What Does It Mean To Dream Of Your Girlfriends Dead Dad

I had a dream about the Devil. What does it mean?

Hello Ms Mirror on the wall, I just answered this question in dream interpretations and it got removed before I submitted it! :-/ So glad you put it here too! :-). Anyway, here's my answer...

Normally, dreams about death are about endings. Not necessarily about the end of life, but the end in a phase of life. In this way, it does make sense that your brother said his ex-girlfriend was dead. It simply means that their relationship is dead. It's over.

She seemed to have died in a pretty horrible way in your dream, and the devil - representing evil and "sin" in the dream world - suggests to me that the relationship between your brother and his ex was marked by much conflict and perhaps even some nastiness. She wrote 666 on a stone wall might be about their general communication while they were together and might mark the reason why the split. A stone wall can represent an insurpassible barrier. The saying to be "stone walled" for instance, can mean that you are "frozen out" of someones life. The person refuses to communicate and gives no clue as to why or what they are thinking.

I'm not exactly sure why the devil was trying to contact you in the dream but you said his ex is a family friend, so perhaps the ending of this relationship is affecting the whole family in a bad way and is having far reaching affects on all of you. Your Dad did say is was "very bad" in the dream, so perhaps he is having to personally deal with the aftermath of this relationship. Actually, the stone wall might be about how the communication between your two families has stopped since the break-up perhaps???? if that is what is going on????

Another possibility as to why the devil was trying to contact you is that maybe the way the relationship ended up was a bit of a shock to everyone and you wonder whether this could happen to you too one day? IDK, just a thought.

Also, I know you said that you are not religious or anything but often times, the devil shows up in people's dreams who have had a strong religious upbringing or have been influenced strongly at some point in their lives by certain religions which focus heavily on hell, satan and the devil.

Not sure what advice to give, but if there is no communication between your two families at the moment, maybe someone has to break the silence? I guess it depends on the situation. Hopefully things work out over time. Take care.


What does it mean when you dream about your dead mother even though you haven’t been thinking about her?

Seeing your mother in your dream is very powerful. This dream is representing a trial in your life, one which you are seeking help with. Traditionally a deceased mother coming to you in a dream is a positive outcome, a promise of receiving aid in your circumstance. However in this context with your mother requiring your assistance this shows that you will need to be self-reliant right now and not be dependent on the help of others to make it through this current hardship. Specifically right now do not rely on family for help. Persevere and have faith in yourself, you are creative and caring as seen in your relentless pursuit to provide comfort for your mother. Be mindful of your situation and who you allow to help you right now, you may need to use your experience-based wisdom and some creativity to be victorious here. DreamLookUp

What does it mean to dream of a dead mother dancing with me and hugging me?

This sounds like a lovely connection dream. if you believe in life after death she is giving you a clear sign that she is still with you and loving you. If you don’t, then it likely indicates that you are having a farewell moment which also helps you shift through grief and acceptance processes.

I dream that my ex boyfriends dad die?

Usually when you dream of a wedding, death occurs.
Wonder if the converse holds true.

If so, guess you marry your ex

I had a dream that my brother's girlfriend's dad was trying to drown him (my brother) and I kept trying to pull him to the surface while her dad kept pulling him under. What does this mean?

I'll give an answer. You'll have to decide if what I say fits your circumstances.You can understand your brother as an aspect of you, a shadow side of you that you're not familiar enough with.As a rule of thumb in a dream what's going on in the dreamer, but is not consciously recognized falls into the shadowDrowning in a dream is symbolic of being overwhelmed with emotions and feelings stemming from stress related to outer life events.You can understand the father figure as the superego. Your superego is giving you a very bad time probably being critical of yourself. This criticism adds to stress.You're trying to overcome this by the will power of your personal ego pulling yourself up, but your superego keeps pulling you back under.It's an internal conflict between you and your superego. It's the will to power over, but it's not working.It's in your best interest to reflect on this, and begin to be kinder to yourself.Your superego may be too harsh, and needs to be toned down.Best wishes.