What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone You Never Met And Then Years Later You Meet Them

What does it mean when you dream with a person you never met.?

I had a dream with a girl, she was not super model or anything but she was the most beautiful girl i dreamt with, for some reason i dreamt with her many years ago, or so I think cause that face was very familiar and i still remember the 1st time had a similar dream that impacted me so much. How do i find this girl of my dreams. Or what does this dream mean?

What does it mean to dream of someone you have never met, and then meet them the next day?

The dreams are symbolic representation of our inner self since they are reflection of our mind which is a store house of data collected over a period of time. The mind analyses and projects possible solutions to our problems / tensions in the form of dreams. Therefore, this dream is also to be taken symbolically and not to be taken literally. When a person / character is seen in the dream it indicates that there is something special in the form of qualities / character / personality of that person / character which attracts and is impressing in waking life. This is reflected in the dream. In other words these qualities of a person have had a imprint on the mind resulting in the form of dreams.In the instant case it is the aspect of togetherness associated with it, which is on your mind have been reflected, probably because of certain ongoing events in waking life with similarities. Advice is to take decisions based on reality and truthfulness. BOL ( Best of Luck ).

What does it mean to dream about someone you have never met before then see the exact same person one day?

Well, let’s assume that you actually have never seen this person before. But dreams are memories: when you’ve just wake up you can describe it in details, then a few minutes later it fades to something smooth and unclear. Sometimes you totally forget your dreams but if you’re not, it could be changed anyway by recollecting it over and over again. Did you know that every time we recollect something we add a little change into our memories? So by the daytime or whenever you’ve met that person you couldn’t say exactly what that face you’ve seen in a dream was looking like, and your brain’s just connected two images of real person and that one you’ve seen.

What does it mean when you dream of someone before meeting them?

OK, two things in your Q reveal what's going on. One is that you described the dream as being an exact representation of real life events. The other is that the segment of time you dreamed had no significance... just normal, daily routine stuff, right? That would mean you've experienced DEJAVU... no biggie and certainly nothing to be frightened of. However, you should educate yourself instead of asking those who are clueless about the facts about dejavu & precognitive dreams.

If this is a first experience for you, I'm betting you're just hitting early adolescence... like between 11-13 yrs old. Some people (like me) start having dejavu much earlier, virtually from birth, but it more commonly begins in that age range. Dejavu is a type of low-level, precognitive dream and the product of normal human ESP. It depicts 5-10 seconds of a moment from your own future and shows that segment of time in *precise detail* - each word spoken, every physical motion, etc. The dreams are just like a film clip of future events, but because those events are so brief & so trivial, we tend to forget that dejavu-dream almost immediately. But days or weeks later, when the Present catches up and those events begin to occur, that triggers one's memory of the original dream. You're not recalling things you've said or done before, but remembering that you've DREAMED those events before.

Millions of people experience dejavu every day, so it's really nothing special as far as Psi ability goes. However, the fact that you instinctively acknowledge that experience as something you've *dreamed AND retained a dream memory from some 2 yrs prior IS significant. That's very unusual for first timers and might indicate above-average ESP, so you should probably test your ESP level.

What does it mean when you dream about someone you don't know?

i keep on having dreams where i meet people i dont know....
they seem to know me, and they are the same people popping up again and again
there are two girls and two of the guys seems to be my love interest...
someone please inturpret it for me, or atleast tell me what this might mean???

What does it mean when I have a dream about someone I haven't seen in years and then I see them the next day?

Understanding the complexity of the human brain is like discovering what’s in our deepest oceans, we’ve barely scratched the surface. Some scientists say that your brain can warn you about certain events through dreams, while others say that dreams are just your daily actions and thought relayed back during sleep. This kind of thing often happens to me as well. However, mine is more of a “Déjà vu” that just hasn’t happened yet. Strangely enough with practice(most of the last 6 years for me) you can learn to change what happens in these moments, but i’m going off on a tangent. To answer your question scientifically, no one knows. To answer your question Theoretically, you might have seen this person yesterday without noticing and your brain was reminding you of that person and a simple coincidence took place. To answer you from MY experience, your brain was telling you that you would see this said person tomorrow, in my opinion always trust your brain.

What does it really mean when you dream of someone you haven't seen in a while?

This EXACT same thing has been happening to me. I've dreamt about one particular ex of mine for the last 2 nights straight. I can't speak for everyone, but because I am a Scorpio, I tend to have premonitions from time to time. And whenever I have dreamt about this person in the past, it's usually a sign that I'm going to be contacted by them or see them in person in the immediate future. We haven't seen each other in person in almost 2 years now, and it's been well over a year since we've had any communication. But we have this strange ESP bond...I can't explain it. And I don't dream about him very often, so when I do, I always know something's up. I'll give you a perfect example.

A few weeks ago I dreamt about him for almost an entire week straight, and the dreams just would not leave me alone. On the fourth day, I was at work minding my own business, and my phone started ringing. It was from a restricted/blocked/private number, which immediately let me know that it was him, because he always does that. And everytime I would answer, he wouldn't say anything -- just linger on the line. These calls continued for 2 hours straight. He did this exact same thing before at my last job I had, where he would call the receptionist, ask for me, and then not say anything. But I busted him by answering the phone, and he started stuttering and claimed that he "had the wrong number." That was a bunch of BS, because he had previously worked there, too. So he knew the number like the back of his hand. ANYWAY...right around the time that I got these calls to my cell a few weeks ago after dreaming about him, the strangest thing happened. My current boyfriend informed me that he ran into my ex, because the ex went to my old job supposedly "on business." The facility I used to work at {and my current boyfriend works at} is literally an hour or more out of my ex's way, so I thought it was very weird that he would go out of his way to go to my old job like that. And apparently things were very tense between him and my boyfriend, because after seeing my ex, my boyfriend hasn't been the same since.