What Does A Custard Apple Taste Like

What does a custard apple taste like?

it's very sweet, is a little like custard, but not as vanilla-ish. ... it's actually a very difficult thing to describe. i've only had one once, but i enjoyed it, i recommend you try one. they are very tasty.

Whats the best way to eat custard apple?

with a fork!!!

Why doesn't mustard taste like custard?

This question makes me flustered

Does bavarian cream taste like vanilla custard?

Yes , it has a creamy constitancy , and has a sweet vanilla taste , just like vanilla custard .

Why do apples taste better when they are cut?

Whilst Scott Frey's answer was brilliant, and no doubt true, I'd like to offer a much less scientific - but in my opinion just as relevant - answer. To most people the apple flesh tastes nicer than the skin: if you bite into an apple you taste skin first. If you bite into a piece of cut apple, you taste the flesh first. Aidan Friesen has described this similarly, but more eloquently and scientifically, in terms of surface area, and I also agree with his reference to the pschyological 'trick' our brain plays on us from eating more aesthetically pleasing food, so check out his answer. David Dreshfield also makes some great points regarding the force (or, I suppose, the effort) needed to eat the apple in its various forms being dissimilar to other foods, which I hadn't thought of before... I suspect the shape of the apple - spherical - is less 'normal' for our tongue/mouth/brain too, and therefore requires more mental effort to process as it is inconsistent with the way we tend to eat.