What Does It Mean When You See Your Boyfriends Last Name Every Where

Wot does it mean when my boyfriend calls me by my surname? that is, my last name.?

i have been goin` out with a very special person to me, before he used to call me by my first name. but now, he prefers calling me by my last name... and i dont like it! i have told him so many times that i dislike the idea, cos to me it seems as if we are not "u know, conversant with each other when he calls me by my last name. i do tell him this, but he keeps saying he loves the sound of my last name, and that it doesnt matter. but oh yes it matters a lot to me, 'cos when he calls me by my last name, i feel he sees me as a stranger or rather, i feel we are nothing more than mere acquantances. so pls, help me out. seriously speaking, wot exactly is he "hinting" by calling me by my last name?

Why do i keep seeing my ex-boyfriend's Last Name EVERYWHERE?!?

lately i've been randomly seeing my ex-boyfriend last name on company cars, magazines, incoming mail, t-shirts, television commercials, & even cups, lol and its always in big, black bold letters. i also had ONE intimate dream about him. I must admit that a small part of me still cares about him but what is this exactly supposed to mean? is this supposed to be a sign of some sort? why am i constantly seein his LAST name?! just to add that his last name definetly isnt popular or common. and a couple of months ago he tried to revive our relationship but my pride wouldnt let me go throough with it. FYI: before you guys say "bc im looking for it", we broke up a year and 1/2 ago, so its not like we just split.

P.S. also if you plan on being rude, disrespectful, or jus a smart alec, then dont bother answering. thanks! :]

What does it mean when your boyfriend calls you boo?

It means he likes you.

So my boyfriend called me mrs. (his last name) , what does it mean ?

My boyfriends last name is parker. Lastnight we were on the phone, and when he say goodnight he said 'i love you so much, mrs parker' hes already told me that he loves me and stuff? but could it actually mean something like deep down?

Should i give my baby my ex boyfriends last name?

we were together for 2 years and he really wants to be here for the baby. we broke up and then found out i was pregnant, at first he didn't take it too well, but now he's all for it. he's been to every doctors appointment.

everyone is in my ear telling me to give it my last name. but without him, there wouldn't be a baby in the first place. if he wants to be here, why shouldn't i give it his last name? i'm only 14 weeks, but it's a big decision to make. i don't know if he wants to get back together, but the way i feel.. i don't think that we will anytime soon.

please just give me some helpful input. =)

What does it mean when your boyfriend lets you keep his shirt?

Today, I was with my boyfriend.and he keeps his room freezing cold. So he let me borrow one of his flannel shirts. I stayed wrapped up in it for about the whole time I was there. I jokingly asked if I could keep it. I suppose most normal people would just view it as him letting me keep a shirt. But I think it's more than that, something special I just don't know how to describe it?

My boyfriend's last name is the same as my first name. What should I do?

You would be neither the first nor the only woman whose husband's last name is the same as her first name. See: Lauren Bush, daughter of former president G.W. Bush, who married David Lauren, youngest son of designer Ralph Lauren.It's tradition, not law, for a woman to take their husband's name after marriage, at least in western nations. Back in the day, it was done to brand the woman as her husband's possession; legally, at the point of marriage she ceased to exist. Now, in many countries, a woman is free to make a choice about her name.If you think taking your husband's name is a problem for you, there are myriad possible alternatives:You could just keep your maiden name. Caroline Kennedy kept hers after she married. So do many other women who have established themselves professionally.You could keep using your maiden name for work and daily life, but use your married surname legally. Your husband could change his last name to yours.You could become known by just one name, Meredith, like Cher or Madonna.You could combine or hyphenate both your surname and his, in any order, i.e. Smith-Jones or Jones-Smith. (So could your husband. See: Aaron Taylor-Johnson)You could legally change your first name and/or your surname to whatever you want it to be (as long as you're not committing fraud)You could take your husband's surname and use your middle name instead of your first name.You could use the initials of your first and middle names (like J.K. Rowling).You could just laugh it off and quit worrying about it.This is not, IMHO, a "deal breaker" problem unless you make it one.

Boyfriend Calls me by his last name.?

My boyfriend has started calling me by his last name. He will say my first name and then tag his last name on instead of my own. Does this mean he wants to marry me one day? I can't help but feel all mushy inside and happy when he does it.

I heard my boyfriend's name in dream last night. What does it signify?

At the very outset, do kindly forgive for not specifically answering your particular question. Dream interpretation has no singular scientific answer yet what science offers at best is a facility to figure out things with multiple probable theories based on the real and true hypothesis that dreams are the machinations of our brain and our subconscious mind. Science is working on the very core idea as why do we sleep.If you are comfortable with eBooks, I humbly invite you to download my latest eBook titled, ‘Crispy Fries: Platter Of Life-Utility Ideas, Served Hot & Spicy’. It is free and available in multiple formats at smashwords, Apple iTunes, Nook books, Kobo, etc. It has a detailed chapter on dreams, which I hope shall definitely answer all your queries regarding dreams.Thanks and all best. Keep smiling...

What does it mean when your boyfriend starts calling you wifey or by his last name?

It feels wonderful. A sense of belonging starts hovering. You feel that he has given you the esteemed position of his better half. It seems that he is incomplete without you & wants you to be his wife as soon as possible. He feels you are the one for whom he had been waiting. Such a feeling is rare to find nowadays. We girls wish to hear it so much from our partners but are always not lucky. Cherish the moments when he refers you in such sweet ways. Life is very small. May god bless both of you. All the best.