What Does It Mean When You Poop Iut Liquids

What does it mean when you poop liquid?

WARNING if you are easily grossed out just leave now it may be "graphic" to anyone who hates gross stuff.

One time I had a stomachache and it started as diehrea but then it was just liquid and everytime I tried to crap it out it was come out like piss and was pure liquid, no chunks or anything like regular poop.
And it burnt like no other!!! You have no idea! Like my anus hurt so much I was afraid to crap for a while but eventually I did to get it out of me! It felt like my *** was on fire! So does that mean it was really acidic? And what does this all mean? Hasn't happened again and that was the first time.

DONT SAY I NEED TO GO TO A DOCTOR i hate all of you that tell people to go to a doctor for everything dang thing, I am not sick I just had a stomachache and want to know what causes it!

My poop is completely liquid, is that bad and what does it mean?

if you have been drinking but not eating then that could be why.

What does it mean when your poop comes out liquid?

Many possibilities, most nothing serious. If it persists for several days, see a doctor. If you see blood, see a doctor. In the meantime, drink plenty of water. Try peppermint tea. Eat small amounts regularly - eg a couple of slices of dry toast.

Wash hands carefully every time. Baby wipes (cheaper than adult products) for your backside also help hygiene.

What does it mean if my poop is all liquid?

Many drinks like wine, beer and cider increase acid production in the stomach and can give you the runs. However you might have an upset stromach irrespective of the alchohol, however drinking a lot may make it worse right now. Spirits (when quite dilute with a mixer) do not increase acid content as much as some other drinks will. However spirits are very high percentage of alchohol so you are not getting other liquids with them so if you have them strong you will dehydrate fast. Gin is one to avoid though because it makes you urinate a lot

You probably feel weak shakey - especially if you are coming off the booze or are dehydrated after the alchohol and diarrhea. If you are hydrated enough you urine will be clear or almost clear. If its a strong yellow you are dehydrated - unless you take vitamin B1 which is good for you but turns it yellow!

If you are drinking very heavily for a few days, cut down slowly. Drink half of the booze your normally have per day by only buying half as much in. Coming off it straight away is dangerous for the body. A weak single measure of Vokda with a lot of cokacola with it is a good coming-off measure. Hydrate the body well too because drink won't help with hydration as it makes you urinate more, and also you are losing lots of water when you have a poop if its all liquid. Drinking every day also causes depression apart from when you are drunk. Its because the body gets used to the alcohol and you feel rubbish without it, but when you come off it slowly your energy and motivation will gradually increase again. Its nice to have a drink. I love a drink,. Drinking heavy all the time you cannot sustain though because you will damage your health. See the doctor if its not better in a couple of days.

Take a bratty diet to clear the runs: (helps keep the bowel contents together):

Apple Sauce

See a doctor if you feel weak or it doesnt go away
Take vitamin B complex as alcohol draws the B vits out the body.

Kiwi fruits too for potassium (+ Banannas) and salt for your sodium
+++ loads of water or milk. :) + an antacid if you have one like rennie.

Good sleep helps too and a glass of milk to coat your stomach and an antacid before bed. Dont have too much to eat before you sleep because of the choking risk with reflux. Sleep on your side & Stay warm.

Does your body make less poop if you only eat liquid food?

Depends on how long you are having all liquid food and how many things accumulated inside your bowl that needs cleaning up.If the liquid food intake is one day or two, and your average bowel movement is once per day, you will likely have poop or more poop, to clean away wastes that accumulated since don't know when.Things may be a bit different if such liquid food intake persist for a longer all depends on: we eat; active and efficient our bowels are; 3. Do we have a habit of going to toilet to clean the waste in our bowel everyday; and 4. Do we have sufficient water and fibre intake?

When I poop, clear liquid comes out instead. Is this at all normal?

No, that's very abnormal. What are you eating? And drinking? Do you drink coffee or alcohol? Taking medications? Getting at least 8 hours of sleep? The last one is important, lack of sleep means irregular bowel movements. Alcohol is known to cause diarrhea.. same with some other kinds of foods. Certain drugs, supplements, and medications can cause it too. If it doesn't go away in a few days, you should see a doctor immediately.

If you hold your poop in for a long time does it make it more liquid like when it comes out?

Are you deliberately retaining your feces for some odd reason? That could be detrimental, young’un. And no, not necessarily. Drinking lots of fluids softens bowel movements and eating lots of roughage makes it firmer. Do a little research on foods that do softer/harder. And for crying out loud, don’t trap your crap like it’s a guy you just can’t let go of. Bladder control by retention can be a good thing but if you turn your turds into your new and bizarre best friend it’ll come out the other direction trying to vacate

I poop a slimy liquid...why?


its need to relax...PICK ME!!!