What Does My Hostage Scenario Dream Mean

What does it mean to have dreams of escaping from being killed?

The meaning of the dream is in the complete dream. Whenever posting a dream it's always important to give the complete dream including your gender and the genders of other dream figures giving as much detail as possible.Without this information any answers you get will be incomplete including mine.Given you didn't give the complete dream I can only give a broad general answer.To be killed in a dream is not about an actual killing. It's about an important transformation of the dreamer. In addition to be killed in a dream speaks to a dramatic transformation of the dreamer into a much more aware and mature individual with more consciousness.Given you are escaping this experience you are also avoiding maturing in life, avoiding your more mature and more conscious self.It's in your best interest to reflect on this, and give thought to moving forward into life.Best wishes.

Hostage dream meaning?

I had a dream that I was being held hostage by this man. I was locked in this house and then he left me there so I called my fiance and said hurry. My fiance came and broke down the windows and got me out. We drove off really fast to my house. My mom was having a party so we told them what had happened and that the guy was after me, so my mom said lets go to her work which was 2 hours away. So we packed the 30 people into a bunch of cars and drove to my moms work. Then I woke up.

What could that mean?

What does it mean to dream someone close to you is being shot at?

Do you mean close to you as they’re standing next to you? Or do you mean someone you know well?Either way, someone else is being shot at. There may be more possible interpretations than what I list, but, for now, I’ll do what I can.Usually, shooting at others symbolizes accusations and gossip, or something negative being aimed at someone. It could also be some type of threat of injury, not necessarily physical, it could be financial. Or, simply fear. On the other end, it could have something to do with aiming for a goal.First, let’s look at the person who’s being shot at. Usually when we dream of other people, they symbolize something in ourselves or our lives. What is the one thing about this person that stands out to you the most? Why would your subconscious choose this person instead of the many other people you know? What this person means to you or represents to you points to what this dream is about.Also, since other people usually represent a part of ourselves or our lives, then these shots are actually being aimed at you—a part of you, or a part of your life. That’s if you have a close relationship with this person. Of course, these things could be aimed at this actual person, but usually it’s you.If the shots are going toward someone standing near you, then you’re probably witnessing a lot of gossip or accusing going on around you. If you don’t know this person, look at what they’re wearing, or what you “know” about them in the dream to find where or at what these shots are being fired. Is it at work? Home? Something you’re seeing on the news?Or, there’s some goal you’re “shooting” for, and the other person represents your goal. If this is it, then you feel you’re missing the goal, but you keep going for it.If you’re having trouble figuring out which meaning is true for your dream, then think about how you were feeling about everything going on in the dream. That will be exactly how you feel about the waking life situation this dream is about. Were you afraid? Or, it’s possible you were excited—if it’s a goal, or if you’re enjoying the gossip. A lot of times our emotions in dreams don’t match with what’s going on, they’re not logical. But, when you can match them up to something in the way you’ve been thinking or with something going on in your life, then it makes total sense. You’ll know when you have the right answer.I hope I was helpful. Take good care!

What does it mean if I’ve had a panic attack in a dream? It’s not a night terror, I just dreamed of having a panic attack. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t have an anxiety disorder, so what could it mean?

You don't have to have an anxiety disorders to be afraid of things. An anxiety attack in your dream could signify that you feel a large amount of fear to a certain stimulus. What else was happening in the dream? I think more details will go a long way.However according to a dream workshop a friend of mine went on, dream interpretation, dictionaries etc. Are not very helpful at all. Even a psychiatrist who has been in session with you for months is not going to give you a perfect answer. Apparently it's all about looking within, and working out for yourself what it means. Apparently when you get it it will be as an 'aha!' moment.Focus on it, meditate on it. Ask your higher self/subconscious for information on it. Write down everything you can think of, even if it's just a colour.Good luck :)Edit: was just reading other answers. Brush it off was a recurring theme. From my own experience, there are some dreams that don't matter and can be brushed away, just random gibberish. However other dreams do have very great meaning, and some are in the middle. If it peaked your interest enough to ask it here, maybe it means more to you than not. Ofc this is for you to decide, but don't be so quick to ignore your dreams, they have significance

What does it mean when you dream about someone you don't know, but you feel that they are real?

Could either be someone you met years ago but you dont remember yourself. You could of been very young and although you dont reconize them, the brain is clver and will store that information. Could be someone you hope to meet in the future. Or it could be very random. Sometimes are dreams are very random and not seem to have a proper meaning. The most logical answer I think would be maybe you do know this person as in you met them once but you were young or perhaps you just saw them on the street once and your brain has reminded you of this. Im pretty sure I heard that everyone in our dreams is someone we have seen once in our lives,even if its just possibly someone by on the street, we may just pass them by and not think anymore of them again but our brains will store and keep that information and then it comes out in our dreams. Alternativly it could mean you feel lost in life and are looking for someone familiar to guide to guide you. Have you recently lost someone? In any sort of way, a falling out with a friend or lost a family member to death? It could be you looking for someone familiar as you feel alone. Sometimes it is hard for anyone to tell what our dreams mean. Hope this helped a bit.

I keep having dreams about getting shot, what does it mean?

Ah don't worry. You're just gonna die by gun shot :) Not necessarily soon, but at some point.

What does it mean to dream of canceling a wedding?

I dreamt I woke up on my wedding day and I knew instantly that I could not go through with it. I canceled the wedding and felt happy and relieved.

What does this mean? I am not engaged and I am not dating anyone seriously.

What is American dream?

Immigrants to America, especially during the industrial era, came from countries where regardless of their work and effort, they were still starving and poor. The idea of the American Dream is that you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. That in America, anyone can own property, start a business, educate their children, etc. If you work hard and want it bad enough, you can rise higher and higher. Whether that means having all the things you mentioned, or just having a decent home and taking a vacation once in a while without having to file bankruptcy in the process.

Dreams and Visions Concerning America?

Well Peter D said most of what I was going to say and more. I will only add that these so called predictions have been made since I have been alive Back in the 1960's self declared prophets predicted stock market collapse, civil unrest yadda, yadda, yadda.

If you get back issues of the watch tower magazine from the 1960's 1970's and 1980's you see the exact same predictions in fact the way it wa sworded I think he may have borrowed this from the JW's. Garner Ted Armstrong before he died said the exact same things but 20 years a before your guy actually about 30 years and his dad before him did same before that.

Peter D is right this is not a question and should have been in R&S not here. I was born in 1952 and lived through the cold war and we had bomb drills in school and went to churches who claimed to be prophetic churches so I have heard it all way before you were born.