What Does It Mean If You Have A Bad Head Ache And Cant Talk

Are headaches that last for 4 days bad?

Before asking if you should go to the doctor, you should evaluate what you have done for this headache. Pain is your body's way to telling you something is wrong. Try to figure out what your body is telling you. Have you been especially stressed lately? Do you have a lot of tension? Both are common causes of headaches. Is your area experiencing weather changes? High and low pressure fronts moving in cause many people headaches. Have you recently changed your diet or activity level? Both can cause headaches.What have you done to try and make the headache go away? Over the counter pain medications, such as Excedrin, Aleve, or ibuprofen work for many people. Fresh air and exercise are also good remedies. Don't do anything too extreme, but a walk in the fresh air can help your headache as well as give you a chance to relax and reduce your stress and tension. Make sure you are getting plenty of water to drink, and are eating healthy, lots of fruits and veggies will help your body and give you needed nutrients. Make sure you are getting plenty of rest. Lack of sleep can also cause headaches.If all else fails and you still have the headache, talk to your doctor. It never hurts to get checked out. I do not, however, recommend going to the emergency room. A simple headache is not appropriate for the emergency room and you are taking time away from the doctors and nurses that could be helping emergent patients. Unless this came on suddenly, or is so bad you cannot function, chances are you do not have a tumor. In fact, you are more likely to get in a car accident on the way to the doctor's office then to have a tumor. If you are stressing over the idea that you have a tumor, you may very well be exacerbating the situation with the added stress you are giving yourself. Just relax!I hope you feel better soon!

If you have a really bad headache does that mean your in labor?

Im 36 weeks pregnant and at my last dr appointment (I was baout 32 weeks then) we started talkin about when I should go to the hospital during labor she told me when one of the following happens
1 my contrax are 5-7 minutes apart
2 if I have any bleeding
3 my bag of waters breaks
4 I have a bad headache

with my son my water broke first so I just went to the hospital after that so Im not really sure an dI know that usually headaches are associated with High blood pressure during pregnancy. its a real bad headache too. iunno should I wait and see what happens? or should I call LnD and tell them whats goin on?

I'm 14 years old and i keep getting headaches. What does this mean or what should i do?

Go see an eye doc., and get your vision checked. Even if u dont thing so you vision could be off just a tad bit and your eyes are straining which is causing the headaches. This happened to me and I would get very bad headaches all day everyday. Hope this helps....

I had a bad headache a few days ago and I can't think or speak properly (like Iused to). Is this normal?

No, it’s definitely not normal. If I were you, I’d go get a thorough doctor’s checkup, preferably from a naturopathic doctor, or some kind of wholistic/alternative medical practicioner. Prior to this episode, can you think of anything you ate that may have had a bad effect? Did you recently start taking any new prescription medications, or any over the counter medications? Do you drink a lot of diet sodas, or anything with artificial sweeteners? If I were having this problem, I’d be asking myself these things, as well as looking into what I could do to help my brain heal itself. One thing that has shown to have a healing effect on the brain and nerves is Lions Mane mushroom. It has been proven to cause damaged nerves to regrow. If there is damage to any part of your brain from what happened, you definitely want to make sure you don’t have blood clots or high blood pressure. My father used to get migraine headaches, and then it was discovered he had high blood pressure. When he got his blood pressure under control, he stopped having migraines. It’s not widely known, but all these things can be caused by a mineral imbalance, especially too much calcium and not enough magnesium. Too much calcium can cause blood clots and high blood pressure. Here’s a blog post on the importance of proper mineral balance What Do the Native Americans Know about Health, Anyways? | Have It Now! Hope you feel better, soon.

Is it normal to get really bad headaches while taking Adderall?

While it isn't exactly common to get bad headaches on Adderall, it isn't unheard of. Besides raising the heart rate and increasing blood pressure, amphetamine can also cause tension and sleep deprivation. These can lead to headaches.Although I don't think it's necessarily a problem, you should exercise caution while talking Adderall, make sure you're getting adequate water and food, and finally make sure that you are rested and that your blood pressure and pulse are within normal (for being on a stimulant) parameters. Of course, this is in addition to making sure you're taking Adderall at the prescribed dosage (again, “prescribed” is the important word) and talking to your doctor about any undesirable side effects.Although not prescribed as often these days, dextroamphetamine has fewer parasympathetic side effects. Dextroamphetamine is usually given in the form of Vyvanse (a “time release” formulation which is inhibited by the digestive system's ability to cleave lysine from the amphetamine molecule) and, less frequently, as the plain dextroamphetamine salt (immediate release).Please exercise some caution. Internet medicine and diagnosis is problematic, at best. In order to be sure you aren't suffering from a serious condition, there is no answer that you can get here which will be better than that of a medical professional who has examined you in person.

Headaches during pregnancy?

It was normal for me, and many obgyn's and baby books say its normal as well.
I had wicked headaches with all three of my pregnancies.
I resorted to taking Tylenol.
Doc said was perfectly safe for baby.
The headaches subsided around 3 months, however, with my 3rd pregnancy I started to get them again at around 8 months.
Everyone is different, talk to your doc if you are concerned.

Girlfriend on her period ..says she has a bad headache and she call me on her break but she doesn't?

Is there any way to make the whip cracking sound on Y!a? Dude she's just PMS'ing give her some space. Being concerned and caring are one thing but your borderline annoying/needy.

Edit: How long have you been together? I think she deserves to miss a check in once in awhile. If it starts to become a regular habit I would start to worry.

Can thinking too much cause a headache?

If you feel like that you don't know how to quit thinking, you have to realize what it's similar to relinquish your contemplations, with the goal that it's something you can do purposely. Envision that thinking is similar to breathing; you do it constantly, without acknowledging it. However, in the event that you have to, you can hold your breath. •Just burning through 15-20 minutes meditating each morning can have a sensational effect on your capacity to stay in the present and let go of the majority of your annoying considerations. •You can likewise ponder around evening time to offer yourself twist some assistance with downing. •Surrounding yourself with individuals you love will keep you talking more and thinking less. Make a point to escape the house no less than a couple times a week, and try attempting to create enduring and significant associations with no less than a few individuals in your general vicinity that you can hang out with. You'll be substantially more inclined to thinking on the off chance that you invest a great deal of energy without anyone else's