What Does It Mean When I Dream About An Old Friend Hurting Me In My Dreams

I dreamt about my friend dating my crush. What does it mean?

In real life my crush used to like my friend but she never was into him while I really like him...
In my dream when he saw my friend, he started to like her again and asked her out and she accepted and they were happy together, and it was painful for me as she knew I really like him and didn't bother. In the dream when me and my friend had some alone time, we never talked about it. Does anyone know what it means ?
Because I really like him and I want to tell him how I feel but I don't know if he feels the same way :/

I had 2 dreams of old friends trying to physically hurt me?

Perhaps you feel that they mean to do you harm or they did do you harm (perhaps not physically, but emotionally and that is a caliber of 'damage') and you are trying to 'right' that

What does it mean to hurt your crush is a dream?

Dreams typically express what we're thinking, experiencing and feeling in life. Primarily feeding off our hopes and fears. In this case- your friend's fear. It is most likely something he is mulling over constantly right now. I am sure he is doing more than just thinking about this dream... He is probably terrified he will actually do this, too. Or perhaps he already has done this, so now he's frightened he will do it again? I don't know him to know some of these answers. Most of this is something he's going to have to think about internally. And/or provide more details about the dream. (What else is going on? How does his crush take the beating in the dream? How does he feel as he's doing it in the dream?

He would do best to understand his fear if he would like to dream differently. He can also try envisioning the dream happening differently before bed... maybe even writing it out instead and reading it?
Does he actually talk to his crush? If he does- does he feel like, or does she even say, that some of what he talks to her about is hurting her?
Does he feel like he's being too rough and insensitive or "abusive" to her in any way?
WHERE is he injuring her greatly? Is it all over? Just to the head? The heart? The throat? Some other area? That is also significant. If it's just to the head, it might be that he feels like he's tearing down her thoughts. If it's too the heart, he may feel like he's hurting her emotionally. If he's slicing her throat, he may feel like he's not allowing her to speak fully and completely. ...Or it could be the reverse of all that and she's doing it to him in person, but he's seeing it that way because he's so infatuated with her he doesn't want to see her as doing wrong and see's it the other way around. (I didn't word all of that very well, but I've run out of time for the day.)
Have your friend answer these questions and do some soul searching! Feel free to add more if he wants even more help and details!
I hope he can over come this fear so he can get some rest at night! :)

What does it mean if a friend betrays you in your dream?

It means that you are scared that he will hurt you in real life, or that you don't trust him/

Same dream about old friend?

I had a similar thing and dream, and I figured out that even though I was angry with the person over something very, very, big; I'm not the kind of person who is comfortable with fights with people.

After a series of dreams where I was all buddies with this person I started to have dreams where I was yelling at this person!! I got to say all the things that I had apparently was really feeling (the anger I almost didn't allow myself to have because I am an understanding and empathetic person and had tried to overlook a lot of this other person's outrageous and mean behavior). After I yelled at her in a few dreams, there was another dream where she was a child who was waiting for me to come do something for her, but I had all kinds of obtacles in my way and couldn't get to her before I awoke from one epic dream.

If you were left hurt and confused then its likely you'll have a few dreams that will allow you to process those feelings and get past them. I've found that the most obvious, surface feelings get processed first. Then the next layer down gets processed. Eventually, you go through all the layers until you get to the bottom one.

I'm guessing (could be wrong) that you are in the "surface level" where your personality isn't comfortable with having fought with a friend. You may have to put up with this dream a while longer or else there may be more. Just remember them, try to think of what feelings you have in the dream, and eventually they'll stop.