What Does It Mean To See A Ghost In My Dream

What does it mean if you dream that you are a ghost?

I have dreamt like that many times, i am more prone and open minded to the spirit world so it does not bother me. it does not mean anything except you were experiencing a kind of dream that your spirit was traveling. that was why no one can see u only if you let them. trust me you will have a couple more like this. its almost like a outer body experience except if you are like couple of times you might encounter other spirits that are either traveling or deceased spirits, sorryyy...not trying to scare you but just letting you know what you might experience so you will not get freaked out. sometimes the spirits might question you that why are you in their world because they can sense that you are not their kind......but if you like to know more just ask me or email me.........later..

What does it mean to dream about ghosts?

To see a ghost in your dream represents something that is no longer obtainable or within reach. It indicates that you are feeling disconnected from life and society. Try to figure out what the ghost wants or what it is looking for. The dream may also be a calling for you to move on and abandon your outdated modes of thinking and behavior.

To see your own ghost in your dream symbolizes aspects of yourself that you fear. This may involve a painful memory, guilt, or some repressed thoughts. Or you may be afraid of death and dying.

To dream that you turn into a ghost implies that you are desperate to escape from a situation.

To dream that you reach out to touch a ghost, but it disappears indicates that you are taking steps to acknowledging some painful or repressed thoughts even though you are not ready to fully confront them.

To see the ghost of a living relative or friend in your dream signifies that you are in danger of malice acts by that person.

To see the ghost of a dead friend/relative in your dream suggests guilt and regrets concerning the past relationships with that particular person.

To dream that ghosts are trying to kill you implies that you are ready to confront your past and your repressed emotions, despite how painful it may be. You are ready to move forward with your life and leave the past behind. If a ghost is choking you in your dream, then it means that some past situation is preventing you from fully expressing yourself.

What does a ghost you can't see mean in a dream?

So I have this reoccuring nightmare that there is a ghost in my closet that moves stuff around but u can never see the ghost you can see the stuff getting moved around. When I show other people the ghost gets angry and does more damage. In all my dreams people in my life make cameos and I try and show them whats going on they believe me but never help. This is the most vivid dream I ever have an like I said it always progresses. Last night was the most scary. My father was in it and he didnt think it was real so he went up into the trap door attict that hung above the interrior of the closet he didnt come out for a while and when we all finally realized he was missing. I screamed his name and opened another side door and he fell out appearing to be dead but was still breathing. Now this ghost was always harmless until last night. Just moving things around in the closet breaking shelves etc. This is the first time it hurt someone. And i could feel the stregth in it when i would try to shut the closet door. It would not go away like usual when i confront it. Im just trying to understand what this means.

What does it mean to see a ghost in my dream?

The dream part, sounds like someone is visiting you in your room while you are asleep. Close the door, and setup some kind of an Alarm, such as a pan lid or some objects falling to the ground, to wake you up if someone opens the door while you are asleep. Next time, have a flashlight near by and shine it against the closet to see who is there. You don't really believe this is a ghost, do you? If it really is a ghost than there is nothing to be afraid of, because ghosts are harmless. Ghosts don't slam doors, it must be someone in your house doing this, and not a ghost. You can sleep with the light on, a small 25-watt energy saver bulb uses very little electricity. If I was you, I would keep the light on all night in the bedroom, so you can see who it is. It's not a ghost, it's a person in your household, maybe your mom is checking on you while you are sleeping. When you hear a noise in the room look for an insect, such as a cricket, cockroach, maybe there is a mouse.

What does dreaming of ghosts mean?

It depends on who the ghost was and what the nature of the interaction was. If it was a family member and they were kind, they might have just been saying hello, and helping you with something through their presence. You might have had something subconsciously affirmed by their visit.Any other situation I would be leery of. If it was a family member asking you to do something for them, I would be hesitant as you might not know the implications of your action on their behalf.If the ghost was anyone other than a family member, or if it was an act of seduction or violence towards you then this is not a wanted visitation and it should be disregarded as an act of disrespect towards you. When it arises in thought or dream again it should be dismissed as its only something attempting to hassle you and it has no affect.Like a buzzing fly there are things that come and go in different forms, none of them should ever really be given much weight, even the positive ones.If you would like to understand more about the spiritual level of matter and life, there is a practice called Falun Dafa that will help condition you in this direction of spiritual understandings. There are many teachings that go along with the practice that also incorporates some meditation and some exercises for purifying the body at deeper, more spiritual levels. The books of this practice discuss these matters in great detail, you can find them free online at Falun Dafa | Falun Gong | 法轮大法 | 法轮功, begin by reading the book titled “Falun Gong.”

What does my dream mean of myself as a ghost..?

To see your own ghost in your dream, symbolizes aspects of yourself that you fear. This may involve a painful memory, guilt, or some repressed thoughts. Or you may be afraid of death and dying. Alternatively, ghosts are representative of something that is no longer obtainable or within reach. It indicates that you are feeling disconnected from life and society. Try to figure out what the ghosts wants or what it is looking for. The dream may also be a calling for you to move on and abandon your outdated modes of thinking and behavior.

What does seeing a ghost in dream mean?

The dream world is believed by many to be a doorway into an alternate reality.  "Ghosts" do not exist in dreams. Ghosts only exist if a spirit is manifested into the real world.  Only spirits, ones that may have some purpose or intent for contacting you, exist in dreams. And it appears that the dream world is far more accessible for spirits than what it takes for a spirit to manifest in the real world as a ghost.       A tremendous amount of spiritual essence is required to manifest into the real world. Or remain in it. Often created as a consequence of emotional intensities surrounding the manner of death. There are even instances of individual ghosts, who simply (for some reason) do not wish to go to the light. Or have simply become lost.   It has been even offered that there are spirits, who will not leave a person they deeply love. Persons they still feel strongly responsible for. This may cause them to remain around as a ghost as well.  Dreams may come in several types. However, whenever anyone envisions a dead person in any dream, this may be merely a  memory asserting itself in a dream. Or it is an attempt by that particular dead person to make contact with the dreamer for some important reason. Usually made to convey information to the dreamer. Moreover, that particular spirit may continue to make efforts to convey that information.   Any dead individual may be invited to come to you in a dream if consistently requested to do so. This is done by focusing your mind on that particular individual just before you are about to go to sleep.

I dreamed that I was a ghost? What could this mean?

In our dream state we often receive many messages from our higher consciousness. We have to decipher these messages like finding your destination on a map.Most messages start out very clear but at the time when we receive these messages(Dreams) we are not fully aware of what is about to happen or what is currently happening.As a Tarot Reader I have been able to work on deciphering these messages and become more aware of signals and events that take place in my dreams.My personal interpretation of your dream is that you are most likely not living your life at its true potential. You are just living day by day without a sense of inspiration and magic.You could be feeling weight down by your current situation not allowing you to do what it is you truly want or being seen.If this is the case, I suggest you do a vision board activity. Plan out what it is that you want to achieve in life not just currently, and break down that goal into more realistic “Now” mini goals that you can accomplish that will lead you to that bigger goal.Home

What does it mean to see your own ghost in your dreams?

My wife woke up to a very scary dream today morning. I have never ever seen her so scared in the past. This is what she saw in her dream - She sees herself sleeping on the bed and I am next to her. Then she sees her own ghost (apparently with scary white face and a ghostly outfit) in our hallway which comes charging towards her and possessing her body, after which she is awakened.

Does the above dream signifies anything? I have never heard people seeing their own ghostly (scary) image in their dreams or even seeing their own image in a dream?

Please help.

What does it mean to see a white ghost in your dream?

I just had a terrifying nightmare. I woke up from it afraid.

I heard a very loud scream and I got up and looked in the hallway and saw two white ghosts down a long hallways staring at me. They then started to scream more. It’s as if they were talking to me.

I was dreaming about a person previously before that dream.

Also, when I got up, my phone was invisible. I couldn’t call for help. I tried to throw it but it was invisible. I could just see the outlines of the phone.