someone subscribing to a young-earth creationist theory would probably state that dinosaurs were on the Ark with Noah but were unable to cope with a post-Flood world, so they died out. An old-earth creationist (perhaps a theistic evolutionist or a gap theory proponent) would have no problems with the current scientific (cataclysmic) theories of dinosaur extinction, but they would also accept as possible the young-earth creationist position. Levi is correct that the references in Job 40 and 41 (written post-Flood) have to be dealt with, whatever position the person holds.EDIT: This Elbert person seems to have disappeared from Quora: the gist of his answer was that young-earth creationists believe that dinosaur bones were put here to test their faith.

Do young Earth creationist actually believe that men and dinosaurs shared the Earth at some point in time?

Yes. While I can’t speak for all YeC per our RCCF framework for understanding science yes, we co-existed. From our day one ie day 6, which we define as the start of 1 anno mundi, till the 1656 anno mundi mabul impacts year, mass dino extinction event. (they were not on the Ark of Noach passenger list. We (RCCF) define dinos as day five tannim gedolim, basically reptiles w/ legs underneath rather than on the side (crocs, lizards.. or w/o snakes ) whose proto-ancestors were dinos.Some (Tannim breed/species) may have been taken on as pets .Some may have survived outside the ark, during the global flood, in the water and debris floats.reference RCCF framework for understanding science.

How do young earth creationists explain how we can see distant stars?

"Creationism" actually describes a bunch of positions, with the two main blocks being "Old Earth creationists" and "Young Earth creationists."Old Earth creationists, themselves not a monolithic bloc, generally accept that science has the age of the Earth and of the universe about right. What differentiates them from people who accept evolution is that, well, they just don't accept evolution. Their views on astronomy are probably going to be pretty similar to anything you'll get from an astronomy textbook.On the other hand, Young Earth creationists, again not a monolithic bloc, generally put the age of the Earth somewhere between six and ten thousand years ago, and these are the people probably being referenced in the question. Young Earth creationists have pondered the matter of stars being billions of light years away, and have come up with several solutions to what they call "the starlight problem." Let's go over a few:Sudden InflationIn this scenario, the Almighty created starlight along with everything else about six thousand years ago, then stretched the universe, confusing everything miserably. So the starlight we see is, at most, six thousand years old and was created right near us, but because of that stretching thing, we might not live to see it.People who don't like the idea of their god being quite so deceptive about the whole thing generally don't like this hypothesis.Changing the Universal Speed LimitWhat if the speed of light used to be faster? This theory, also called c-decay, is much like the last in that there is no observable evidence of it being true, but is unlike the last in that the consequences one would expect to observe have not been seen. It also does not explain why the speed of light is now constant.The Unchanging UniverseThis theory posits that the earth is actually at the center of a spherical universe that has edges. Time dilation occurs near the edges, so it looks like the light is billions of years old to us, but it's not really.What we notice about all these theories is that they are either impossible to prove, fly in the face of everything the scientific establishment or both. They also requires a reading of the Bible that requires way more interpretation that one would expect of the "literal reading" that's actually given.

How do creationists explain dinosaurs?

Not all creationists were created equal. [sorry, bad joke].Old Earth creationists, or those who believe the Earth is about 5 billion years old, have no problem with dinosaurs and accepts them in their entirety as the scientific method has revealed them. To an Old Earth creationist then God made evolution, and geological processes and the world developed slowly over eons.Science is fully compatible with old-Earth creationists.Old Earth Creationists (Intelligent Design), these are people that believe in a 5 billion year old Earth, but also believe a divine being continuously intervenes to make it ‘just so’. While it often appears to be old Earth creationism, it is not compatible with science.Young Earth Creationists (stereotype), these are the common stereotype of a person who believes the world was created within 10,000 years. These people generally believe dinosaurs and humans were created at about the same time and existed within the past 10,000 years. They would argue that fossils are formed through processes that we wrongly interpret to have taken much longer than they really do. They would also argue that radio-isotopes are incorrectly measured. Such creationists have a large variety of bad (and exceedingly rare, good) arguments for scientific methods.Science is incompatible with these creationists.Young Earth Creationists (Made older), These are different to the previous young- earth creationists. They believe the world is younger than 10,000 years, however they believe it was created to look older. Thus they would argue that dinosaurs never existed, but their fossils were placed there upon the creation of the Earth. Likewise they would argue that light from stars was created in mid journey… and so forth. Such creationists never argue the observational data, they claim it is accurate as it was created that way. Such creationists do not really care whether the world was created 5 billion years ago, or yesterday becasue when it was created would not change the observational data.This is somewhat complicated, but basically it is because they accept a divine being that can do everything, similar to a computer game programmer constructing a game world.Science is fully compatible with these creationists.As you can see. It is entirely possible for creationists to accept dinosaurs… but their view on both how old the world is and their view on divine intervention will determine possible conflicts with observational evidence

What is the young earth theory justification for dinosaurs?

It's changed over the years. First it was "What dinosaurs?" Then it was "Satan put those fossils in there to deceive us." Next it was "God put those fossils there to test our faith." And now it's "Humans and dinosaurs co-existed".

Yep, they believe dinosaurs lived and died all within the span of a few thousand years. Justification? They claim that isolated Bible passages of big scary monster stories are eye-witness dinosaur stories. And of course, reject ALL forms of geological dating methods that show the earth to be older than 6,000 years.

Young Earth creationism? How do you explain these findings?

Geologic dating is not exact. There are instances of dinosaur and human footprints together. Creation scientists (don't laugh; remember, evolution [ IS still just a theory [ can show where the flood [ was worldwide with identical sediment deposits on different continents.