What Do You Think Vs

Class vs race??? what do you think?

Race is the ethnic background of an individual. Class is the socio-economic group that one belongs to.
More people discrimate against class than race. would dislike a rich snob who thought they were better than anyone else...(whether he/she be white,black,asian, native american...whatever). If someone was unclean, smelled bad, or acted crazy...most everyone would move to the next seat....(no matter what color the person was). These are class issues.
Why do we put people in different classes? Usually we don't. Either we are born in a class or we make choices that put us there.

Kiss vs metallica? what do you think?

KISS, they're legends.

What is the difference between ‘What do you think of’ and ‘What do you think about’?

Of is more general and about is more specific. Let’s for example refer to an opinion about a person, Mary.What do you think of Mary vs What do you think about Mary?In this case “of” is referring to Mary in general, and asking for an opinion about her as a person.“About” is more specific and should include some sub-topic. As in, What do you think about Mary’s new dress? What do you think about Mary’s attitude? What do you think about Marys…..Otherwise it’s inconclusive. About has to focus on something more specific than of, hence needs a qualifying subject, whereas “of” is generally covering everything that belongs to Mary’s personality, person, character.Though for the latter, we can use of and about as one in the same.What do you think of Mary’s new dress?What do you think about Mary’s new promotion?But about cannot be left hanging without its subject compliment, as in what the sentence is specifically referring to. Otherwise we could qualify this as in sayingWhat do you think about Mary in general/over-all?