What Does An Expression Do Not Contain

By definition, an expression does NOT contain______________ . a.) numbers b.) variables c.) mathematical operators d.) a solution?

D. The rest can all certainly be parts of expressions.


All contain like terms except b.

[This question would have been better posted in the mathematics section.]

Which of the following expressions does NOT contain any like terms?

B) does not contain any like terms.

Write as an equivalent expression that does not contain powers of trig functions greater than 1?

Note that for any real number a,
sin^2(a) = (1 - cos(2a))/2 and cos^2(a) = (1 + cos(2a))/2.

6sin^4(x) = 6[sin^2(x)]^2
= 6[(1 - cos(2x))/2]^2
= (6/4)[1 - cos(2x)]^2
= (3/2)[1 - 2cos(2x) + cos^2(2x)]
= (3/2)[1 - 2cos(2x) + (1 + cos(4x))/2]
= (3/2)[3/2 - 2cos(2x) + cos(4x)/2]
= (3/4)[3 - 4cos(2x) + cos(4x)].

Lord bless you today!

What is regular expression for 'not' something?

Your question is not very clear, but you may want the "invert match" option, grep –v, which means "select lines which do not match the regex."For example,grep -v '[a-z]100$' urls.txt
would give you all products and categories that are not numbered 100.Or,grep -v /product urls.txt
would give you the lines that are not product URLs.If this is not what you need, please clarify the question.

By definition, an expression does not contain -?

( A. Numbers. ) ( B . Variables ) ( C . Mathematical operators. ) ( D . A solution ) ..... Thank you for your time and your help ....

What is the expression "what not" mean?

et cetera. ... director, manager, commissioner, or what not.
call her innocent, pure, virtuous, and what not -riveting, air drills, heavy truck traffic, news hawkers and what not. ...
but necessary, practice work, the gymnasium activities, et cetera

also "whatever",

What is the regular expression for the string which doesn't contain 11 as a substring?

I think a proper way of doing this should be\b((?!11)\S)*\b
which will select all words in a multi line text which does not contain “11”. However if you would like to select the whole text before and after the word that contains “11” then you may do like\b((?!11).)*\b
Check it out here PHP, PCRE, Python, Golang and JavaScript or

What cell does not contain mitochondria?

Many cells do not have mitochondria. I have listed a few..All Bacteria Lack Mitochondria !!Some Eukaryotes : Most eukaryotes have mitochondria, and all multi-cellular eukaryotes do. However, a few single-celled eukaryotes lack mitochondria. All of this type of eukaryote live as parasites.These particular eukaryotes are believed to be descended from primitive eukaryotes that never had mitochondria, or ones with a "secondary loss," meaning that, at one point, their ancestors had mitochondria, but later lost them.Additionally, some multicellular eukaryotes lack mitochondria in specific cells. For example, human red blood cells lack mitochondria, an adaptation that either reduces the cells' size or prevents them from using the oxygen they carry.Erythrocytes (mature red blood cells) have no mitochondria.Tharshini Ramesh<^>

Regular Expression Puzzle: Find all IMG tags that do not contain ALT attributes?

What you are after, in a single regex on a single line may not be possible?? As someone else has suggested, the best approach (in terms of efficiency, readability, debugging, etc) is to initially match all tags and then filter out any which also contain an ALT attribute.

The following Perl code does what you want. I'd be delighted to also know how to do the following with a pure regex on a single line (so why not just use two steps for now?):


# Find all IMG tags that do not contain ALT attributes.
# Assumes the IMG tags are properly closed and occur on same line.

use strict;
use warnings;

# Open an html file given on the command line or use the default 'test.html' (or whatever you set this to)
my $html_file = shift || 'test.html';
open (my $FH,'<',$html_file) or die "Unable to open $html_file reading: $!\n";

# Step 1: Grab all IMG tags from each line
my @img_tags = map { /()/ig } <$FH>;
# Step 2: Remove any that contain an ALT attribute
@img_tags = grep { $_ !~ /\balt=['"].*?['"]/ig } @img_tags;

# Display the matched tags from the array to show it has worked
print "$_\n" foreach (@img_tags);

EDIT: Hmm.. it can be done on one line with Perl :-)

my @img_tags = grep { ! /\balt=['"].*?['"]/ig } map { /()/ig } <$FH>;



use strict;
use warnings;

my $html_file = shift || 'test.html';
open (my $FH,'<',$html_file) or die "Error reading file: $!\n";

# Extract every IMG tag and then discard any IMG tag that also has an ALT attribute:
my @img_tags = grep { ! /\balt=['"].*?['"]/ig } map { /()/ig } <$FH>;

# Display contents of the array to show it has worked...
print "$_\n" foreach (@img_tags);