What Does It Mean If I Dream Of My Dad Dying

What does it mean if you have a dream about your mom or dad dying?

This is a very common dream. Our parents are the most potently symbolic people in our lifetimes. Through our parents we form our relationships to the core principles of the masculine and the feminine, which fundamental to our psyches. When we dream that they die, or one of them dies, this is an important psychological event in our lives.When a person, who is an external symbol, dies in a dream, that usually means that those qualities (what the symbol stands for) are being integrated into your personality. In this case, you are embodying the masculine or feminine that your parent represents. You are withdrawing the psychic projection onto them and transforming yourself, “growing up”. This is a healthy psychological progression.

What does it mean if you dream your dad died?

Death in dream implies change. On the bright side, death dreams usually have positive symbolism.Seeing your dad die in dream may imply a change in your understanding level with your dad. Perhaps your dad is going to accept some new facts about you that would bring a change in the relationship with your dad.Dream is a reflection of our own self. When you see a person in your dream, you actually see an aspect of your own self. Your mind projects the impression of that person that is registered in your memory. So, death of your dad may imply change in certain qualities like your beliefs, judgements & attitude - that are influenced by your dad.If you are anxious about the well being of your dad, dreaming of death of your parents is just a reaction to your fear. It doesn't necessarily mean your dad is going to die.Few people among us sometimes get a glimpse of their probable future in their dreams. Since you've asked this question, you are not one of them. So, again no worries.Sometimes, what you see in dream is exactly the opposite of what happens in reality. That too implies your dad is fine.Don't worry. Don't take your dreams too seriously. Have a good day!

What does it mean if I dreamed that my dad died?

I had a similar dream when I was 16 and my Dad was 50, even though he was always a very healthy man who had also survived WWII. The dream came out of nowhere--Dad hadn't been ill, NOone around me had been ill, but I saw Dad in a coffin and everything. I woke up terrified. I thought it must be an omen of some kind and for months I worried about it. To this day have never forgotten that dream.

But nothing bad EVER happened to Dad over the years that followed. Dad is 93 years old now, sitting in the room next to me as I type this. He remained very healthy all his life until recently.

I don't think dreams always mean anything. Mine don't seem to.

--and it's not a far stretch for your mother to say your grandfather, at 87, is in the last weeks/months of his life, esp. if he's ill. It's a fairly predictable guess to make (and your grandfather might surprise everyone by living till he's 95)!

So don't let the dream disturb you. It's in God's hands anyway, not yours.

Dream my dad died, meaning?

To dream about the death of a loved one suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what you like about them. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances. Alternatively, the dream indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life anymore. In particular, to dream about the death of your living parents indicates that you are undergoing a significant change in your waking life. Your relationship with your parents has evolved into a new realm. If you dream about the death of a child, then it implies that you need to let go of your immaturity and start being more serious. As your child reaches certain milestones and grows into an adult, dreaming of their death may be symbolic of their own self-discovery, transition and transformation into a new stage of life.To see someone drowning in your dream suggests that you are becoming too deeply involved in something that is beyond your control. Alternatively, it represents a sense of loss in your own identity. You are unable to differentiate who you are anymore.To dream that you rescue someone from drowning indicates that you have successfully acknowledged certain emotions and characteristics that is symbolized by the drowning victim. If you fail to make the rescue, then it implies that you are numb from fear. Consider a situation in your waking life where you are letting fear dictate your actions.

I had a dream that my dad died what does this mean?


To dream of seeing any of your people dead, warns you of coming dissolution or sorrow. Disappointments always follow dreams of this nature.

To hear of any friend or relative being dead, you will soon have bad news from some of them..

Dreams relating to death or dying, unless they are due to spiritual causes, are misleading and very confusing to the novice in dream lore when he attempts to interpret them.

What does it mean if I dream about my dad who died 10 years ago is suddenly alive but is possessed by some kind of demon?

Dad’s can sometimes symbolize authority figures in dreams, so it might be a fear of “turning into a monster” if you are in a position of power or authority. If that doesn’t seem to resonate, it might also mean that something in your life which was once painful now seems to be coming back to life and causing more pain. These are just a few of the many possibilities. Try to imagine everything and everyone in a dream represents something in you or your life and see if the feelings in the dream resemble any feelings in your life. Often we work out our feelings in dreams.

What does it mean to see my father dead in dreams?

It means your father will leave some more days happly don't worryIt's good sign if person is died in dream Nothing will happen to himI think on sleeping time about him only your thinking or your father is remembering you