What Does My Blood Pressure Mean Is It Low Or High

What does blood pressure of 139/67 mean?

You are pretty young for isolated systolic hypertension (fancy term that means you are hypertensive, but only when heart is pumping, not when it is filling with blood)

So, this leads me to believe that you may have another issue:

1.) a bad heart valve (not too likely, don't worry)
2.) an overactive thyroid (probably very likely, especially in women)
3.) white coat syndrome (your systolic number jumps up because you have a temporary spike in BP when you see a doctor or a nurse)
4.) some other type of anxiety that may cause temporary spikes in your systolic number (the first number of the BP)

My blood pressure is 118/57, what does this mean?

It's fine. Don't worry about it.

What does it mean, IF THE BLOOD PRESSURE IS 111/80?

Unless it's different from your usual bp, then it's normal. 120/80 is considered normal for healthy adults. It's slightly higher for kids. The top number is your systolic pressure (the pressure in your arteries when your heart squeezes out the blood), the bottom number is your diastolic pressure (the pressure in your arteries when your heart starts to relax after pumping out blood). For a healthy adult, a systolic reading 140+ is considered high and a diastolic reading below 50 can considered potentially fatal. Keep in mind that many athletes have a low diastolic pressure - somewhere in the low 50's due to excellent physical conditioning = healthy heart. If you have further questions, ask your doctor.

My blood pressure was 102/40 what does that mean?

There are two kinds of numbers that make up a blood pressure reading. These numbers are written like a fraction -- the top number refers to systolic blood pressure (while the heart is beating), and the bottom number measures the diastolic blood pressure (while the heart is at rest). Normal numbers for blood pressure range from 90/60 to 120/80. The top pressure (systolic) of 102 is a good number, very normal. The low number of 40 is dangerous. Here is some info on low blood pressure: 90 - 60 - BORDERLINE LOW

60 - 40 - TOO LOW Blood Pressure
50 - 33 - DANGER Blood Pressure

LOW Blood Pressure Symptoms -
Weak, Tired, Dizzy, Fainting, Coma

What does it mean if I have a high systolic blood pressure but low diastolic blood pressure? My systolic blood pressure is in the borderline high range, it ranges from 130-145, but my diastolic is in the borderline low 60-65 range.

Over  the past few years, the role of diastolic blood pressure as an  important determinant of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality has been  further appreciated. A relatively novel finding is the increase of poor outcomes associated with low  diastolic blood pressure, especially in the elderly. We have extensively studied this phenomenon of a low diastolic blood pressure (<60 mm Hg) and a normal or even high systolic blood pressure (≥100 mm Hg) with cardiovascular outcomes (Isolated diastolic hypotension and incident hea... [Hypertension. 2011]).Current research suggests that too high or too low systolic blood pressure and too high or too low diastolic blood pressure can cause various cardiovascular issues, much of this is dependent on a patient's age and underlying medical comorbidities. Therefore, unfortunately, it is not an easy question to answer. Each situation needs to be thoughtfully addressed on an individual basis between a patient and their physician.

My blood pressure is 108/80.... what does this mean?

This means you have a very good, healthy blood pressure. Don't worry about it unless the numbers go up higher, like 140/90. That is considered an elevation and reason to medicate.

P.S. Some one has it backwards on an earlier answer. The top number is systolic, that is the pressure in your veins when the heart is pumping. Diastolic is the bottom number, that is the pressure between heartbeats when the heart is at rest.

If I have a blood pressure of 135/56, what does that mean?

You are correct that 135 is prehypertensive...but is usually nothing to worry about. That is your systolic blood pressure..or the pressure the heart gives when beating. This could be high if you were nervous, just got done excercising...even a little walking could do this, or were feeling a bit stressed. However, you diastolic pressure (heart's resting pressure) is 4 pts. below normal. Your blood pressure overall could mean there might be a murmur (backflow of blood in the ventricles)...or just how you were feeling that day. If this continues I advise you to speak with your physician to try to find the cause.

Best wishes.

What does it mean blood pressure 76/46? pulse 66?

The 76 is the systolic pressure, 46 is the diastolic pressure.

An Ideal difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressures might be 110/60. The difference of 30 you mentioned in your question sounds dangerously close to being diagnostic of SHOCK. Someone who has "fainted" might have these blood pressures. If this persists or if the pulse speeds up a lot, say to 110 beats per minute its more serious than "fainting" and the ambulance should be called.

The cause of this blood pressure and pulse rate could be a result of stimulation of the vagus nerve which slows heart rate and can reduce the "pulse pressure," i.e. the difference between the Systolic and Diastolic blood pressures. "Fainting" is a lay person's term for what caregivers usually refer to as a vaso-vagal reflex. If there is hypovolemic shock due to bleeding or transfer of fluids from the blood to the gut or peritoneal cavity, the heart rate will speed up and become weak.