What Does My Guardian Angel Do All The Time

Does your guardian angel like you?

They love us and desire to assist us however we need to ask for their help, they require our consent. What ever you need they are always there for you.A guardian angel is an angel that is assigned to protect and guide a particular person, group, kingdom, or country. Belief in guardian angels can be traced throughout all antiquity. Sometimes they'll get in contact with you but most of the time they guide as an unseen hand.If you want some help discovering your guardian angel (or angels - you might have more than one) try this: Discover YOUR Guardian Angel

Does my guardian angel watch me?

He watches over you all the time 24/7. All who are in the spirit realm can see us but we can not see the spirit realm.

Your guardian angel is not there to judge but rather to protect you, hes been with you since birth and he will be with you til death...

Is this my Guardian Angel?

Here is my story:

It first started when I was about 7 or 8. I got out of bed probably around 2 or 3 in the morning to go to the bathroom. On my way back to my room, I turned the corner, and standing by my open door was a little girl. She looked a little bit older than I was at the time, maybe 10 or 11 if I had to guess. She had long brown hair and a petite figure. Her face was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was literally pitch black in the house, but she was very visible and clear to me. I remember that time seemed to slow down, and I didn't feel one ounce of fear. She smiled at me, I blinked, and she was gone by the time my eyes refocused. I got back into bed and fell asleep and in the morning, I just shrugged it off as a dream.
I only realized it wasn't a dream when it happened again to me a couple days later. Again, it was early morning. I was in bed sitting up holding a flashlight and reading a book. I suddenly felt like someone else was in the room with me. I looked up and the same girl was there. And yet AGAIN time slowed and I didn't feel any fear. She smiled and took a step towards me. I remember reaching out my hand to her but as soon as my fingers got close enough to touch her, she was gone.
Back then, she would appear at random. I would look up and she would be there. Sometimes it would last for a couple seconds and sometimes, if I was lucky, a couple minutes.
But once I turned 12, I noticed that she would only show herself to me when I really needed her. Those times are ranged from almost being in car accidents to holding me when my loved ones pass away and even making bad life decisions. She has become a part of me and I honestly don't know what I would do without her. I have no doubt that she is my Guardian Angel.
I am now 19 years old and wondering if this has happened to anyone else? I don't know what to think about it anymore. Has my mind been playing tricks on me for my whole life?

Does everyone have a guardian angel?

I'm sixteen and I don't go to church or anything so idk and I would ask my grandma but I know she would say yes because she wouldn't want to disappoint me. I would like to think we do. It a nice thought. If we do, is it only to good christian church going people? What about trouble makers? I'm not exactly a trouble maker but I sometimes don't make the best decisions. Like I got high once would that make my guardian angel go away? And I listen to heavy metal too. Would that make it go away? Am i too bad for a guardian angel? And I don't go to church. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question... Thanks

How do I get rid of my guardian angel?

Actually you don’t. Guardian Angels (GA’s) are “whole souls,” but very “old” in 3D terms, and volunteered to watch over us in all of our lives. Most people have on average 600 to 800 lives on Earth, and each one of those lives has 12 parallel lives on different frequencies taking place at the same time for our own soul’s learning and knowledge and comparison. These GA’s are “golden light beings” emanating a golden light due to their age and prefer the term “Servants of the Creator.”These GA’s don’t just take care of us, but thousands of people all at the same time, not to mention all of us in all of our lives all going on at the same time, as we are in a special “space-time continuum” set up by our souls as part of the “Earth Experiment.”Many times the challenges in our lives are so great that we don’t think our GA’s are taking care of us and tell them “you’re fired!” My GA Theo said that when that happens they just take on a different persona, and when we transition we all have a big laugh about that. Theo tells me to tell everyone that your GA’s love you dearly and wish to assist you, but you have to ask! Our souls have told them not to interfere, unless we are in danger and our soul contract calls for us to continue to live, or if we ask.The best way to ask is to say OUT LOUD, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…, thank you!” I suggest with starting with simple requests like your drive to and from work, or a seat on the subway or train, or for a parking spot close to a busy restaurant or other business. You get immediate feedback that this actually works! Then as you grow more confident, you can add in important requests for such things as the perfect job, the perfect home, or the perfect mate for you. As long as you are not asking for something that is not on your soul contract (such as winning the lottery), then you will get your wish. Even then, since we don’t know our soul contracts, you could ask for some smaller amount. I did have one lady that wrote to me and said she won a million dollars in the Canadian lottery, but it was to save a family house they would have lost.For hundreds of MBO suggestions, go to my blog and read story after story that has been sent to me from people having success with these requests from all over the world. Here is the link:

Do guardian angels exist?

I had an experience though it wasn't necessarily with angels. Not long after I became Christian when I was in my early twenties and didn't have much money, I had to cross town to visit my mum. In order to get there, I took a bus to the central bus station and walked crossed the town centre to catch a bus to her house. During my 15 minute walk through the town centre, I saw a person shaking a charity box. I knew I only had a small amount of money to last for the remainder of the week. I had approximately £1.42 in loose change. Looking at the charity box, I silently prayed, “Lord, if You want me to put the money into a charity box, send another one in front of me”. I carried on walking. Sure enough, I met another person shaking a box from the same charity! I silently prayed, “Lord, if You want me to give the money to the charity, send another one!” I carried on walking; saw another person with the charity box and, of course, prayed the same prayer! I nearly got to the other side of the town centre, and saw my bus stop ahead. Feeling guilty, I prayed, “Lord, if You really want me to give the money away, send another charity collector!” Just before I reached the bus stop, I encountered the last person, shaking the same box. I took out all the money I had, £1.42 approx and put it in the box. It was painful! I got on the bus (I had a bus pass, so no money required for that part!). Now this is the unusual part of the story. I got off the bus and walked to my mum's house. Only yards away from her house, I noticed something glistening under a tree. It was loose change. I don't like picking up money but there were quite a few coins, lying there. I picked up all the coins and counted them. £1.42, precisely the same amount I had placed into the charity box! I can't see any explanation for that except for the Hand of God to involved! When I thought about it afterwards, it's not uncommon for people to find money on the ground. It happens. But it's rarely loose change. A person may drop a banknote or a coin, but not usually a handful of coins! The exact amount too! I get goosebumps just thinking about it!

Do you have a guardian angel over your shoulder?

More than one.There is an Angel assigned from the Realm of Peace, which works to try to keep us harmonious and patient, and our feelings still, and peaceful. This is the best state to be in, for the power that gives life to your body is endowed with all the power it needs to express beauty, give you clarity of thought and accurate memory, all the health and vitality you’d need. Most aging effects we see in our bodies would never form if the life essence came through us cleanly, purely. But we requalify that energy discordantly, and do not remain still, at which point it starts to create aging, ill health, and other limitations, problems, and such.There is an Angel of Protection assigned to you as well. These Angels work specifically to guard you and protect you from potential trouble in the form of enemies or dangers, physical or spiritual.There are Angels of Comfort, which perform the obvious service of providing comfort, obviously at times of distress, grief or the like.There are Angels that Heal, direct us in performing various tasks, such as beautiful, pure art, music, Angels that give us Courage or Strength or Faith. Angels that help to clean our energy fields, dissolve causes set up before they can return to cause the aging, ill health, and other situations referred to earlier. Angels that help us to give and receive Love.There is also a very powerful Angel assigned to us, that has been there since we were created, before we even came to have the souls, and first embodied on Earth.Guardian “Angels” is more like it. Though not all are with us, next to us, over our shoulder CONSTANTLY, because the kind of environment we create can make it easier and more pleasant for Them to be around you, all these various Angels are assigned to us and work with us far, far more than most of humanity is even aware.Hey, the first Angel I mentioned, an Angel of Peace is actually assigned and directly with you all the time, and most people don’t even give it a thought. They sure do love us!