What Does My Dream Mean To Dream Sometimes A Old Good Friend Who Moved Somewhere Else

What does it mean when you dream about a person who isn't in your life anymore?

Most of the time, our dreams are a way of working out life situations. Sometimes our dreams are about replaying things that have happened to us in the past or possibly in present every day life. Other dreams that we may have are ways for us to revisit unfinished business. Often times we cast people in our dreams with characteristics of ourselves. For example, let’s say you dream about your first grade teacher. Analyzing the dream may indicate that there are lessons you need to re-learn. It could also mean something like there are things you need to “teach“ yourself or someone else.Sometimes also, if you dream about an ex -lover, maybe there is unfinished business that you need to resolve before you can move on. You have to look at what that person meant to you or what characteristics of that person are present in someone that you’re dealing with today. Dreams are like puzzles. Often times the people and the things you dream about are symbolic. Our subconscious brains are smart enough to know that they can’t confront you directly with something that’s going wrong in your life because it would be too much to handle. So dreams give it to you in bits and parts so that you have to think and figure it out for yourself. It’s like going to a psychiatrist but you don’t have to pay money. Your dreams throw things up that you may find totally confusing at first but when you analyze it, it starts to make sense. If you write your dream down and then re-read it later on that day, it also might make more sense to you. That’s why it’s good to keep a dream journal… if you can.One thing to do is to look at theme of the dream. If it’s a very important issue in your life that needs to be resolved, then you will dream the same kind of dream over again until you make the correction. That’s what recurring dreams are telling you. But if you just dream of someone one time, then maybe you are simply re-playing a memory or a wish that can only be actualized in a dream because that person is not in your current life anymore. Just some possible lots to think about

What does it mean when you often dream of an ex boyfriend who has passed away? In the dreams he is alive.

See if you can communicate with him in your dream. Before you go to bed tell yourself you will ask him what he wants. OR maybe you feel you need to tell him something you always wanted to but never had a chance. Think of what that might be before you go to bed and make it an intention that you want to tell him. You can also just sit there awake, call his name and just say what you want to say.Of course the context of your dream is important too. Is it a calming dream? Do you enjoy seeing him? Does it feel good? Does it make you feel bad? Is it like a nightmare? All of these are important and indicate what the dream could mean.If none of the above apply then it is not an attempt at communication by you or your ex and it’s something else - you got some other answers that might be options.

Dream Meaning about an OLD friend and Crush?

I know alot of people probably ask about dream meanings but this has really gotten me confused.

When I was 7 I was friends with 3 boys from our church I went to with my grandpa, of one of those boys he had a friend about a year older then me, I seen him, been around him, we've probably never have said more then just a few words to eachother.

Fast forward 7 years, I saw him at the church camp that summer, I cant recall why now but we talked to eachother for a few moments, I dont think he remembered me, I took a serious liking to him and tried becoming friends with him, well after our momentary conversation he decided I didnt exist, I had a crush on him for 1 1/2 years or lil longer. I quit going to that church (family reasons) and got over him (he didnt know I existed anyway)

I am in a lil more then a 2 year relationship with another guy, Never thought about the other guy again. Now all of a sudden for the last few months i've had countless dreams about him again, mainly ones where we meet and end up becoming close friends, one where we ended up together, and even one where him and my bf got into it, its really annoying because me and my bf are in a long distance relationship now and (even though I dont want to) made me question if our relationship is right. Yeah I dont know what im asking exactly, When I have the dreams I do feel like I have small feelings left for the other guy

Any idea what all this means?

Dream About an Old Crush? What Does This Mean?!?

Okay, so I had a weird dream last night. Here's how it went:

So I was at school on my way to lunch. I have B lunch and the guy I used to like had C lunch. We were really good friends, then he moved to South Korea and deleted me off of Facebook. I don't really know why though. Anyways, so on my way to lunch and I see him (his name is Ian) and he is hugging this fat girl (not to be mean). I was surprised to see him during my lunch period, so just to be nice I said, "IAN!" and then he turned around and looked at me. He gave me a hug, and it was a really long hug. I held him, and he held me. I squeezed him tighter, and he squeezed me tighter. We just kept on getting closer and the hug kept on getting tighter. I was telling him that I really miss him nowadays and that he needs to add me back on Facebook (lol). And then I walked away, as he was looking at me, and I woke up.

I used to have a MAJOR crush on him. I would always think about him, non-stop. Then, he moved away to Korea. After he moved, I decided to move on too. I never really told him I liked him, but I did tell him that I would miss him after he left and he said he would miss me too. Now, I sometimes think about him, but I have a new crush now. So, I'm not really thinking about him as much. I wish I would stop thinking about him, but I just can't. I thought I was over him, but then the dream last night happened? I don't really know what it means. We don't talk to each other EVER. After he moved, things just changed. Now, I think I'm over him, but after that dream I just got all confused. I don't think I like him anymore. I like a different guy.

Please help me and tell me what this dream means!

I had a dream that I reconciled with an old friend. ?

maybe it has to do with forgiveness. Sometimes people from the past show up in dreams because of an issue that's still there. Forgiveness doesn't make what they did okay; it just says that you are no longer holding on to it so you can move forward.
maybe being reconciled with the past?
God bless.

What do dreams about fighting with your friend mean?

There are two answers to this question. The first depends on whether you have a friend in real life with whom you are fighting - if that is the case, then the dream is presenting scenarios around that, and I would suggest you look at the action in the dream for pointers on how to deal with it in waking life. Are your actions in the dream reasonable? Are you over-reacting? Is there something about the friend’s behavior that would serve you to know in your dealings with them in waking life?If, of course, the dream situation isn’t being mirrored in your waking life, then I suggest a different approach. Most often in dreams like this, the character of your friend is being used to illustrate certain characteristics of your own self. If the dream friend is someone you know, then think for a minute about what characteristics you most associate with them. When you have them in mind, then apply them to yourself. What conflict is there in your own nature with these characteristics? You can do the same if you do not know the dream friend, by looking at their actions, and the emotions they are portraying in the dream.As an example, my brother called me up once, out of the blue, and told me he’d dreamed of me the night before. Since it wasn't unusual between us to go long periods of time between contact, as we lived very different lives in opposite ends of the country, I asked him to tell me about his dream. I knew in moments that his dream wasn't about me at all, but was a message from his unconscious to himself. In my family I've always had the reputation as the artistic, creative, and unconventional one. These are the things my brother associates with me, so when he dreamed of me, and woke feeling the desire to get in touch with me, his dream was telling him not that I needed to hear from him, but that he had a soul-desire to get in touch with those very same aspects of himself.Your dream may well be telling you that you’re in conflict with yourself over some aspects of yourself that, depending on the action and emotion in the dream, you may not be expressing when you should be, or you may be expressing when it is not in your best interest to do so.Good luck figuring it out!