What Does It Mean To Dream With An Ex He Has Been Dead For 8 Months Now

What does it mean to dream about my husbands ex wife that is dead? I never really got a chance to meet her.?

They were not togther when I meet him. what does it mean. She spoke to me about how people were telling her about my ex...and i told her the truth about my ex husband. She proceeded to go to the beauty salon and I went to the same beauty salon. A lady that was said to be her sister was very disturbed with me because she found out that I was his new wife after her sister. She was being rather mean. I know they had hard times in there marriage. He talked to me about some of the things that happened. She dies of breast cancer. This freaks me out...because I never new her. I have nothing against her. I know that my husband was told by the doctor that he needs to go on Dyalisis....what does this mean?

What do dreams of my dead ex mean?

Ex Boyfriend
To see an old ex-boyfriend from childhood in your dream, refers to a freer, less encumbered relationship. The dream serves to bring you back to a time where the responsibilities of adulthood (or marriage) did not interfere with the spontaneity of romance. You need to recapture the excitement, freedom, and vitality of youth that is lacking in your present relationship.

Dead person in your dreams:
To see your dead sibling, relative, or friend in your dream, indicates that you miss them and are trying to relive your old experiences you had with them. In trying to keep up with the pace of your daily waking life, your dreams may serve as your only outlet in coping and coming to terms with the loss of a loved one.
To see the dead in your dream, forewarns that you are being influenced by negative people and are hanging around the wrong crowd. This dream may also be a way for you to resolve your feelings with those who have passed on. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes material loss. If you dream of a person who has died a long time ago, then it suggests that a current situation or relationship in your life resembles the quality of that deceased person. The dream may depict how you need to let this situation or relationship die and end it.

I hope this helps, im sorry for your loss poor dear:(

I had a dream about my dad being alive. What does this mean? He’s been dead for 9 months.

To dream of your father represents your conscience, your ability to make positive choices, or choose between right and wrong. Dreaming of your father may also reflect your feelings about a decision you've already made or are considering. Fathers in dreams can also symbolize your current feelings about him if you have issues with him that need to be dealt with.Positively, dreaming of your father may reflect the decision to make a moral or positive decision. Deciding to stand up for yourself. Feeling that a problem has gotten out of control and deciding to do something about it. Deciding to be realistic or practical.Negatively, dreaming of your father may reflect decisions you don't like having to make. Feeling that you need to make a choice that doesn't feel good at all. Feeling that you need to make a choice that will not benefit you at all or cause long term problems. A decision to keep doing something that isn't a good idea. Letting someone with authority make decisions for you or that aren't in your best interest. Feeling that you've made a terrible decision or horrible mistake.

Can dead loved ones come to us in dreams?

My dad died from cancer last July. Since October I dream about him all the time. Usually at least once a week. The dreams aren't ever bad, and I don't feel like he is trying to tell me something. But last night the dream went like this:
He had come back (from the dead). I couldn't figure out how he got his body back, we cremated him. I was so happy to see to him! I told him he needed a hair cut! then we talked about events surrounding his will.. he was angry that his wishes weren't followed. He loved his dog, and my brother was supposed to take him and give him a good life... (in reality, my brother gave the dog away after dad died).
In the dream, dad and I were waiting for the people who had the dog to return him..

What could this dream mean... is he trying to tell me something? He has been visiting me for months now, last time he gave me a gift, wrapped in x-mas paper. It was a used frying pan, still dirty! haha

I just spread his ashes in NZ. he would have loved it there!

What does it mean when your ex is still in your dreams 4 years later?

I’d like to ask you if your ex is ‘alive or dead?’If he/she is dead and is visiting you in the dream state; possible some unfinished business needs to be resolved or he/she wants to get a message across to you.If he/she is still living, your ex may be strongly thinking about you and you are picking up those thoughts ‘telepathically.’ When in the sleep state our consciousness is more receptive to picking up thoughts (energy) telepathically.The content of the dreams may give you the answer.

I had a dream that someone told me I had 1 - 3 months to live. Should I be worried?

No. Not about dying in 1 to 3 months at least. But you may want to consider the psychological implications of that dream. Do you have a fear of dying soon? And why?I've had quite a few dreams about death that bothered me for weeks at a time. The most memorable was a dream where I was running to get in line at a congregation of maybe 30 or so people. I wasn't sure what it was for but I knew I had to be on time. I got to my spot right in the nick of time (or so I thought) but I guess I didn't come to rest exactly on time. A woman walked in and immediately shot me in the head. Stunned, I fell to my knees and looked at her with such sadness and asked why she pulled the trigger without thought.  I could feel the blood dripping from the wound in my head and I knew I was dying. I was devastated. How could someone put an end to my life with so little thought? Doesn't she know how much my life means to me?  It took about 5 minutes for me to die in the dream which was plenty of time for me to face my mortality. "This is it", I thought. This is how it ends for me. I haven't figured out my existence on this earth yet and now my life is abruptly coming to an end. Maybe my life was meaningless in the grand scheme of things after all. I hadn't had enough time to figure out why I was here before my life was taken from me. I started to fade out to blackness. "This is it," I thought, "this is death." I had no idea what was awaiting me on the other side, just that I'd be finding out soon.  I was terrified but accepting of it at the same time knowing there was no way out...Then I woke up. I couldn't believe it. It was just a dream. It felt so real. I tasted death. I faced it head on and felt more hopeless than ever in my life. But it was just a dream. Needless to say, I thought about death and my existence on this earth with more immediacy than before. I was reminded of my mortality and my fear that it would all be over before I have it figured out. I think dreams are our subconscious speaking to us. Sometimes they point out our deapest fears to us in an attempt to force us to face them. That's my 2 cents.

What does it mean when you often dream of an ex boyfriend who has passed away? In the dreams he is alive.

See if you can communicate with him in your dream. Before you go to bed tell yourself you will ask him what he wants. OR maybe you feel you need to tell him something you always wanted to but never had a chance. Think of what that might be before you go to bed and make it an intention that you want to tell him. You can also just sit there awake, call his name and just say what you want to say.Of course the context of your dream is important too. Is it a calming dream? Do you enjoy seeing him? Does it feel good? Does it make you feel bad? Is it like a nightmare? All of these are important and indicate what the dream could mean.If none of the above apply then it is not an attempt at communication by you or your ex and it’s something else - you got some other answers that might be options.

Keep having bad dreams about my dead grandmother?

First of all, let me say that I am sorry for your loss.

Second, it is very normal to have these types of dreams after you lose someone you love. I was reading a book about dreams and they mentioned that these types of dreams (in which your loved one is walking around like a zombie) are part of the grieving process. You're still trying to make sense of the loss and come to terms with the fact that you lost someone important to you. In the first few months or even years, it's hard to accept that the person you loved could possibly be permanently dead. These dreams are part of your process of accepting that. Everyone I've talked to who has lost a close loved one has had at least one dream confronting the loss.

I do believe that you will start to have these dreams less frequently. My mother passed away when I was a teenager and it took me about 6 years after her death to start having these dreams and they happened every night for a month or two. They upset me a lot, but since the dreams have stopped I have come more to terms with her death in a way that I wasn't able to before. I stopped feeling constantly depressed about it. I mean, it's never a happy thing and there are always going to be special moments when we miss the ones we love but after awhile we can often reach a point when it hurts a little less because we accept it more. Dreams are funny things, though, and my mother is often in mine but she's usually alive. Sometimes it takes a long time for our minds to catch up with the reality.

If the dreams continue or really start to bother you, I would suggest going to a therapist who could help you work through the issues. It's not that there's anything wrong with having these dreams because it is normal in your situation, but it might help to talk about your loss. I don't know if you have ever lost a close loved one before, but the grief comes and goes in stages. It's never something that's fully resolved and it's okay to feel sad and miss her--even years later. It's part of the grieving process.

Best of luck to you.