What Does It Mean When A Person Is Spiting Blood And Is Having A Nose Bleed Its Not Symptoms On

I just had a nose bleed and now I am spitting up blood, is this normal?

The blood you are spitting up is just residual blood that drained down your throat through your nasal passages.

I have the same problem. The best thing to do is to get a humidifier. During the winter months, the air inside of your home can become rather dry because of the furnace running all the time heating the air, and drying it out. A good humidifier will do wonders to keeping your nasal lining moist.

If you seem to get nosebleeds often, you actually should see your family doctor. Nose bleeds are one symptom of High Blood Pressure. So, it would be a good idea to have it checked.

You can also purchase nasal sprays in just about every drugstore or supermarket. They contain no actual medication, they are usually just made up of Saline Solution (salt water) You can spray a few squirts into each nostril to keep things from becoming too dry in there.

I wish you well in finding a method of stopping your Nosebleeds, I hope I was able to help you out!

Coughing up blood and nose bleed after doing snorting meth?

Well im not going to lie and get straight to the point, i was snorting meth from friday to Saturday even some on sunday and today ive coughed up blood and got a nose bleed around the same time. I rarely to never do this drug and this weekend i so happened to do this drug, is it because i havnt eaten and was giving my body bad chemicals? Please i need expert advice and not someone who thinks they know what they are talking about.

What does it mean if you spit blood?

You are very very very sick and ill to the point of needing an ER right away.

Is it normal for a nosebleed to last hours, losing a pint or two of blood?

Your friend might be having posterior nosebleeds.Anterior nosebleeds come from the front area of the nose (the cartilage that separate the nostrils) and are much easier to treat. Posterior nosebleeds involve the large vessels in the back of the nose and will bleed longer and heavier than anterior bleeds.I’ve had anterior nosebleeds, usually from dry sinuses, and I’ve had a posterior nosebleed. My anterior nosebleeds took about 20 minutes, at most, to get under control and involved minimal blood loss.My posterior nosebleed was the result of a severely dry and irritated nose (I live in Atlanta where we’ve been getting the smoke from the wildfires) and a massively deviated septum (It’s congenital and has been this way since birth, it doesn’t affect the cosmetic look of my nose, the ENT said fixing it would only partially help my getting colds and sinus infections). It lasted from about 1AM to about 5:30AM and my nose, face, body, pajamas, and bathroom looked the scene from the Shining with the river of blood coming out of the elevator.One of the larger vessels in the posterior section had gotten irritated and burst. It had finally stopped on its own, with what the doctor said was likely about 16oz of blood lost, which is about a pint.I’m not saying it’s definitely what your friend had, and I’m not saying it’s not, but it does happen.

I had a nosebleed earlier then i coughed up blood once and i had another nosebleed tonight. is that bad?

it's normal the only reason why you cough blood out is because it's the blood that swallowed earlier on so you cough it out.
happens to me all the time ever since i was 4 sooo I'm good but i guess in case you should go check it out

I am coughing up what looks like blood clots after having my wisdom teeth removed. Is this normal? What to do?

I did as well. It will be painful and my dentist said if there are gobs of deep red or black pieces they are the clots and thats normal a day or [two at the most] after surgery. Make sure to at least get more gauze from the dental office in order to secure the areas and place firm pressure upon them. Wheezing and coughing might be because of the amount of blood you are losing and the anesthesia. Depending upon your personal medical history, you could have different symptoms that may or not be normal depending upon you. Make sure to call a recommended nearby dental office. I've also heard wrapping green tea bags in gauze and placing them on the areas will help the clots. Acid in the tea encourages blood to clot and stay clotted in the area instead of oozing out. It sounds like youve been swallowing the blood, hence have been coughing it up as it is captured in phlegm and saliva. Since you had four taken out, it means more blood and more clots will be exuding from the areas. If the amount is not decreasing, or is actually flowing from the points instead of slowly oozing, call a dentist immediately. Good luck. I'm pretty much hating my mouth just as much right now too.