What Does Contra-textuality Mean

What does contra-textuality mean ?

textuality is the property by which successive sentences form a coherent text in contrast to a random sequence. As Contra means against , contra textuality the opposite of textuality.

What does contra-textuality mean ?

Thumbing your nose instead of a keyboard.

Could also be:
Contratextuality refers to references in which speakers or writers employ opponents' discourse or terminologies for their own purposes. It is found out that contratextuality including reference,parody,allusion and quotation is a frequently used technique in debates through the interpretation of the transcriptions of three presidential debates of the United States of America.

How many contradictions are in the Bible?

✞ A List Of Biblical Contradictions

✞ Biblical Contradictions

✞ SAB Contradictions - Skeptic's Annotated Bible

✞The Thinking Atheist - Bible Contradictions

✞Bible Contradictions - Freedom From Religion Foundation

✞Bible Contradictions & Inconsistencies - Contradictions

And don't forget Islam and their clusterfu*k of a holy text:

☪ 1000+ Mistakes in the Quran

Was Origen of Alexandria correct in his text "Contra Celsum" in his textual apologetics against Celsus's treatise against Christianity in "The True Word"?

Was Origen of Alexandria correct in his text "Contra Celsum" in his textual apologetics against Celsus's treatise against Christianity in "The True Word"?Thanks for A2A.Yes. Throughout Christian history the church has needed to respond to those who deny the truth, about the Bible, the nature of Christ or other teachings. If the church does not do apologetics, giving a rational explanation of the hope we have, how will those seeking the truth know? In the current political climate, how will people know what is true or not with so much fake news, faulty analysis and fear mongering in the media?Origen was correct to defend the truth against the anti-Christian views expressed by Celsum.

Comparing and Contrasting "The Starry Night" to it's own Painting?

Do you mean this poem;

The town does not exist
except where one black-haired tree slips
up like a drowned woman into the hot sky.
The town is silent. The night boils with eleven stars.
Oh starry night! This is how
I want to die.

It moves. They are all alive.
Even the moon bulges in its orange irons
to push children, like a god, from its eye.
The old unseen serpent swallows up the stars.
Oh starry starry night! This is how
I want to die:

into that rushing beast of the night,
sucked up by that great dragon, to split
from my life with no flag,
no belly,
no cry.
Anne Sexton

The town is sleeping through the galactic spectacle surrounding it.
The poet sees action on a grand scale in the stars and moon while the town merely exists. The only earthly participant is the tree in the foreground. The 'drowned woman' phrase implies that only in death can someone participate. I don't see it that way, more like being on the fringe allows for the necessary freedom.
She sees a containment (unseen serpent) that I don't, maybe the swirl of the clouds?
She wishes to die having being like the celestial players having had a grand dance and with no regrets.

Why is face-to-face communication better than texting?

You can only see the words in texting. You cannot see the delivery of those words in texting. The delivery means your emotional expression when you say the words. Those emotional expression includes your outfit, your body postures, your facial expression, your tone, and your eye contacts.Ten people can save the same words. But you will feel differently when each person says them. That is because of their deliveries.You learn about the person’s personality by observing his/her emotional expression. You learn if you like the person by feeling the emotion within yourself when the person is in front of you. At the end of the day you don’t remember the spoken words but you remember how other person makes you feel.In dating and relationship the emotion is the dominant factor. So you try to maximize the emotional impact by meeting face-to-face as much as possible. You also want to avoid the misinterpretation of the words through texting.

What is non-empirical research? How is it performed?

Non-empirical research is research that is conducted without data: quantitative data, which is when you analyze numerical data, or qualitative data, which is when you use non-numerical data such as observations and interviews to base claims off of. The main type of non-empirical research that I can think of is theoretical research. Which is when researchers create theories that are not based on previous research. These theories, if created correctly (meaning that they lend themselves to testable hypotheses), can then be tested in parts with empirical research. For example, I could create a theory about dark matter (a topic that we know little to nothing about) and then test the theory with empirical studies (via collecting data, etc). Non-empirical research plays an important role in the scientific community via giving us a place to start the process of carving out scientific facts in new areas of research. However, in general, non-empirical research is only as good as the empirical research that comes after it.How is it performed? Different ways for different people. Sometimes people just use their "gut" to assert what they think is true...their theory. Sometimes people take several theories that have not been applied to the current problem and mix them together in a way that they think will explain the phenomenon or outcome. A non-empirically based theory is an opinion. So it is done the same way you form opinions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Command Line Interface?

It is quicker to complete whatever is the task at hand by typing versus using a GUI and clicking a mouse, moving between windows. This assumes you are a touch typist :-) For example, writing and executing shell scripts (you can write them in a GUI but you generally need the command line to execute them).The CLI is the power user and system administrator interface. A GUI is generally used by less experience users who's primary job is not system administration or system programming.This is not to say that system administrators do not use a GUI, as is often done when jumping between the different *NIX OSes (Solaris, HPUX, AIX, Linux, etc). For example, managing disk space via the OSes native volume manager; they have different commands and configuration files, and a GUI is useful.Bottom line … the pro is simply speed to accomplish tasks. The con is the learning curve to remember commands. This is synonymous with learning a new language to speak, and if you do not use it you lose it.

What are the advantages and disadvantage of using oral source in history?

ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF ORAL TRADITIONOral tradition can be defined as testimony transmitted by word of mouth from one generation to another. Here the information is obtained by talking and listening to people with historical information especially elders. The message transmitted orally, were preserved by memoryThe following are advantages of all traditionIt can be given anywhere and any time by adult who have some historical factsIt is less expensive compared to other source of historical information such as books and museums. this is because it does not need selling and buying of informationIt does not need a person to know how to read and writeIt is possible to ask questions to the oral informant so as to in-depth informationThe following are disadvantages of oral traditionsOral tradition does not go very far in the past. the transmission of information depend on the power of memories of successive generationsOral tradition does not maintain the same value of the oral history; instead the values keeps on changing as time goesOral tradition may be biased. This is possible because of nature of transmission itself. oral transmission is full of exaggeration, creativity and sometimes the informant may talk of good things only.