What Do You This If This Story Plot

I would like some suggestions of plots to my story. Must be something about two android girls?

What do you want the Android girls to do? Save the world? From what or whom? Fall in love? With what or whom? Do they have parents or makers? Can they have teen relationships with each other and the above? What do they do for fun, or don't machines have fun? Do they go to school? Do they take vacations? Do they like each other? What makes them different than humans?

Mull over the questions. One or more answers might lead you to ask a "what if" question that can produce a plot idea. What if they see a human beat up another, female, human? Androids, being machines, don't feel pain or know what blood is (unless the information was in their data banks). Do they intervene? What happens if they do? What if they don't?

What do you think of this werewolf-story plot?

Were you the one who asked the other question about being worried about the story being to twilight-ish? If so I believe you don't have to worry,

The plot is definitely interesting, it could turn out to be a great novel, if it's well written! Even the most fantastic plot could turn into a bland book if it's not well written, the author can make or break a story. One dangerous trap is making the story too shallow, this is especially important because this is a supernatural book, the story should be as "believable" and Realistic as possible, create 3D, dynamic characters (remember people aren't black and white), show flaws, love, insecurities and feelings, in other words write them with warts and all! ;) Also you should focus on creating a background story of the wolves, perhaps read a few books about werewolves, legends from around the world etc. so that you can "create" your own version of the werewolves physiology, mind, thoughts, traditions and pack.

What should happen next? Hmm, well there are some possible ways of continuing, it depends on her reaction I guess, does she accept it or is she afraid of it? Does he bite her? :
¤ The wolf attacks her (scratches her? No bite?) she is able to flee. She could be scared of him, wanting nothing to do with him (he's a freak), she force him to leave, perhaps the inhabitants realize what he is. Finds the pack? Burns down the house? The pack is mad at him? They leave? Perhaps they (or Henry alone) do something "heroic" saves the town or some people (Basically werewolves are misunderstood, outcaststs?) Proves himelf to her?
¤ Alternatively she can accept it "straight away", perhaps he runs away because he's afraid of hurting her, she seeks him out? Goes into the forest meets the others in the pack? (Dangerous or explaining?)
¤ She is bitten? He has to help her through it, guilt ridden and ashamed? Focus more on the werewolves, thoughts, perceptions instincts, how do they view the world, differences from human nature? Does she blame him or accept it?

Sorry my "ideas" here are written very unordered, just thought I should put some thoughts out there

I wish you all the best, good luck with your story:)

How do you describe a plot of a story?

In the simplest way I can think of, I would describe "plot" as the telling of the story. It is the way the author unfolds all the events, shows the importance of how the characters interact, and concludes the story.

Here is a good description of a "plot" from an online source:
PLOT -- The plot is how the author arranges events to develop his basic idea; It is the sequence of events in a story or play. The plot is a planned, logical series of events having a beginning, middle, and end. The short story usually has one plot so it can be read in one sitting. There are five essential parts of plot:

a) Introduction - The beginning of the story where the characters and the setting is revealed.
b) Rising Action - This is where the events in the story become complicated and the conflict in the story is revealed (events between the introduction and climax).

c) Climax - This is the highest point of interest and the turning point of the story. The reader wonders what will happen next; will the conflict be resolved or not?

d) Falling action - The events and complications begin to resolve themselves. The reader knows what has happened next and if the conflict was resolved or not (events between climax and denouement).

e) Denouement - This is the final outcome or untangling of events in the story.

What is the plot of the story The wise old Woman?

The plot is the sequence of events. A ruler told the town's evil ruler to solve three tasks or that he would destroy the village.But before that, the evil ruler had ordered all people age 70 and above to go to the mountains except one kind man could not do that to his mother and kept her hidden in his house. When the evil ruler ordered his towns people to do the 3 tasks for him, the young man asked his mother who was very wise after living so long, and was able to solve the tasks for the evil ruler.In the end, the evil ruler realizes the need for older people. They are wise!

What do you think about the plot of my short story (Brief)?

The story begins with describing a 35 year old chemistry professor, who's not handsome at all, but he has a very good heart. He enters a classroom where one of his students, who's a lovely 18 year old woman is looking at him. She has a crush on him and he doesn't know anything about it. The whole story happens in a week. The young woman watches her professor's actions (even his prayer at the church) meticulously, while she's wondering whether she must confess that she's in love with him or not. She first plans to write a letter for him, but she doesn't dare do this. She then decides to buy him a present, but she finds this idea a bit childish. So, she does nothing and concludes that it's best for both of them to keep her feelings secret forever. But when she finds out by one of the professors and he has been diagnosed with leukemia and he's now in the hospital, she immediately decides to see him. There in the hospital, she confesses her love in front of him. He says nothing, but although he's a shy person, he doesn't resist when she touches his hand. He dies shortly after that.

What are the events of the plot in a story designed to do. I am doing English. Please help?

The events in a story are there to give you information about the conflict, the setting or the characters.

I want to write a fantasy story, but I don't know it's plot. Should I just start writing without knowing the plot or should I write it bit by bit?

Either route will get you to the same destination fairly similarly. Start by describing a world, a region, or a village in quite a bit of detail. Then, do the same with a few characters. It is safe to assume that there will be some sort of hero. This doesn’t have to be a character who perfectly fits the mold of a hero. In fact, it is better to create a character who has a lot of growing/maturing to do before they actually become a hero.Once you have loosely generated a setting and a character or two, you can begin to form a plot around them. It helps to have already thought up your antagonist at this point, so that you can begin to create a conflict through this character. Basically, start slow. What would you do if you were suddenly transported to this place? How would you react if you were confronted by your antagonist? Chances are, if you’re a long-time fan of the genre, then you have likely thought about what you would do if Legolas Greenleaf needed your help, or Kvothe Kingkiller asked you to accompany him on the stage.Use what you know. Have fun with it, and absolutely start without knowing what the ultimate plot is going to be! As you spend time outlining the logistical aspects of your story, the plot will begin to surface organically. Make connections between your characters, and remember to draw from your experiences and reality. Good luck!