What Does It Mean Help

What does it mean to help someone?

I'm wondering how you ask this since most of us have helped someone, sometime, by the time they reach their teens. Did a classmate drop a pencil, and you picked it up for them? That is helping.

What does " Not if i can help it" mean?

Saying "not if I can help it" is like saying you will not do something unless there is no way to avoid it or there are no other options.

Where does the word help come from and what does it mean?

O.E. helpan (class III strong verb; past tense healp, pp. holpen), from P.Gmc. *khelpanan (cf. O.N. hjalpa, O.Fris. helpa, Du. helpen, Ger. helfen), from PIE base *kelb-/*kelp- "to help" (cf. Lith. selpiu "to support, help"). Sense of "serve someone with foot at table" (1688) is translated from Fr. servir "to help, stead, avail," and led to helping "portion of food" (1824). Use of help as euphemism for "servant" is Amer.Eng., 1645, tied up in notions of class and race.
"A domestic servant of American birth, and without ***** blood in his or her veins ... is not a servant, but a 'help.' 'Help wanted,' is the common heading of advertisements in the North, when servants are required." [Chas. Mackay, "Life and Liberty in America," 1859].
The M.E. pp. holpen survives in biblical and U.S. dial. use.

1. to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist: He planned to help me with my work. Let me help you with those packages.
2. to save; rescue; succor: Help me, I'm falling!
3. to make easier or less difficult; contribute to; facilitate: The exercise of restraint is certain to help the achievement of peace.
4. to be useful or profitable to: Her quick mind helped her career.
5. to refrain from; avoid (usually prec. by can or cannot): He can't help doing it.
6. to relieve or break the uniformity of: Small patches of bright color can help an otherwise dull interior.
7. to relieve (someone) in need, sickness, pain, or distress.
8. to remedy, stop, or prevent: Nothing will help my headache.
9. to serve food to at table (usually fol. by to): Help her to salad.
10. to serve or wait on (a customer), as in a store.
–verb (used without object) 11. to give aid; be of service or advantage: Every little bit helps.
–noun 12. the act of helping; aid or assistance; relief or succor.
13. a person or thing that helps: She certainly is a help in an emergency.
14. a hired helper; employee.
15. a body of such helpers.
16. a domestic servant or a farm laborer.
17. means of remedying, stopping, or preventing: The thing is done, and there is no help for it now.

What does it mean to help?

Help: v. to give a lifeform(s) a subset(s) so samer lifeform(s) can frequently achieve a necessary and/or desired goal(s)You can help a human by offering them money, food, a possession, a service, knowledge, physical, or emotional support in time of need. Anything which you offer a human which will assist in achieving his or her goal(s) is help.Students sometimes need help with homework and need transportation to and from school.The best human relationships are where mutual helping exists or where each human in the relationship works as a team helping each other to reach their goal(s).Sometimes the help offered such as the current welfare system only promotes further dependency and actually has some bad consequences. The destitute and also unemployed need a safety net at any age but the system must be radically reformed to eliminate corruption as outlined in my evergreen truth book CHANGES IN WELFARE LAWS.We can all help biodiversity to survive by protecting and even expanding wilderness real estate. Wilderness plants and animals will help themselves if we just leave them alone and that is mostly all the help that they really need from us.

What does it mean to help someone in a dream?

We are the creator of the dream. We make them to help us to learn. There is never a singular meaning which allows us to use a dream like a key that opens many doors into who we are.Lets look at the dream in where we help someone. If the dream has an individual in whom we know, a friend or associate then the dream may have an external theme since it is using an actual person. In this sense it is our action that tells us that we want to assist the individual. At the same time this person also represents our self since the person in the dream is created by us in order to mirror that individual who is alive, then in this sense we are helping ourselves. This also can be the same way to look at it if the person is not know in oour waking reality, then this individual becomes a reflection of who we are and we are working at helping ourselves learn something.Also when you look at a dream like this look at what you are helping the individual do, this may also be an insight to the dream meaning. If you are helping them repair a wall in a house you could be helping to improve the structure of your mentality or consciousness or strengthening your ideas.In the end, the multiple meanings can all be useful in telling you something about the inner workings of your psyche.

What language is this and what does it mean? I need help! =]?

Daikiai watashi guzu de noroma de, dare ni mo hitsuyou to saretenai

i really want to know what this means and what language it is, so please let me know if you understand it!

What does it mean when someone helps you but you don't appreciate the help and instead you are mean?

Obviously it could mean various things, but here are a few:Unwanted kindness isn’t kind. That’s to say, perhaps the help was unwanted. Perhaps the help shamed or embarrassed the person. Perhaps it was misguided, and felt like interference or control to the recipient. Perhaps they really wanted the sense of doing it themselves. Perhaps the help was given condescendingly.Or perhaps it was exactly the right help, given sensitively, with no strings or judgement. The person they helped could have had a horrible day. Or maybe they used to be able to do without help. Or maybe they are upset about something else entirely. That does not excuse, but may explain.There is the famous “golden rule” which amounts to the pretty good idea of treating others as you’d like to be treated. But in truth not everyone wants to be treated as you want to be. For example, I was trying to set up an evening phone visit with a relative who was traveling on business. Thinking his time might not be completely under his control I kept offering flexibility. “Anytime is fine, I’ll be home all evening.” This kept going awry and frustrating him. It finally dawned on me that he wanted or needed a certain structure that evening. He did not want to be treated as I’d want to be!The question ends a with the person receiving help not just stating they don’t want help but “being mean.” How mean? Mean by whose standards? I’d be interested to know.

What does the phrase "please help yourself" mean?

‘Help yourself’ is a polite way of giving permission for a person to do something without asking. This is usually used with food/drink.Receptionist: Please help yourself to tea and coffee. (You have permission to make a tea or coffee for yourself. You don’t need to ask.)A host: Please help yourself to these cookies I made. (You have permission to eat these cookies. You can take them. You don’t need to ask.)In a meeting: So let’s take a 10 minute break. Please help yourself to any refreshments in the staff room. (You don’t need to ask.)Help oneself can also be negative meaning doing/using something without permission.For years I never knew that my ex-husband was just helping himself to my savings bit by bit. (He was taking money without my permission.)

What's the meaning of “not if I can help it"?

This is a rather idiomatic expression that means "I wouldn't do it if I had a choice."Would you pay him that much for that crap?Not if I can help it. (I wouldn't pay, if there was a choice not to.)