What Does It Mean When I Dream About Rain Or Flooding

What does it mean when you dream of rain coming through your roof. You enter a room and its raining!?

if you have just gotten a new job or are looking this could mean job mobility & perhaps more $ (rain or water means $)
and the "no roof" part the sky is the limit

What does heavy rain with a wild flood in a dream mean? Have been feeling about good change & very afraid of life situations, but the evening before I dreamt about this, I was feeling so happy, so proud, so blessed then I dreamt about this at night.

And I take it that the dream took away those good feelings. Of course this is bothering you. Absolutely.Interpreting and understanding my dreams are one of the most important activities that I do and I do it everyday even if I don’t have a dream. What I do when I wake up is try to evaluate specifically what I’m feeling.There are two ways that I know to interpret dreams. I started with the first when I was in my teens. This is using the occult to interpret dreams. I no longer use this and no longer consider it viable. There . is big business in writing books that answer things like, “What does it mean if I dream of a striped cat falling into a sewer?” The books will answer (I’m just making this up here). “It means that someone you know of mixed race is going to accidentally get in trouble.”The second way I know of how to interpret dreams is through humanistic psychotherapy. The origins are with Freud and Jung, yet I doubt if they would recognize where their work has arrived today. Here my therapist was trained and experienced in dream interpretation. The basics are simple. First, everybody in the dream is some aspect of you. The physical body is using the dream to coalesce the previous day, so that you are prepared for the next day, months, even years. There are big exceptions to what dreams do, yet that is a where 90% of dreams alight.I’m not a trained interpreter, yet I’ll do my best by you. I’ve been in therapy for most of my 72 years. So here goes. Since there is no one in the dream, then the storm is you. Nothing happens. It pours and wildly floods. It comes from nowhere and goes no where. This is scary. You wake up disturbed. When you went to sleep you were excited about good prospects. There is one issue though that doesn’t make this excitement perfectly happy. You’ve also been afraid, but NOT before you went to sleep.Where did the fear go when you went to sleep feeling good and clear, and even blessed? I suspect that there was an aspect of you that was still most concerned and afraid. That you were disappointed that you didn’t wake up feeling as cheerful as when you went to bed suggests, in therapy parlance, that you were suppressing the fear. Your body wants to heal itself both physically and mentally. The dream reminds you to avoid controlling either the fear or the good feelings. Let them follow their own course. And, hopefully after the storm, the sun will shine, but not necessarily.

What does a dream about my house flooding mean?

There is a few ways to interpret this. Firstly when we dream our subconscious is processing information, renewing cells and entertaining itself. Some of these dreams can be worst fears or what if scenarios and this flood dream could fit into that category. Secondly it could be metaphorical, so the house is you and water represents emotions, are you worried about getting overwhelmed emotionally? Thirdly it could actually be prophetic and perhaps you should get your plumbing checked.Peace and love

What does it mean to dream about a flood? It rained, my neighborhood flooded and the water was dirty. I was swimming trying to find someone who needed help.

Flood dreams are about the dreamer being flooded with emotions and feelings.Dirty water speaks to the nature of the emotions and feelings including thoughts that go along with being flooded with emotions and feelings.The person who needs help with these flooding emotions and feelings is the dreamer. Since you the dreamer are looking for someone who needs help it’s important to reflect on where are you placing these strong feelings and emotions, for they are happening in your neighborhood within you.It’s in your best interest to reflect on this, and to take proactive steps to help reduce your emotions and feelings.Best wishes.

What does a Flood dream mean?

a flood in dreams would mean an overflow of emotions. and since you and your boyfriend are running away from the flood, maybe you are trying to avoid getting too deep into your relationship or getting too emotional about something. but the emotional battle that you're going through will be over on a bright new day.

but im not sure about it, that's just my own opinion about the dream...

What does it mean when the moon explodes during a dream?

First, I'm a believer that dream symbolism is personal, and the best way to get the meaning of the dream is for you to explore your associations with the moon and with exploding, etc. There's great dream work tools like setting out chairs for all of the various aspects of the dream. Then sit in each chair and talk as that aspect. For instance, sit in the moon's chair and say "I am the moon. I'm round and full, and I'm huge tonight." Say whatever comes to you, let it just flow. Then when you seem to be finished, go to another chair and say "I am the wave. . . " You can even have the various aspects of the dream talk with each other. It can be very powerful.

That having been said, let me throw out a few ideas. I could be completely off. And if I hit on a tender subject, I apologize in advance. I don't really have enough information, and I'm just blundering around. . .

The first thing I think of is pregnancy - the moon is large, full, much bigger than usual. Then it explodes - miscarriage? - of course, causing waves.

Another - the moon is often the symbol of our feelings. So is the ocean. What are your feeling for your friend? Have they been growing? Are they ready to explode into a flood of emotions, and cause waves in your life? In that case, it seems like your dream might be saying you're ready for the next step.

Two VERY different ideas. The last seems to me intuitively to be more correct. But the meaning is yours, and you can find it!

What does dreaming of your basement flooding mean?

In dreams, things are often symbols. A house is your inner life, and each room and level stands in for a part of your personality.Basements usually symbolize your unconscious—that deep, inner part of you that houses your primal urges, animalistic desires and basic needs. (scroll down to read the whole entry on basements.)Water most often symbolizes emotion, in dreams. If your basement is flooded, it seems that your unconscious is feeling overwhelmed by emotions.

What does it mean , when you dream you save your boyfriend?

in my dream , for some reason he couldn't walk, and he leaned up against a door. He was talking to me when it started raining. Then he fell out the door! I panicked because it was flooding, almost like he fell into a dirty river, i dived in and was screaming his name. I found him put his arms around my shoulders, and grabbed onto a white rope that was by the door and hoisted us back into the house. Then he got up and helped me up. I was surprised because he was supposed to be sick. he hugged me.

I saw heavy rain and water in my dreams. What does it indicate?

Rain, water in dreams tends to speak to emotions perhaps lots of emotions. Rain can also be like a cleansing and baptism pointing to the new that's coming. Rain can also be Grace, not too unlike a blessing. If you're going through difficult times then this dream is an emotionally healing dream.Be well!