What Does It Mean If I Can Make Friends Easily But Have No Problem Detaching Myself From Them

How do I detach myself from my best friend?

Ah! I got like this the hell of a lot!! I had a friend that I was way too attatched to. I wanted to hang around her all the time. Whenever she was in a Group of friends, I'd try to get her attention, and drag her away. I'd do anything to hang around with her, near-constantly thought about her the end it made me so paranoid that I kept accusing her of things.. eventually we argued a lot... *sigh*

I'm still friends with her now, but I can't stop thinking about what I've done. Now I'm having to mentally push myself away, thinking about things that have nothing to do with her, reading lots of books to distract me.. eventually you pull away, although be careful not to pull yourself away too much otherwise it won#'t feel right not being around her or thinking about her too much and then you'll end up doing it again.

Just remind yourself that they have otter friends and are allowed to talk to them as much as shes allowed to talk to you. If shes online, try talking to her, instead of waiting for her to talk to you, she might not notice everyone who's online because she might have lots of friends and has to talk to about 10 people at a time, so wouldn't be able to talk to you that way.

I never realized how much I emotionally depended on my friend... eventually she ended up yelling at me. I didn't talk to her for about a month. but when I did, everything was ok.

Try not to depend on her too much. Try and find some other friends to hang out with, to take your mind off her. just try not to think about her, do anything to take your mind off her. Mentally drag yourself away when you start to think of her for a long time, think about something else. If you want to talk to her, talk to her, but not very much then think ''Ok, I've talked to her, we're still friends, nothing to worry about''.

Sorry for the long rambling, hope I've helped

How do I detach myself from my best friend?

Why do you want to leave your best friend ?Ask yourself this question as many times as you can.I bet it must have crossed your mind a few times before. Even if you have concrete reasons and feel that breaking friendship is the only resort , talk to your friend at least once about it.He/she might find a solution that you couldn’t.And still if you can’t work out a solution , just let the issues go by instead of making them public.Forget them and just accept it as a difference of opinion.This will also make your friend feel that you value the friendship more than the differences and perhaps he/she will realize their mistake and come back to you.I truly wouldn’t vouch for leaving a best friend. This world rarely gifts people when it comes to best friends. And you should not let one pass you by so easily.

I tend to easily distance or detach myself from emotion although I am an emotional person. Is that healthy? If not, what can I do?

I am wondering whether you have ever been diagnosed with a personality disorder. Borderlines are able to do this. Also, I am wondering whether you have ever figured out your full Myer-Briggs Personality Type. These are so spot-on. There may be info there to explain. A third idea, is, I wonder if there are any addictions in your family, even as far back as your great grandparents. It has amazed me at the subtleness of generationally-passed-down behavior. It’s like (for me it seemed so,) an emotional virus that had been dormant for 2 generations suddenly springs back to life.The only other idea I have to offer, is to wonder if your parents were military, or if you ever were. Being ex-military, I used to (and still do as civilians seem to change locations almost as often as military) i used to back away emotionally from friends a good 6 months before they left. In my early years I never did. I know the healthy choice is to hang right in there and feel all the feelings. Sometimes it’s too painful.Hope it sheds some light.

How do i emotionally detach myself from an unloving husband?

You seem to have a similar problem to mine. I know my husband still loves me but he is a man who appreciates personal freedom more than anything else and he prefers to be left alone most of the time. Just like you, I've been very upset and find that the only way is to detach my emotions from him (I know its not a good idea to be detach from your own husband, its just not right but there seems to be no other choice to avoid conflicts) I've been talking to friends and even my mum. Now I'm trying out their advice to have a life of my own, go out with friends, go to the gym, go for manicure/pedicure, just go and do things I enjoy and forget about his existence, don't even bother to cook up a conversation with him and try to live life happy as I can make it. It seems that it might work when he sees the change in you, and might secretly worry that he may lose you. Try it out, make yourself happy doing things you enjoy, keep your time occupied with those things. In this way, it will make you less depress, less time to deal with him, and eventually if he loves you, you might be surprise to see him change his attitude in fear of losing you. Good luck and try to manage a smile everyday!

How to detach yourself from a close friend?

ive been freinds with her for almost two years. We hungout alot in high school and were very close. we talk almost daily. but after high school was over i went to another state which is 4 hours away for college. she will call me like once a week or not at all. i always try to call though but i gave up. now she has a boyfreind and spends most of her time with him. we barely talk and when i come home to visit we hardly get to hangout because she is with her boyfreind. i cant deal with the emotional roller coaster. when i don,t get to talk to her for a long time she randomly texts me or call me. i just cant stand it. the only time we got to talked alot was when she was having problems with her bf and she called to complain about him. i want to detach myself from her so i won,t get hurt everytime she randomly text me or doesnt pick up my call, or is too busy with her boyfreind to talk to me.

I want to detach myself emotionally from my husband. How can I accomplish that?

This was me at the beginning of my marriage 9 yrs ago. I learned to let go and now my hubby is more open to me. You just have to learn to like being either by yourself or w/ friends. Take up a hobby or just go watch tv in another room. Take classes on line, go for a walk, make friends. I think it's important for each person in a couple to have their own life independently. This will give you more topics of convo. Just don't look to him to fulfill your 'needs'. Don't feel bad that you want to be w/ him, it's because you love him but he prob doesn't understand this. Trust me, once you spend more time away from him, he will go searching for you.

How do I emotionally detach myself from someone I've been with for a very long time?

You cannot emotionally detach. Its probably not advisable to do so either. But you can certainly reduce the intensity of your emotions / emotional attachment for this other person. And its probably healthy to be that way permanently.Emotional states are very powerful. We often stay in particular states thinking that we will get out of them later. But the more you stay in a particular state, the more difficult it is to get out of that state. The more you keep thinking about this person, the more you keep brooding over him/ her, the more entrenched you will likely become and the more difficult it will be to reduce the intensity of the attachment.The first thing to do is to consciously think less about them. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about them, think about something else/ read something etc. (get your mind busy on something else).Secondly, realize that you can genuinely care about people without getting overly attached to them. You keep an eye on them, guide them, help them when required, interact with them for your and their emotional needs etc. But if they move on, you should not pine for them or feel bad about it. Ideally, one's relationship with everyone should be this way (in my view) ... where you enjoy people for what they are and if they need to go, you let them go easily. Your own life should not be so devoid of any other meaning/ purpose/ aim that it is dependent on only people and your attachment towards them. People & relationships are just one part of life (an important part). There is a lot more to life than just that.Relationships and interactions should be liberating, not binding. Attachment reduces the liberating aspect. Detachment kills the whole emotional connect that we so need as human beings. The trick is to be attached but not in a way that is all consuming or overpowering. One has to consciously dip in and out of one's emotional states and be mindful to not let their intensity become unmanageable in order to achieve this sort of "light but strong" attachment instead of the usual "heavy but stifling" attachment.

How do I detach myself from old stuffed animals?

its soo hard to get rid of them i know.. i had like 4 garbage bags full.

ask someone to do it with you.
you can choose one to keep! the one that means the most.
when someone is there like a family member or friend you are in a controlled environment and they wont let you fail!
memories suck to get rid of.

but memories come and go.ya? and it sucks to face the reality.
but when you move on you will fall A LOT better! like a new person. and maybe its time for a change. as long as the memories are in your head. you will not need the stuffed animals.
you could even write your memories down. keep them somewhere. like on some sticky notes. when your not feeling so good. look at those notes! it will remind you of the memories AND the stuffed animals!

good luck!!!!!!

Emotional Detachment - What causes this and what can I do?

What causes a person to have emotional detachment issues? My boyfriend has no interest in having an emotional connection with me and I've been nothing but good to him, so it's not like he has a reason to be this way. He is like a robot and I'm starting to believe that he doesn't have a soul or a conscience. He doesn't seem to have feelings like normal people do, at least towards me.

His parents seem like nice, normal people and he grew up with 2 sisters (no brothers), so I can't understand why he is the way he is.

I should note that he seems to have emotional closeness with his family and friends, just not with me. I don't understand. It's so easy to put the blame on myself, like I must not be good enough...but in reality, I know it's his problem.

What causes this and what can I do? I've tried to talk to him about it but he tells me he doesn't know what I'm talking about and that I've got a messed up perception of reality. Any advice appreciated. Thanks.

How do you emotionally detach yourself from a narcissist? I can't seem to let go.

From my experience, it’s a gruelling thing to do. Despite my best intentions and vows to end the relationship, I found myself - inexplicably, really - trying again and again until I got to a place where I was going to lose myself completely if I took one more step down that road.Before I could close the door I had to understand that there was no love. This initially seemed unfathomable, given the intensity, the connection, the sense of ‘home’ that I felt with the persona he projected in the beginning. Even though that perfect period was very short-lived and the abuse set in fast, hearts don’t seem to unlearn love, and they are very vulnerable to falling back.I also had to learn that not only was there no love, there was not even any caring. Not the basic decency you’d expect from a neighbour, let’s say. This was a monstrous discovery. I’d been sharing my heart, mind, body, with someone who was indifferent to my well-being. I was no more important to him than a stranger. Less important, as a stranger was someone to impress.But still that was not enough, because while I knew these things in my mind, I couldn’t really comprehend them. It was out of the realm of believable when I was face to face with another human being - albeit an abusive one - who I couldn’t help but ascribe emotions like the ones I felt.It wasn’t until the abuse reached a point where I had become a shadow of my former self who was living in fear of seeing him and not seeing him, of the anger, the blame, and the craziness that I found the strength to go no contact and mean it. It felt like my soul might be lost if I stayed one more day. That sounds extreme…but it got that bad.If I could go back to my earlier self I would shift all my energy to me. I would focus on all the places where I thought I needed him, as those were all the places where I really needed myself. When I told him he needed to care about me, it was me that needed to care about me. When I needed him to understand just one point I made in an argument one time, it was me that needed to stand by what I was saying and act, instead of talk. Once you start shifting your love back to you, the N loses their hold.Good luck to you. You will come out stronger on the other side.