What Does My Dream Mean Spiritually

Spiritually speaking what does my dream mean ?

Good dream but inconclusive. i answer now. Your dream signifies that your god will always be there even after moments you may have forgotten him. The gods protects you. i think your forefathers done more virtues and it reflects through the dream. it is good only.

Many may opine that what you have saw in the dream has been embedded into your subconscience, I believe what this dream is telling you is that God wants a relationship with you and for you to have a relationship with Him. A devotee vs god relationship.

Interestingly, dreams about God always convey valuable insights and are a promise of help. Dreams are important road signs for your journey through life, promising harmony and abundance. God is the source of all there is and a symbol of the desire to live in harmony will all creatures. Yours is one for peace harmony and pleasure, also for more wisdom.

you say temple. There is always connection and relationship greek and indian gods. If you choose a psychological interpretation of the dream, you found a more ancient and wise aspect of yourself, something within you that is able to be lifted up above the ordinary level of reality and encounter that which is Divine and eternal

Forget everything and keep yourself. Interpretations differ from person to person. some may say they know, and other may say something scare. Another one, the dream is a free movie. you need not go to a theatre, no petrol expenditure, no seating side effects and no head-aches. Enjoy dreams.

Finally, This whole dream speaks in very deep mythological symbols of initiation, of the ritual of coming of age and discovering new things about yourself. This dream is an invitation to a rich adventure, a rich hero journey, of your life and your spirit. Congratulations!

hope this will help you and thanks for the opportunity !!!

Spiritually speaking, why are dreams so weird?

You have areas in your brain which automatically organise your thoughts. If you look out of an upstairs window at a busy High street you will see hundreds of things happening. Suddenly there is a shout and someone falls., Your eye immediately attends to that scene and tries to make sense of it. Was she shot? Did she trip? Was she mugged? Meanwhile your eyes are still actually seeing the hundreds of other little things happening but your brain has not made you aware of them.

When you sleep the organising bit of your brain switches off, so thoughts flick randomly in and out of your perception without you making sense of them or rationalising them. Hence they seem totally weird. So if you dream about the incident in the High Street you will see the person fall over, then a man on a bicycle will go into the fish shop where the person who fell over is now lying on the floor being attended to by a dog that was tied up outside the library. Do you follow what I mean?

(((Erin))). You have got me on my postgrad research topic now!

Is there anyone who can give the meaning of spiritual dreams?

You are probably not going to like my opinion on this.NEVER EVER trust anyone … or any book … or any “religion” or “cult professors” to tell you what your life … what your feelings … or what your dreams or visions MEAN. NEVER !For when you do … you have just handed over the greatest gift to someone else and have totally sacrificed the very intended purpose for which YOU chose to come here to experience and learn.

Spiritual dream meaning of a crow?

Last night I dreamt that my grandfather and I were feeding a crow. I don't remember what the food was, possibly green grapes. And when I woke up this morning, I heard a crow cawing outside. Also Iv'e been seeing black feathers around the house. What does this mean spiritually?

Christians: what does my dream mean?

honey, you have got to understand that dreams are spiritual. they are one way God talks to us. many dreams can often even be prophetic. ezekiel saw the end of the world in a dream. this is in the bible. so we have literal proof that dreams mean something if you are a true christian believer. i have many dreams given to me by God and i went out and bought a christian prophetic dream book. God speaks to us in symbols. from the dream you described, it sounds like your b/f is tied to a demonic nature. needles and black lipstick are symbols of evil. milk is a source of nourishment from God, but rotten milk would mean the opposite. even if he is the nicest guy in the world there may be some things about him that you dont know. i suggest praying, going to a pastor or apostle for Godly counsel. no man is worth losing your salvation for babygirl. i dont care how nice, good lookin, or sweet he is. seek God for the answer.

I always dream of jumping high, what does it mean?

Jumping high means attainment.....high goals of spirituality. Your soul, inner self, is letting you know that you have abilities to become more than you are experiencing may have a lot to offer, to give, and getting higher in dreams means spiritual awareness is growing.

What does it mean if you dream about a white tiger?

Spiritual awaking. You need to be intoch with your spiritual side. Because you are going to meet a lucky spiritual enime and the only way to avoid the fight is to be spiritual yourself.

What is the spiritual meaning of white clothed people in my dream?

Why is the sky blue?What is the meaning of frogs?How come birds come out of eggs?These and other questions are unanswerable and provide great chewing gum for the mind to keep “you” occupied and diverted from Truth.Forget all Why questions - they can never be answered.Instead consider WHO is asking these questions, who is the “I” who is searching for a meaning to things?

What does dreaming of ghosts mean?

It depends on who the ghost was and what the nature of the interaction was. If it was a family member and they were kind, they might have just been saying hello, and helping you with something through their presence. You might have had something subconsciously affirmed by their visit.Any other situation I would be leery of. If it was a family member asking you to do something for them, I would be hesitant as you might not know the implications of your action on their behalf.If the ghost was anyone other than a family member, or if it was an act of seduction or violence towards you then this is not a wanted visitation and it should be disregarded as an act of disrespect towards you. When it arises in thought or dream again it should be dismissed as its only something attempting to hassle you and it has no affect.Like a buzzing fly there are things that come and go in different forms, none of them should ever really be given much weight, even the positive ones.If you would like to understand more about the spiritual level of matter and life, there is a practice called Falun Dafa that will help condition you in this direction of spiritual understandings. There are many teachings that go along with the practice that also incorporates some meditation and some exercises for purifying the body at deeper, more spiritual levels. The books of this practice discuss these matters in great detail, you can find them free online at Falun Dafa | Falun Gong | 法轮大法 | 法轮功, begin by reading the book titled “Falun Gong.”

What does it mean when you dream with roaches?

In my experience, roaches are a symptom of demonic activity, and demons are attracted to unrighteousness and sin. But still, spiritually enlightned and powerfuly annointed people are usually harassed by these horrible creatures. Believe you me I have encountered numerous roaches in my house at the least expected places. Roaches are attracted to dirt and unclean places, but it is so weird to find them in the most tidy places. The dark world use anything to achieve their evil missions, especially against the spiritually powerful beings so as to make their lives as uncomfortable as possible. Ive come to realise that roaches are the most used by these dark world entities. If one dreams of roaches, (depending on what was happening in a dream) it may be a warning to look out for demonic manefestation in your life. It is also advisable to clean up ones' life from unrighteousness and sin, demons are likely to consider anyone living an unclean life as their friend, and breed and multiply and bring you all kinds of hell. In my personal experiences during my spiritual journey, I have found out that the dark world can cast a spell to a particular person using roaches. What happens is that they do whatever chants and incantations towards the house of the victim, thereby filling the house with roaches. It sounds too weird to be true but I have come across such incidences, where these pests suddenly manifests from nowhere and fill victims' houses. No amount of pesticdes or fumigation can completely destroy these creatures, until a strong and spiritually annointed person uses the power of God to destroy them through prayer or any other spiritual methods: sprinkling of holy water, holy oil etc. The dark world knows everything about our personal lives, including what kind of Spiritual gifts from God certain people have. Those with powerful spiritual gifts become a serious targets for the dark world. Their lives are filled with nightmares, unhapiness, tortures, ill-luck etc. to disturb them from achieving their God given talents. On the other hand God will assists and guide such people through warning dreams and visions.