What Does It Mean When You Dream About Dead

What does it mean when you die in your dream?

Firstly, dreaming of your own death doesn’t mean your death is imminent. It only means that there are some changes or transformations that are going to take place. So, relax and read on :)Dreaming of your own death symbolizes inner changes, transformation, self-discovery and positive development that is happening within you or your life. You are undergoing a transitional phase and are becoming more enlightened or spiritual. Big changes are ahead for you where you are making a new start and leaving the past behind. If you are getting married or divorce, being promoted to a new position, moving to a new country, you may experience dreams of your own death.he frightening and alarming nature of death can in itself be a wake- up call for something. It is your mind's way of trying to grab your attention to something dire in your waking life where you need to take action. Consider how you felt in your dream and think about a situation in your waking life where you felt the same way.To dream that you die may also mean that you are desperately trying to escape from the demands of your daily life. This may be some major stressor, obligation, responsibility or perhaps you want out of a painful relationship.SOURCE : Common Dreams: Death

What does my dream mean? Dead Baby ??!?

No, dreaming of a death does not mean a new birth, but a transition or moving from one phase of life to another. It can mark any of the milestones in life such as graduation, puberty, marriage, etc. Because dreams speak with symbols, in which one thing represents something else, a dream death rarely represents actual death. Pregnancy in dreams usually symbolizes the development of some project, and often represents the development of the adult self through adolescence.

In your dream, all of the pregnant women: your mum, sister and yourself, all represent you, or different parts of yourself. At the same time, you are also the pregnancy, in the sense that you are "developing" or "gestating" the adult woman you are to be.

Now, the image of the dead baby, and your mother and nan seeming to give up on it, suggests something different. Again, it represents something about yourself and your feelings about yourself. Do you feel as if you have stopped growing or stopped maturing for some reason? Do you feel like giving up on yourself? Remember that this dream is trying to bring something to your attention that you don't already know. So think carefully about what it might mean to feel "What's the point?" about yourself.

What does it mean when you dream about dead rats?

Things are being laid out on the table, out in the open where you can see them for what they are. You're being asked to make a change regarding the place you live daily. Our living room, where we live mentally on a daily basis & how we portray ourselves to others. You’re being shown a dirty “under the table”, habit of undercutting yourself, putting yourself down, self-critical thoughts, that needs to change. How you have allowed doubts & thoughts to creep into your mind, and are treating are yourself as if you are unworthy. It’s a form of self-betrayal & it needs to change. This habit is what’s blocking you, holding you back. It’s outlived its purpose, kill it, this old habit needs to die. It’s time to start treating yourself as you would treat a good friend, be kinder to yourself with the things you tell yourself inwardly.

There is a need to express pent-up emotions about feeling helpless in a real life situation that is frustrating & driving you up the wall. Feeling frustrated and fearful about some situation that’s permeating every aspect of your daily life, it’s enough to make you SCREAM, you’re so frustrated and this suppressed anger needs to come out. Allow these emotions to surface; find a healthy outlet, or way to release them. This is a dirty rat that needs to be dealt with,

None of this is dark stuff, it’s simply old pent up thoughts that need to be released. Doubts are like garden weeds that need to be pulled up by the roots, otherwise they choke out what wants to & is ready to flower in our life. Once released, you’ll experience an energetic lift. You will sense it in addition to others around you; that your vibe has shifted, changed. Start telling yourself the good things about you. What are some good things about you? Do you treat others with kindness, are you compassionate, are you a good friend ? Etc.…. There is no doubt you have many good qualities. Give yourself credit even for small progress, or accomplishments, and for all the good things about you. You are worthy, simply because you exist. I hope that helps & makes sense. Take good care~

What does it mean when you dream of dead people?


If the person you saw in your dream is really dead, the interpretation is the is a part of your own personality that you are imitating and, therefore, you don't need their example anymore, be it good or bad.

However, dead people you see in your dreams who are really dead can reveal many more things in your dreams about your own personality because you can learn in your dreams about the reason of their death, in case they died while they were young, so that you may avoid making their mistakes, which may cause your own premature death.

What does it mean when you dream about dead people?

Try this site ... Like Magic ... the way dreams can be learned.
If you got the time you really can know... The Psychology of Dreams Myths - Dreams - Symbols.
On site Directory , Dream Dictionaries.

On Site Translation >>>> # 11.

** Dreaming is a place of possibility and creation, a land of futures that might come and pasts that never were. It is also a land of nightmares.**

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Something special for us who believe in dreams & stars & the worlds a magical place if we let it be. This is not me I just found it to share. The thought's of dreams in a nicely timing jester. <<<<<<< turn your music on ...[ Go through the Door ] & see.

What does it mean when you see a dead relative alive in a dream?

First try to recall the dream. Now check whether it is option 1 or 2.

1)did the dream say that he was not dead ?

if it specificaly did not say that he is alive thn we just say that a dead person spoke to you in your dream.We do not say that the daed person is alive in your dream.

2)or you just saw him behaving like a person who was alive ?
If he spoke to you in the dream it is important to give some consideration on what he said.

most people when they see a dead person in the dream, the dead person is not in the the dream the dead person might be sitting, walking , cooking or talking.Most of the dreams which show a dead person is considerd to have some meaning.Sp if the dead talks to you.When the dead talk to you it might not mean the actual dead person is saying that.But dreams carry symbols.N dead peole are the symbol for some meanngfull dreams.Remember a dead person can not gain any worldly success (or any joy from money) by giving false information or deciving people. Therefore I say that dead people is a symbol for indicating that the dream has some msg, perhaps a msg with a hidden meaning.

Not all dreams are random. I have seen some dreams which were useless.Some of them were related to what I was thinking. But I have seen One or two dreams , which came to true the very next day in real life.

And the chances of a dream being true are the high ,if the dream has a dead person, sp if the dead talks to you.

True dream, it could be refreing to
1)something which happend in the past
2)or something which could happen in future
3)or simply just some information which you do not know(lets say there is a hidden well in your house and you do not know it.The dream tells you about it.Thus it is not actually refering to the past or future)

good luck

What does it mean to dream about dead mice??

Hi! This dream seems to be saying that some things that had been bothering you like "pests" in the past are now dead issues. They won't be able to affect your life negatively like they may have in the past. These issues have been taken care of "for a while". Hope this helps!

Dream of dead white rabbit, what does it mean?

It depends mostly on what the rabbit symbolizes to you personally. Rabbits don't just symbolize luck. They also symbolize fertility, the underworld and initiation. Here is a link to a site that will give you more information on the symbolism associated with rabbits:

Death is another subject with multiple meanings. In dream psychology, death rarely represents the end or destruction of something. Instead, it represents any kind of "change". Usually a noteworthy one. The best way to know the meaning of your dreams is to analyze the following:
1. How did the dream make you feel during and after?
2. What recognizable elements, objects and symbols were there?
3. What have you been feeling, and what has been on your mind lately?

What does it mean if you dream of dead animals?

This dream has within it many situations that you may find difficult to deal with.
You have had a vision of incredible mayhem. Such carnage and death is a kind of subconscious warning that you feel threatened and indeed terrified with some past or present parts of your life.
From a pleasant image of a boy in the backyard with his dog surrounded by a scene of raw but natural beauty, a visitation of evil and devastation devours this whole tranquillity. The magnitude of the evil is overpowering, Firstly rattlers are not swimmers and in this image the serpent for me is the devil in disguise. The disinterest of your kin folk is the embellishment of loneliness and abandonment. Evil will always want to create you in a single one-to one situation. He engineered the fall of man by being able to speak to Eve alone. He shows then the reign of his carnage through the scale in the s dead animals you described. Total wipe-out, a killing field, possibly poisoning the ground with the blood of the dead.
You have been chosen to give a wake-up call not just to yourself but perhaps to the world. The Evil One wants back his kingdom! In a personal way now you have to review your own life. Is there any upcoming way you are contemplating major change? Are you about to invest in real estate or to take on a major job change. Is there someone that you need to rely on to make this happen? Check all this out.
I think you have received a premonition in the form of a dream that potential disaster, failure and tragedy awaits such a venture. There is a snake waiting in human form wanting to devour your future and leave your life like a giant grave. Please, please take great care.